python 字符串 变量

Sometimes we want to check if the variable or input argument is String and then only perform further actions. We can use isinstance() function to verify that a variable is string or not.

有时我们想检查变量或输入参数是否为String,然后仅执行进一步的操作。 我们可以使用isinstance()函数来验证变量是否为字符串。

Python变量是字符串 (Python Variable is String)

Let’s look at a simple example to check if a variable is a string or not.


i = 5  # not strprint(isinstance(i, str))s = 'abc'  # stringprint(isinstance(s, str))




Python函数输入为字符串 (Python Function Input is String)

If you look at above example, we are creating the variable so we already know its type. However, if we have to define a function to process input string then it’s a good idea to check if the input supplied is a string or not.

如果您看上面的示例,我们正在创建变量,因此我们已经知道它的类型。 但是,如果我们必须定义一个函数来处理输入字符串,那么最好检查提供的输入是否为字符串。

Let’s say we have a function defined as:


def process_string(input_str):print('Processing', input_str)

If we have following code snippet to execute this function:



The output will be:


Processing abc
Processing 100

Since we don’t have validation in place for the input argument, our function is processing non-string arguments too.


If we want our function to run its logic for string argument only, then we can add a validation check using isinstance() function.


def process_string(input_str):if (isinstance(input_str, str)):print('Processing', input_str)else:print('Input Must be String')

Now when we call this function as:



The output will be:


Processing abc
Input Must be String

We can use isinstance() function to check the type of any variable or function arguments.


GitHub Repository.GitHub存储库中检出完整的python脚本和更多Python示例。

Reference: isinstance() api doc

参考: isinstance()API文档


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