Machine Monitoring System Document


  • Machine Monitoring System Document
    • Overview
    • Specifications
    • Control Charts Dashboard


What is this machine energy application about?

'machine monitoring application` is a dashboard for monitoring read-time process for seven machines in the real time, and total time.

What does this app shows

It will get the input about the user defined thresholds related to the data domain

For the seven critical machines, the application will generate the associated real time data in the performance measurement manner in evaluating the associated energy and cost for that.

The pie chart on the right will show the real time data for the total evaluation for the data proportion for the energy usage

At the bottom of the page, there will be the total data preformance in this system.

In other page, there is also statis data in the domain for the domain, which is designed for the pie, line, and table data.


Control Charts Dashboard

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