• 输入命令 keyword.kwlist
  • 可以查看这个keyword.py的源代码,挺短的但借鉴意义挺强的,也算是学习规范书写python的一个方式
#! /usr/bin/env python3"""Keywords (from "graminit.c")This file is automatically generated; please don't muck it up!To update the symbols in this file, 'cd' to the top directory of
the python source tree after building the interpreter and run:./python Lib/keyword.py
"""__all__ = ["iskeyword", "kwlist"]kwlist = [
#--start keywords--'False','None','True','and','as','assert','break','class','continue','def','del','elif','else','except','finally','for','from','global','if','import','in','is','lambda','nonlocal','not','or','pass','raise','return','try','while','with','yield',
#--end keywords--]iskeyword = frozenset(kwlist).__contains__def main():import sys, reargs = sys.argv[1:]iptfile = args and args[0] or "Python/graminit.c"if len(args) > 1: optfile = args[1]else: optfile = "Lib/keyword.py"# load the output skeleton from the target, taking care to preserve its# newline convention.with open(optfile, newline='') as fp:format = fp.readlines()nl = format[0][len(format[0].strip()):] if format else '\n'# scan the source file for keywordswith open(iptfile) as fp:strprog = re.compile('"([^"]+)"')lines = []for line in fp:if '{1, "' in line:match = strprog.search(line)if match:lines.append("        '" + match.group(1) + "'," + nl)lines.sort()# insert the lines of keywords into the skeletontry:start = format.index("#--start keywords--" + nl) + 1end = format.index("#--end keywords--" + nl)format[start:end] = linesexcept ValueError:sys.stderr.write("target does not contain format markers\n")sys.exit(1)# write the output filewith open(optfile, 'w', newline='') as fp:fp.writelines(format)if __name__ == "__main__":main()

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