
C is a programming language invented in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie as a language for writing operating systems. The purpose of C is to precisely define a series of operations that a computer can perform to accomplish a task. Most of these operations involve manipulating numbers and text, but anything that the computer can physically do can be programmed in C.

C是由Dennis Ritchie在1970年代初发明的一种编程语言,是一种用于编写操作系统的语言。 C的目的是精确定义计算机可以执行以完成任务的一系列操作。 这些操作大多数涉及操纵数字和文本,但是计算机可以物理执行的任何操作都可以用C编程。

Computers have no intelligence — they have to be told exactly what to do and this is defined by the programming language you use. Once programmed they can repeat the steps as many times as you wish at very high speed. Modern PCs are so fast they can count to a billion in a second or two.

计算机没有智能-必须准确告诉他们该怎么做,而这是由您使用的编程语言定义的。 编程后,它们可以以非常高的速度重复执行多次。 现代PC如此之快,在一秒钟或两秒钟内可以达到十亿。

C程序可以做什么? ( What Can a C Program Do? )

Typical programming tasks include putting data into a database or pulling it out, displaying high-speed graphics in a game or video, controlling electronic devices attached to the PC or even playing music and/or sound effects. You can even write software to generate music or help you compose.

典型的编程任务包括将数据放入数据库或将其取出,在游戏或视频中显示高速图形,控制连接到PC的电子设备,甚至播放音乐和/或声音效果。 您甚至可以编写软件来生成音乐或帮助您作曲。

C是最好的编程语言吗? ( Is C the Best Programming Language? )

Some computer languages were written for a specific purpose. Java was originally devised to control toasters, C for programming Operating Systems, and Pascal to teach good programming techniques but C was intended to be more like a high-level assembly language which could be used to port applications to different computer systems.

一些计算机语言是为特定目的而编写的。 Java最初被设计为控制烤面包机,C被设计为对操作系统进行编程,Pascal被设计为教授良好的编程技术,但是C旨在更像是一种高级汇编语言,可以用于将应用程序移植到不同的计算机系统。

There are some tasks that can be done in C but not very easily, for example designing GUI screens for applications. Other languages like Visual Basic, Delphi and more recently C# have GUI design elements built into them and so are better suited for this type of task. Also, some scripting languages that provide extra programmability to applications like MS Word and even Photoshop tend to be done in variants of Basic, not C.

有一些任务可以用C完成,但不是很容易,例如为应用程序设计GUI屏幕。 其他语言,例如Visual Basic , Delphi和最近的C#都内置了GUI设计元素,因此更适合此类任务。 同样,某些为MS Word甚至Photoshop之类的应用程序提供额外可编程性的脚本语言,往往是在Basic而不是C的变体中完成的。

哪些计算机具有C? ( Which Computers Have C? )

The bigger question is, which computers don't have C? The answer — almost none, as after 30 years of use it is virtually everywhere. It is particularly useful in embedded systems with limited amounts of RAM and ROM. There are C compilers for just about every type of operating system.

更大的问题是,哪些计算机没有 C? 答案-几乎没有,因为使用30年后几乎无处不在。 它在RAM和ROM数量有限的嵌入式系统中特别有用。 几乎每种操作系统都有C编译器。

我如何开始使用C? ( How Do I Get Started With C? )

First, you need a C compiler. There are many commercial and free ones available. The list below has instructions for downloading and installing the compilers. Both are completely free and include an IDE to make life easier for you to edit, compile and debug your applications.

首先,您需要一个C编译器 。 有许多商业和免费的。 下面的列表提供了有关下载和安装编译器的说明。 两者都是完全免费的,并且都包含一个IDE ,使您可以更轻松地编辑,编译和调试应用程序。

  • Download and Install Microsoft's Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition

    下载并安装Microsoft的Visual C ++ 2005 Express Edition

  • Download and Install Open Watcom C/C++ Compiler

    下载并安装Open Watcom C / C ++编译器

The instructions also show you how to enter and compile your first C application.


如何开始编写C应用程序? ( How Do I Begin Writing C Applications? )

C code is written using a text editor. This can be notepad or an IDE like those supplied with the three compilers listed above. You write a computer program as a series of instructions (called statements) in a notation that looks a little like mathematical formulas.

C代码是使用文本编辑器编写的。 可以是记事本,也可以是上面列出的三个编译器随附的IDE。 您将计算机程序编写为一系列指令(称为语句 ),其符号看起来有点像数学公式。

This is saved out in a text file and then compiled and linked to generate machine code which you then can run. Every application you use on a computer will have been written and compiled like this, and many of them will be written in C. You can't usually get hold of the original source code unless it was open source.

它被保存在一个文本文件中,然后进行编译和链接以生成可以运行的机器代码。 您在计算机上使用的每个应用程序都是这样编写和编译的,其中许多都是用C编写的。除非原始代码是开源的,否则通常无法掌握原始代码。

是否有大量的C开源? ( Is There Plenty of C Open Source? )

Because it is so widespread, much open source software has been written in C. Unlike commercial applications, where the source code is owned by a business and never made available, open source code can be viewed and used by anyone. It's an excellent way to learn coding techniques.

因为它是如此的广泛,所以已经用C语言编写了许多开源软件。与商业应用程序不同,在商业应用程序中,源代码是由企业拥有的,并且从未提供过,因此任何人都可以查看和使用开放源代码。 这是学习编码技术的绝佳方法。

我可以得到编程工作吗? ( Could I Get a Programming Job? )

Fortunately, there are many C jobs out there and an immense body of code exists that will need updating, maintaining and occasionally rewriting. The top three most popular programming languages according to the quarterly Tiobe.com survey, are Java, C, and C++.

幸运的是,这里有许多C作业,并且存在大量需要更新,维护和偶尔重写的代码。 根据Tiobe.com季度调查,最流行的三种编程语言是Java,C和C ++ 。

You could write your own games but you'll need to be artistic or have an artist friend. You'll also need music and sound effects. Find out more about game development. Games like Quake 2 and 3 were written in C and the code is available free online for you to study and learn from it.

您可以编写自己的游戏,但需要具有艺术性或拥有艺术家朋友。 您还需要音乐和声音效果。 了解有关游戏开发的更多信息。 《 Quake 2》和《 Quake 3》等游戏都是用C语言编写的,该代码可免费在线获得,供您学习和学习。

Perhaps a professional 9-5 career would suit you better- read about a professional career or perhaps consider entering the world of software engineering writing software to control nuclear reactors, aircraft, space rockets or for other safety-critical areas.


翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/c-for-beginners-958273



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