本文翻译自:Changing capitalization of filenames in Git

I am trying to rename a file to have different capitalization from what it had before: 我正在尝试重命名文件以使其具有与之前不同的大小写:

git mv src/collision/b2AABB.js src/collision/B2AABB.js
fatal: destination exists, source=src/collision/b2AABB.js, destination=src/collision/B2AABB.js

As you can see, git throws a fit over this. 如您所见,git对此进行了拟合。 I tried renaming using just the plain old mv command as well but git doesn't pick up the rename (as a rename or as a new untracked file). 我也尝试仅使用普通的旧mv命令来重命名,但是git不会选择重命名(作为重命名作为新的未跟踪文件)。

How can I change a file to have a different capitalization of the same name? 如何更改文件名称的大小写不同? I am on Mac OS X 10.7.3 with git using zsh 4.3.15. 我在使用zsh 4.3.15的git的Mac OS X 10.7.3上。




File names under OS X are not case sensitive (by default). OS X下的文件名不区分大小写(默认情况下)。 This is more of an OS problem than a git problem. 这比git问题更多是OS问题。 If you remove and re-add the file you should get what you want, or rename it to something else and thn rename it back. 如果删除并重新添加文件,则应该得到所需的文件,或将其重命名为其他名称,然后重命名。


考虑到以上答案,您可以使用“ --force”使用单个命令进行操作:

 git mv --force myfile MyFile


Sometimes you want to change the capitalization of a lot of files on a case insensitive filesystem (eg on OS X or Windows). 有时,您想更改不区分大小写的文件系统(例如,在OS X或Windows上)上许多文件的大小写。 Doing git mv commands will tire quickly, to make things a bit easier this is what I do: 进行git mv命令很快就会使我感到厌倦,这是我要做的:

  1. Move all files outside of the directory to lets say the Desktop. 将所有文件移到目录之外,可以说是桌面。
  2. Do a git add . -A 做一个git add . -A git add . -A to remove all files. git add . -A删除所有文件。
  3. Rename all files on the Desktop to the proper capitalization. 将桌面上的所有文件重命名为正确的大小写。
  4. Move all the files back to the original directory. 将所有文件移回原始目录。
  5. Do a git add . 做一个git add . git should see that the files are renamed. git应该看到文件已重命名。

Now you can make a commit saying you have changed the file capitalization. 现在,您可以进行一次提交,说您已更改文件大小写。


Starting git 2.0.1 (June 25th, 2014), a git mv will just work on case insensitive OS . 从git 2.0.1(2014年6月25日)开始, git mv将仅在不区分大小写的OS上工作

See commit baa37bf by David Turner ( dturner-tw ) 参见David Turner( dturner-tw )的 commit baa37bf

mv : allow renaming to fix case on case insensitive filesystems mv :允许重命名以修复不区分大小写的文件系统上的大小写

" git mv hello.txt Hello.txt " on a case insensitive filesystem always triggers " destination already exists " error, because these two names refer to the same path from the filesystem's point of view, and requires the user to give " --force " when correcting the case of the path recorded in the index and in the next commit. 不区分大小写的文件系统上的“ git mv hello.txt Hello.txt ”始终会触发“ destination already exists ”错误,因为从文件系统的角度来看,这两个名称指的是同一路径,并且要求用户提供--force更正索引中和下一次提交中记录的路径的大小写。

Detect this case and allow it without requiring " --force ". 检测这种情况,并允许它而不需要“ --force ”。

git mv hello.txt Hello.txt just works (no --force required anymore). git mv hello.txt Hello.txt可以正常工作了(不再需要--force了)。


This python snippet will git mv --force all files in a directory to be lowercase, ex: foo/Bar.js will become foo/bar.js via git mv foo/Bar.js foo/bar.js --force 此python代码段将git mv --force目录中的所有文件都转换为小写,例如:foo / Bar.js将通过git mv foo/Bar.js foo/bar.js --force

Modify it to your liking, just figured I'd share :) 修改它以符合您的喜好,只是想我会分享:)

import os
import researchDir = 'c:/someRepo'
exclude = ['.git', 'node_modules','bin']
os.chdir(searchDir)for root, dirs, files in os.walk(searchDir):dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in exclude]for f in files:if re.match(r'[A-Z]', f):fullPath = os.path.join(root, f)fullPathLower = os.path.join(root, f[0].lower() + f[1:])command = 'git mv --force ' + fullPath + ' ' + fullPathLowerprint(command)os.system(command)


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