高级英语口语 试题
Ⅰ. Contradict the following statement. (反驳下列论断)。 (30 %)
Everyone has the right to keep his habit. Smokers are no exceptions.
Ⅱ. Make a comment on the following passage (就所抽到的短文发表评论)。 (30 %)
When 43-year-old Wang Longzhu stepped out of a beauty parlour in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province in East China, she felt all the people around were staring at her with admiration.
She said, “Years ago, it would be unusual for a middle-aged woman like me to make up because Chinese women who have married and raised children usually do not care much about their appearance.”
“When I came home and looked in the mirror, I found myself younger and I felt relaxed and confident,” she added.
Ⅲ. Topic talk (标题谈话)。 (40 %)
What should be done to make the retired people busy and happy?

高级英语口语 试题
Ⅰ. Contradict the following statement. (反驳下列论断)。 (30 %)
Love is not the most important condition for marriage.
Ⅱ. Make a comment on the following passage (就所抽到的短文发表评论)。 (30 %)
In the world of work, flattery will get you everywhere.
Employees who flatter their bosses tend to receive better evaluations and move more easily up the corporate ladder — whether they deserve to or not — said Gerald Ferris, management professor at Texas A and M University.
“Based on what we have found, it looks to be the case that political skills are highly reinforced out there in the work place. It is the political astute that are more often promoted,” Ferris said in an interview.
Ⅲ. Topic talk (标题谈话)。 (40 %)
Why do many people smoke?

高级英语口语 试题
Ⅰ. Contradict the following statement. (反驳下列论断)。 (30 %)
Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker himself (herself), but also results in the deaths of non-smokers.
Ⅱ. Make a comment on the following passage (就所抽到的短文发表评论)。 (30 %)
The funny thing about it all is that you pay dearly for the “privilege” of living in a city. The demand for accommodation is so great that it is often impossible for ordinary people to buy a house of their own. Exorbitant rents must be paid for tiny flats which even country hens would disdain to live in. Accommodation apart, the cost of living is very high. Just about everything you buy is likely to be more expensive than it would be in the country.
Ⅲ. Topic talk (标题谈话)。 (40 %)
Chinese young people’s conditions for marriage

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