
在下载datasheet的时候在TI网址上看到Ultra Librarian,颇为震惊(我是新手),现使用如下:


打开Ultra Librarian程序,如下图所示。


首先,在主程序窗口的Step 1栏,选择Load Data。导入所需的BXL文件。

其次,在Step 2 中,选择画PCB的EDA软件。我用的是Altium Designer 09。因此勾选"Altium Designer"。

最后 ,选择Step 3,导出数据即可。数据导出成功之后,会自动弹出一个日志文件Log.txt,告知进一步的操作。

所有有用的数据会在Ultra Librarian的安装文件夹下的\Library\Exported\Altium\中存在。


打开Altium Designer软件,在程序的左上角的File栏选择Open Project,按照文件夹路径找到UL_Import.PrjScr,打开它。结果如下:



选中“UL_Import.pas”,然后点击OK      //原作者这里错了,应该选择“UL_Form.pas”

此处参考自Ultra Librarian生成的txt文档:

1. After running the Ultra Librarian export for the first time,
you will need to copy the following files into an area where
they can be accessed for all future translations.  They are script
files that Altium will need to be able to find.
    a. UL_Form.dfm
    b. UL_Form.pas
    c. UL_Import.pas
    d. UL_Import.prjScr
2. The above script file will need to be run from within Altium.
This can be done by going to File, Open and selecting the
UL_Import.PrjScr file stored above.

3. Select the UL_Form.pas file form the new project that has loaded,
and then select runfrom the drop down menu.  You will need to select
the form again. Run the form.

3. When the script is run, it will ask you for the file name of the
Ultra Librarian file to run.  You should select the latest file
produced with a date code (for instance 2010-02-17_23-12-34.txt).

4. The script will open a new Integraged Library project and import
the Ultra Librarian data into it.  When complete a message box
will pop up saying that import is done.

For additional information, please visit this site:

For a video tutorial, please visit:

弹出如下对话框,点击“File”,在所在的文件夹中,选择一个以日期时间为名称的txt文件,例如2013-04-04_17-01-38.txt。然后点击“Start Import”。



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