五: uart_add_one_port()操作本文引用地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article/201610/305916.htm



int uart_add_one_port(struct uart_driver *drv, struct uart_port *port)


struct uart_state *state;

int ret = 0;

struct device *tty_dev;


if (port->line >= drv->nr)

return -EINVAL;

state = drv->state + port->line;



if (state->port) {

ret = -EINVAL;

goto out;


state->port = port;

state->pm_state = -1;

port->cons = drv->cons;

port->info = state->info;


* If this port is a console, then the spinlock is already

* initialised.


if (!(uart_console(port) (port->cons->flags CON_ENABLED))) {


lockdep_set_class(port->lock, port_lock_key);


uart_configure_port(drv, state, port);


* Register the port whether it's detected or not. This allows

* setserial to be used to alter this ports parameters.


tty_dev = tty_register_device(drv->tty_driver, port->line, port->dev);

if (likely(!IS_ERR(tty_dev))) {

device_can_wakeup(tty_dev) = 1;

device_set_wakeup_enable(tty_dev, 0);

} else

printk(KERN_ERR Cannot register tty device on line %d\n,



* Ensure UPF_DEAD is not set.


port->flags = ~UPF_DEAD;




return ret;


首先这个函数不能在中断环境中使用。 Uart_port->line就是对uart设备文件序号。它对应的也就是uart_driver->state数组中的uart_port->line项。




在用户空间执行open操作的时候,就会执行uart_ops->open. Uart_ops的定义如下:

static const struct tty_operations uart_ops = {

.open = uart_open,

.close = uart_close,

.write = uart_write,

.put_char = uart_put_char,

.flush_chars = uart_flush_chars,

.write_room = uart_write_room,

.chars_in_buffer= uart_chars_in_buffer,

.flush_buffer = uart_flush_buffer,

.ioctl = uart_ioctl,

.throttle = uart_throttle,

.unthrottle = uart_unthrottle,

.send_xchar = uart_send_xchar,

.set_termios = uart_set_termios,

.stop = uart_stop,

.start = uart_start,

.hangup = uart_hangup,

.break_ctl = uart_break_ctl,

.wait_until_sent= uart_wait_until_sent,


.read_proc = uart_read_proc,


.tiocmget = uart_tiocmget,

.tiocmset = uart_tiocmset,



static int uart_open(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp)


struct uart_driver *drv = (struct uart_driver *)tty->driver->driver_state;

struct uart_state *state;

int retval, line = tty->index;


pr_debug(uart_open(%d) called\n, line);


* tty->driver->num won't change, so we won't fail here with

* tty->driver_data set to something non-NULL (and therefore

* we won't get caught by uart_close())。


retval = -ENODEV;

if (line >= tty->driver->num)

goto fail;


* We take the semaphore inside uart_get to guarantee that we won't

* be re-entered while allocating the info structure, or while we

* request any IRQs that the driver may need. This also has the nice

* side-effect that it delays the action of uart_hangup, so we can

* guarantee that info->tty will always contain something reasonable.


state = uart_get(drv, line);

if (IS_ERR(state)) {

retval = PTR_ERR(state);

goto fail;



* Once we set tty->driver_data here, we are guaranteed that

* uart_close() will decrement the driver module use count.

* Any failures from here onwards should not touch the count.


tty->driver_data = state;

tty->low_latency = (state->port->flags UPF_LOW_LATENCY) ? 1 : 0;


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