Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm

Pku 2186,2553,1236,2762,都是可以用强连通分量算法来解决的。Kosaraju的算法在大部分情况下还是够用的,至少对于这四个题时间都还行。但是既然有更好的算法,那也学习一下吧。

The algorithm takes a directed graph as input, and produces a partition of the graph's vertices into the graph's strongly connected components. Every vertex of the graph appears in a single strongly connected component, even if it means a vertex appears in a strongly connected component by itself (as is the case with tree-like parts of the graph, as well as any vertex with no successor or no predecessor).


The basic idea of the algorithm is this: a depth-first search begins from an arbitrary start node (and subsequent depth-first searches are conducted on any nodes that have not yet been found). The search does not explore any node that has already been explored. The strongly connected components form the subtrees of the search tree, the roots of which are the roots of the strongly connected components.


The nodes are placed on a stack in the order in which they are visited. When the search returns from a subtree, the nodes are taken from the stack and it is determined whether each node is the root of a strongly connected component. If a node is the root of a strongly connected component, then it and all of the nodes taken off before it form that strongly connected component.


The crux of the algorithm comes in determining whether a node is the root of a strongly connected component. The concept of the "root" applies only to this algorithm (outside of the algorithm, a strongly connected component has no single "root" node). The root node is simply the first node of the strongly connected component which is encountered during the depth-first traversal. When a node is identified as the root node, once recursion on its successors has finished, all nodes on the stack from the root upwards form a complete strongly connected component.


To find the root, each node is given a depth search index v.index, which numbers the nodes consecutively in the order in which they are discovered. In addition, each node is assigned a value v.lowlink that is equal to the index of some node reachable from v, and always less than v.index, or equal to v.index if no other node is reachable from v. Therefore v is the root of a strongly connected component if and only if v.lowlink == v.index. The value v.lowlink is computed during the depth first search such that it is always known when needed.

为了找到这个根,每个结点都赋一个搜索序列号v.index, 这个号是搜索的先后顺序。另外,每个结点都赋一个值v.lowlink. 这个值等于从v能够到达的结点的序列号的最小值。总是小于v.index,或者等于v.index. 只有当v.lowlink==v.index的时候,才是强连通分量的根结点。V.lowlink的值是实时更新的。

algorithm tarjan isinput: graph G = (V, E)output: set of strongly connected components (sets of vertices)index := 0S := emptyfor each v in V doif (v.index is undefined)strongconnect(v)end ifrepeatfunction strongconnect(v)// Set the depth index for v to the smallest unused indexv.index := indexv.lowlink := indexindex := index + 1S.push(v)// Consider successors of vfor each (v, w) in E doif (w.index is undefined) then// Successor w has not yet been visited; recurse on itstrongconnect(w)v.lowlink := min(v.lowlink, w.lowlink)else if (w is in S) then// Successor w is in stack S and hence in the current SCCv.lowlink := min(v.lowlink, w.index)end ifrepeat// If v is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCCif (v.lowlink = v.index) thenstart a new strongly connected componentrepeatw := S.pop()add w to current strongly connected componentuntil (w = v)output the current strongly connected componentend ifend function

关于算法正确性的解析:正如文中所说,判断每个结点是否为根节点。也许看完之后还是有些疑惑。为什么会这样? 假如v是一个强连通分量的一个点,深搜的时候第一个访问到它。从v能够访问的所有的点,都会有lowlink连接到v。那么就说明了这些点就是一个强连通分量。




返回3,3可继续搜,到4了,4链到1,则low[4] = 1. 然后low[3]和low[1]都变成了1。然后返回到1,1可继续搜,搜到2,2链接到之前的点,则low[2] = DFN[4]. 在返回到1,则此时形成一个scc( 1 3 4 2).



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