众所周知 若(n,x)= 1,则 (n,n-x)=1;

所以只需求出n的欧拉函数值,则1~n-1中与n互素的和为m = Euler(n)* n  / 2;

那么不互素的和为n*(n-1)/ 2  - m;

typedef __int64 LL;
const LL mod = 1000000007;
LL Euler(LL x)
{LL res = x;for(int i = 2;i <= sqrt(x);i++){if(x%i==0){while(x%i==0) x/=i;res = res/i*(i-1)%mod;}}if(x > 1) res = res/x*(x-1)%mod;return res;
int main()
{LL n;while(scanf("%I64d",&n),n){LL m = Euler(n);printf("%I64d\n",(((n*(n-1)/2)%mod - m*n/2%mod)+mod)%mod);}

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