kotlin null

In this tutorial, we’ll look into Kotlin Null Safety. NullPointerException is one of the most common type of bugs any programmer witnesses in their projects. Let’s see how Kotlin deals with it.

在本教程中,我们将研究Kotlin Null安全性。 NullPointerException是任何程序员在其项目中见证的最常见的错误类型之一。 让我们看看Kotlin如何处理它。

Kotlin Null安全 (Kotlin Null Safety)

Kotlin compiler by default doesn’t allow any types to have a value of null at compile-time.
For Kotlin, Nullability is a type. At a higher level, a Kotlin type fits in either of the two.

对于Kotlin,可空性是一种类型 。 在较高的级别上,Kotlin类型适合两者之一。

  • Nullability Type可空性类型
  • Non-Nullability Type不可为空类型

可空性作为一种类型 (Nullability as a Type)

We can’t define the following syntax in Kotlin.


var str: String = "JournalDev Kotlin Archives"
str= null //compilation errorvar a : String = null // compilation error.

To set a type as Nullable we need to append a ? to the type as shown below.

要将类型设置为Nullable,我们需要附加一个? 更改为如下所示的类型。

var a : String? = null
var newStr : String? = "Kotlin Null Safety"
newStr = null

Now whenever we access a Nullable Referernce, we need to handle the null cases carefully.
Note: Adding a ? changes the type of a variable from String to String?, Int to Int? and so on.
The most common way is using the if else statements as seen below.

现在,每当我们访问一个Nullable Referernce时,我们都需要谨慎处理null情况。
注意 :添加一个? 将变量的类型从String更改为String ?,将Int更改为Int? 等等。
最常见的方法是使用if else语句,如下所示。

print("The value of a is $a")
print("Sorry a is null")

Now the above approach can lead to plenty of if else nested brackets. Kotlin does provide a simpler way to access nullable references using Safe Calls.

现在,以上方法可以导致大量的嵌套括号。 Kotlin确实提供了一种使用“安全调用”访问可空引用的更简单方法。

安全通话 (Safe Calls)

To call a function or a property over a variable, we typically do the following thing.


var a : String = "Hello"

This WON’T always work with Nullable References.


var a : String? = "Hi"
print(a.length) //prints 2a = null
print(a.length) // compilation error

The dot reference can’t be used when the Nullable reference holds a null value.
Hence, Kotlin provides us with a safe call operator to use over Nullable References as shown below.


a = "Hi"
print(a?.length) //prints 2a = null
print(a?.length) //prints null

The safe call ?. executes the relevant call only when the value is non-null.
Else it prints a null for you.

安全呼叫?. 仅当该值非空时才执行相关的调用。

Safe calls are handy when you need to keep nullability checkers over multiple variables as shown below.


var streetName : String? = address?.locality?.street?.addressLine1

There’s another way to call properties on a nullable reference.


!! 操作员 (!! Operator)

Contrary to the safe calls, the !!, also known as the not-null assertion, converts the nullable reference into its non-nullable type irrespective of whether it’s a null or not. This should be used only when you’re certain that the value is NOT NULL. Else it’ll lead to an NPE exception.

与安全调用相反,!!也称为非空断言,它将可空引用转换为其不可空类型,而不管其是否为空。 仅当您确定该值不为NULL时,才应使用此选项。 否则会导致NPE异常。

a = null
println(a!!.length) // runtime error.a = "Hi"
print(a!!.length) //prints 2

安全铸造 (Safe Casting)

The ? operator can be used for preventing ClassCastException as well(another commonly seen exception).

? 运算符也可以用于防止ClassCastException (另一个常见的异常)。

var b : String ="2"
var x : Int? =  b as? Int
println(x) //prints null

In the above code, we’re safe cast the variable b using



. If the cast isn’t successful, the value is set to null thereby preventing ClassCastException.
Another example:

。 如果转换不成功,则将该值设置为null,从而防止ClassCastException

var array1 : Array<Any?> =  arrayOf("1","2","3")
var i : Int? = array1[0] as? Int
println(i) //prints null
var s : String? = array1[0] as? String
print(s) //prints 1

猫王算子 (Elvis Operator)

Up until now, whenever the safe call operator returns a null value, we don’t perform an action and print null instead. The Elvis operator ?: allows us to set a default value instead of the null as shown below.

到目前为止,只要安全调用运算符返回null值,我们就不会执行任何操作,而是打印null。 Elvis运算符?:允许我们设置默认值而不是null,如下所示。

var newString : String?  = "JournalDev.com"
println(newString?.length) //prints 14
newString = null
println(newString?.length?:"-1") //prints -1

The elvis operator is equivalent to the following:



Another sample:


var streetName : String? = address?.locality?.street?.addressLine1 ?: "Street Name not found"

使用let() (Using let())

Let function executes the lamda function specified only when the reference is non-nullable as shown below.


newString = " Kotlin from Android"
newString?.let { println("The string value is: $it") }
newString = null
newString?.let { println("The string value is: $it") }

The statement inside let is a lamda expression. It’s only run when the value of newString is not null.
it contains the non-null value of newString

let中的语句是一个lamda表达式。 仅在newString的值不为null时运行。

使用Also() (Using also())

also behaves the same way as let except that it’s generally used to log the values. It can’t assign the value of it to another variable.
Here’s an example of let and also changed together.

also的行为方式相同的let ,只不过它通常用来记录的值。 它不能的值赋给it另一个变量。

var c = "Hello"newString = " Kotlin from Android"
newString?.let { c = it }.also { println("Logging the value: $it") }

Note: The statement present inside let can’t be placed in also. Vice-versa can work though.

注意: let内部的语句不能also放置在。 反之亦然。

筛选出空值 (Filtering Out Null Values)

We can filter out Null Values from a collection type using the following function:


var array2: Array<Any?> = arrayOf("1", "2", "3", null)
var newArray = array2.filterNotNull()
println(newArray.size) //prints 3

Java互操作性 (Java Interoperability)

Since Java doesn’t force you to state type as Nullable or Non-Nullable type, Kotlin compiler doesn’t give an error for the following:


var javaObject = MyClass(null)

If you set the Java Annotation @Nullable or @NotNull, the Kotlin compiler would consider them as Nullable or Not Nullable References.
Remember : Nullable references require a ? in Kotlin.

如果您设置Java注释@Nullable或@NotNull,则Kotlin编译器会将其视为Nullable或Not Nullable引用。
记住:可空引用需要一个? 在Kotlin。

项目结构 (Project Structure)

The Kotlin Project below contains various sub-topics we’ve covered in Kotlin till now.


That’s all we’ve got in Kotlin Null Safety. You can download the IntelliJ project that contains the various code snippets we’ve covered in Kotlin so far. Play around with it!

这就是我们在Kotlin Null Safety中所拥有的全部。 您可以下载IntelliJ项目,其中包含我们到目前为止在Kotlin中介绍的各种代码段。 玩吧!

Download Kotlin Example Project下载Kotlin示例项目

References : Official Docs

参考资料: 官方文件

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/17568/kotlin-null-safety-nullable

kotlin null

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