本文翻译自:Position absolute but relative to parent

I have two divs inside another div, and I want to position one child div to the top right of the parent div, and the other child div to the bottom of the parent div using css. 我在另一个div内有两个div,我想使用css将一个子div定位到父div的右上角,另一个子div定位到父div的底下。 Ie, I want to use absolute positioning with the two child divs, but position them relative to the parent div rather than the page. 即,我想对两个子div使用绝对定位,但是相对于父div而不是页面定位它们。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Sample html: 范例html:

<div id="father"><div id="son1"></div><div id="son2"></div>




div#father {position: relative;
div#son1 {position: absolute;/* put your coords here */
div#son2 {position: absolute;/* put your coords here */


#father {position: relative;
}#son1 {position: absolute;top: 0;
}#son2 {position: absolute;bottom: 0;

This works because position: absolute means something like "use top , right , bottom , left to position yourself in relation to the nearest ancestor who has position: absolute or position: relative ." 之所以如此,是因为position: absolute是指“使用toprightbottomleft相对于最近的具有position: absoluteposition: relative祖先进行定位的东西。

So we make #father have position: relative , and the children have position: absolute , then use top and bottom to position the children. 因此,我们使#father具有position: relative ,而子代具有position: absolute ,然后使用topbottom定位子代。


If you don't give any position to parent then by default it takes static . 如果您不给父母任何职位,那么默认情况下它将采用static If you want to understand that difference refer to this example 如果您想了解这种差异,请参考此示例

Example 1:: 示例1:

http://jsfiddle.net/Cr9KB/1/ http://jsfiddle.net/Cr9KB/1/


Here parent class has no position so element is placed according to body. 在此,父类没有位置,因此根据正文放置元素。

Example 2:: 示例2:

http://jsfiddle.net/Cr9KB/2/ http://jsfiddle.net/Cr9KB/2/


In this example parent has relative position hence element are positioned absolute inside relative parent. 在此示例中,父级具有相对位置,因此元素绝对位于相对父级内部。


Incase someone wants to postion a child div directly under a parent 如果有人想将孩子div直接放在父母的下面

#father {position: relative;
}#son1 {position: absolute;top: 100%;

Working demo Codepen 工作演示Codepen


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