参考链接: 用Pandas建立索引并选择数据

In Numpy arrays, we are familiar with the concepts of indexing, slicing, and masking, etc. Similarly, Pandas to supports indexing in their Dataframe. If we are familiar with the indexing in Numpy arrays, the indexing in Pandas will be very easy.

在Numpy数组中,我们熟悉索引,切片和遮罩等概念。类似地,Pandas支持在其Dataframe中建立索引。 如果我们熟悉Numpy数组中的索引编制,那么Pandas中的索引编制将非常容易。

What is Indexing in Python?


Selecting values from particular rows and columns in a dataframe is known as Indexing. By using Indexing, we can select all rows and some columns or some rows and all columns.

从数据框中的特定行和列中选择值称为索引。 通过使用索引,我们可以选择所有行和某些列,或者选择某些行和所有列。

Let’s create a sample data in a series form for better understanding of indexing.


The output series looks like this,


1    a3    b5    cdtype: object

Now, here Python offers two types of indices


Explicit Explicit  Implicit Implicit

Explicit Indexing:


For the above dataset if we pass the command as,


ds[1] it uses explicit indices


# If we pass the above command ds[1], the output will be'a'

This is Explicit Indexing. Whereas, if we pass the command ds[1:3] it will use the implicit index style,

这是显式索引。 而如果我们传递命令ds[1:3] ,它将使用隐式索引样式,

The output for the command ds[1:3] will be,


3    b5    cdtype: object

These slicing and indexing can lead to some sort of confusion. To avoid this, Python offers some special indexer attributes:

这些切片和索引编制可能导致某种混乱。 为了避免这种情况,Python提供了一些特殊的indexer属性:

loc 位置

The loc attribute allows indexing and slicing that always references the explicit index


iloc iloc

The iloc attribute allows indexing and slicing that always references the implicit index style


One common expression in Python code that everyone follows and practices is “explicit is better than implicit.”


Let’s take a sample dataset and see how indexing can be performed in different formats.


We are using the data of NBA players from kaggle.


The Dataset looks like this,


NBA Players sample dataset


单列 (Single Column)

To display a single column from the dataframe, we will mention the column name in the print statement.


The output will look like this,


Single Column from Dataset


多列 (Multiple Columns)

Let’s try to display the ‘Age’, ‘College’ and ‘Draft Year’ of the players. We can display multiple columns in the following way,

让我们尝试显示球员的“年龄”,“大学”和“起草年”。 我们可以通过以下方式显示多列,

The multiple columns will display like this,


Multiple Columns


.loc方法 (.loc Method)

Indexing using .loc method. If we use the .loc method, we have to pass the data using its Label name.

使用.loc方法建立索引。 如果使用.loc方法,则必须使用其Label名称传递数据。

单排 (Single Row)

To display a single row from the dataframe, we will mention the row’s index name in the .loc method.


The whole row information will display like this,


Single Row information


多行 (Multiple Rows)

Same as single row, pass the rows information in the print command to display the information.


The output will be,


Multiple Rows


选择行和列 (Selecting Rows and Columns)

We can also select multiple rows and multiple columns at a time using the .loc method.


The output will be like this,


Displaying Rows and Columns


所有行和某些列 (All Rows and Some Columns)

To display all the rows with some columns using the .loc method.


The output of the above code will be like this,


The same output can be achieved by simply giving column names without using the .loc method as shown in Selecting Multiple Columns.

只需提供列名而无需使用 选择多列中所示的 .loc 方法 ,就可以实现相同的输出。

The output will be same as the one above,


Same output without .loc


.iloc方法 (.iloc Method)

Indexing using the .iloc method. If we use the .iloc method, we have to pass the data using its Position. It is very similar to the .loc method, the only difference is .iloc uses integers to extract the information.

使用.iloc方法建立索引。 如果使用.iloc方法,则必须使用其Position传递数据。 它与.loc方法非常相似,唯一的区别是.iloc使用整数来提取信息。

单排 (Single Row)

We have to pass a single integer in the .iloc method to get the row information.


The output will be,


Single Row using .iloc method


多行 (Multiple Rows)

To select multiple rows, we have to pass the positions of the selected rows.


The output will look something like this,


选择行和列 (Selecting Rows and Columns)

To display a specific number of rows and columns, we create a list of integer for rows and a list of integer for columns and pass to iloc function.


The output will be,


Rows and Columns iloc method


所有行和某些列 (All Rows and Some Columns)

To display all the rows, we have to pass “:” and the integers for columns.


The output will look like something like this,


All Rows and Some columns iloc


If the columns in the dataset are of “int” or “float” type, then we can apply all the numeric operations to the column directly and manipulate the data to our requirements.

如果数据集中的列为“ int”或“ float”类型,则我们可以将所有数值运算直接应用于该列,并根据需要操作数据。

使用.loc方法的数值运算 (Numeric Operations using .loc method)

The output will be like this,


Numeric operations using loc function


使用.iloc方法的数值运算 (Numeric operations using .iloc Method)

The output will be same as the previous one with .loc method


结论 (Conclusion)

We can conclude this article in three simple statements.


To avoid confusion on Explicit Indices and Implicit Indices we use .loc and .iloc methods. 为避免对显式索引和隐式索引造成混淆,我们使用.loc和.iloc方法。 .loc method is used for label based indexing. .loc方法用于基于标签的索引。 .iloc method is used for position based indexing. .iloc方法用于基于位置的索引。

These are the three main statements, we need to be aware of while using indexing methods for a Pandas Dataframe in Python.

这是三个主要语句,我们在使用Python中的Pandas Dataframe的索引方法时需要注意。

Thank you for reading and Happy Coding!!!


在这里查看我以前关于Python的文章 (Check out my previous articles about Python here)

Seaborn: Python Seaborn:Python Pandas: Python 熊猫:Python Matplotlib: Python Matplotlib:Python NumPy: Python NumPy:Python Data Visualization and its Importance: Python 数据可视化及其重要性:Python Time Complexity and Its Importance in Python 时间复杂度及其在Python中的重要性 Python Recursion or Recursive Function in Python Python中的Python递归或递归函数

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/indexing-in-pandas-dataframe-using-python-63dcc6242323

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