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An overheating Mac is loud, hot to the touch, and often slow or unresponsive.  Heat is notoriously bad for computer hardware, so keeping things cool might help prolong the life of your MacBook, iMac, or Mac Pro.

过热的Mac声音很大,触感很热,并且通常速度缓慢或React迟钝。 众所周知,热量对计算机硬件不利,因此保持凉爽可能有助于延长MacBook,iMac或Mac Pro的寿命。

如何判断Mac何时过热 (How to Tell When Your Mac Is Overheating)

There are several tell-tale signs that your Mac is running unusually hot. The most obvious is that the Mac feels hot to the touch, particularly on the underside of the chassis if you have a MacBook.

有几个迹象表明您的Mac运行异常热。 最明显的是Mac摸起来很烫,尤其是在装有MacBook的机箱底侧。

While your Mac is hot, you should expect the fans to attempt to cool it down. This means you will hear considerable fan noise when your machine is under load. Under extreme load, it’s not unusual for your Mac to sound like it is about to take off.

当Mac变热时,您应该期望风扇尝试降温。 这意味着在机器负载时,您会听到很大的风扇噪音。 在极端负载下,Mac听起来像即将起飞的情况并不罕见。

The computer should never be too hot to touch, though certain processes may make it uncomfortably warm, particularly if it’s a laptop that you are using on your lap. Remember that heat is a normal part of your Mac’s operation, and loud whirring fans means the machine is operating as normal in an attempt to cool itself down.

尽管某些过程可能会使计算机感到不舒服,但绝对不要使其温度过高,尤其是当您在膝上使用笔记本电脑时。 请记住,热量是Mac运行中的正常现象,大声的风扇呼啸声表明机器在正常运行以尝试自行冷却。

What isn’t normal is a hot silent Mac, which could suggest that fans have failed. Loud rattling noises are also a red flag and usually occur when bearings in the cooling mechanism work their way loose.

热闹的静音Mac是不正常的,这可能表明粉丝失败了。 较大的咔嗒声也是一个危险信号,通常在冷却机构中的轴承松动时发生。

You can also use a small app like smcFanControl to place a widget in your menu bar that displays how hot your Mac is running inside the case. Generally speaking, around 90ºc (194ºF) isn’t unusual for a Mac under heavy load, but you want to keep things below 95ºc (203ºF).

您还可以使用smcFanControl之类的小应用程序将小部件放置在菜单栏中,该小部件显示Mac在机箱内运行的温度。 一般来说,对于Mac,在重负载下,大约90ºc(194ºF)并不罕见,但是您希望将物体保持在95ºc(203ºF)以下。

Ultimately, you shouldn’t need to worry about cooling your Mac manually (though there are things you can do to help). macOS will temporarily underclock your processor to reduce heat, a process known as thermal throttling. There are some things you can do to help reduce this happening.

最终,您无需担心手动冷却Mac(尽管您可以做一些事情来帮助您)。 macOS会暂时降低处理器的时钟频率以减少热量,这一过程称为热调节。 您可以采取一些措施来减少这种情况的发生。

确保您的Mac可以正常冷却 (Make Sure Your Mac Can Cool Itself Properly)

You don’t necessarily need to be doing anything for your Mac to heat up. If the ambient temperature is hot enough, your Mac will reflect this by running the fans for longer and at higher speeds. If you’re outside on a hot sunny day and you’re feeling warm, there’s a good chance your MacBook is, too.

您不必为Mac过热做任何事情。 如果环境温度足够高,您的Mac将通过使风扇运行更长的时间和更高的速度来反映这一点。 如果您在炎热的晴天在外面并且感到温暖,那么MacBook也很有可能。

Pay close attention to the bottom and rear of your Mac laptop, if you have one. This is where your machine intakes and exhausts air, and these vents form a vital part of the cooling system. If your Mac can’t “breathe,” then it can’t cool down sufficiently either.

如果有,请密切注意Mac笔记本电脑的底部和背面。 这是机器吸入和排出空气的地方,这些通风Kong构成了冷却系统的重要组成部分。 如果您的Mac无法“呼吸”,那么它也无法充分冷却。

For example, the MacBook Pro sucks in cool air on the bottom of the machine near the right and left edges of the chassis. It exhausts hot air out of the back, behind the display hinge. If you are blocking these vents, your Mac will get hot even under regular load.

例如,MacBook Pro在机箱底部左右边缘附近的机器底部吸入冷空气。 它从显示屏铰链后面的背面排出热空气。 如果阻塞这些通风Kong,则即使在常规负载下,Mac也会变热。

Be careful when using your Mac on soft materials, like your lap or a bed. Sheets and clothing can easily interfere with air intakes, so it’s best to put your MacBook on a solid surface. This could be a desk, or it could be a wooden tray or a large book on a bed.

在柔软的材料(如膝盖或床)上使用Mac时请务必小心。 床单和衣服很容易干扰进气,因此最好将MacBook放在坚固的表面上。 这可以是桌子,也可以是木托盘或床上的大书。


Laptop coolers (like this one from Thermaltake) can help cool down a MacBook that’s struggling in the heat. These take the form of metal stands with integrated fans. The metal acts as a heatsink, helping to disperse heat through conduction while the fans provide active cooling. You’ll need a spare USB port to use a cooler like this.

笔记本电脑散热器(如Thermaltake的散热器)可以帮助散热困难的MacBook。 这些采用带集成风扇的金属支架形式。 这种金属起到散热片的作用,有助于在风扇提供主动冷却的同时通过传导来散发热量。 您需要一个备用USB端口才能使用这样的散热器。

注意口渴的软件 (Be Mindful of Thirsty Software)

The Central Processing uUnit (CPU) is the brain of your computer. The more you tax the CPU by running apps, copying files, and multitasking, the more heat is generated. As the heat builds up, the fans kick in to disperse the heat.

中央处理单元(CPU)是计算机的大脑。 通过运行应用程序,复制文件和多任务处理,对CPU的负担越多,产生的热量就越大。 随着热量的累积,风扇会踢开以散发热量。

You can keep the heat down by avoiding processes that generate a high load, like rendering video or playing 3D games. Using lightweight alternatives to apps like Photoshop can certainly help, too. Switching from a resource hog browser like Chrome back to Safari may help. Even remembering to quit a heavyweight app when you’re done with it can do wonders.

您可以避免产生高负载的过程来降低热量,例如渲染视频或玩3D游戏。 对Photoshop等应用程序使用轻量级替代品当然也可以有所帮助。 从像Chrome这样的资源消耗大的浏览器切换回Safari可能会有所帮助。 甚至记得在使用完一个重量级的应用程序后就可以创造奇迹。

Sometimes, rogue processes end up consuming way too much CPU for an extended time period. This could be caused by a particularly resource-heavy process, or it could be a case of an app crashing. If your fans have been spinning for a while and your Mac is slow or unresponsive, you should check your running processes using Activity Monitor.

有时,流氓进程最终会在很长一段时间内消耗过多的CPU。 这可能是由于资源特别繁忙的过程引起的,也可能是应用程序崩溃的情况。 如果您的风扇转动了一段时间,并且Mac速度很慢或没有响应,则应使用“活动监视器”检查正在运行的进程。

Warning: We only recommend this if your Mac is slow, unresponsive, and is overheating. While you can’t necessarily break anything by doing this (essential system services will just restart themselves), you might feel more comfortable simply restarting your Mac instead.

警告:仅当Mac速度慢,无响应且过热时,我们才建议这样做。 尽管您不一定可以通过此操作破坏任何东西( 基本的系统服务只会自行重启 ),但您可能会感到更舒服,而只是重启Mac。

Launch Activity Monitor on your Mac either by searching for it with Spotlight, or by launching it under Applications > Utilities. Under the “CPU” tab is a list of currently running processes. Click on the “% CPU” column to organize it by descending order, which will put the most taxing processes at the top of the list.

通过使用Spotlight搜索 Mac或在“应用程序”>“实用程序”下启动它,在Mac上启动Activity Monitor。 在“ CPU”选项卡下是当前正在运行的进程的列表。 单击“%CPU”列以降序对其进行组织,这会将最繁重的过程放在列表的顶部。

If any processes appear red or are followed by a “(Not responding)” label, then they have crashed. You can wait a while to see if they’re coming back, or you could just click on the process, then use the “X” button at the top of the screen to kill the process.

如果任何进程显示为红色或带有“(不响应)”标签,则表明它们已崩溃。 您可以稍等片刻,看看它们是否又回来了,或者您可以单击该过程,然后使用屏幕顶部的“ X”按钮取消该过程。

Sometimes, apps haven’t quite crashed but are still using more than their fair share of CPU power. This is often the case with tabs on particularly resource-intensive websites. If you know for sure you aren’t using the tab or application for anything important, you can select it then use the “X” button to kill it.

有时,应用程序还没有崩溃,但仍在使用更多的CPU功能。 在资源特别密集的网站上使用选项卡通常是这种情况。 如果您确定没有使用选项卡或应用程序进行任何重要操作,可以选择它,然后使用“ X”按钮将其杀死。

Be careful not to kill any processes you are still using. It’s normal for certain activities to use a lot of CPU power, for example when you’re rendering a video, running Automator scripts, installing software updates, and so on. Before you kill a process, double-check it’s not mission-critical before you do so.

注意不要杀死您仍在使用的任何进程。 通常,某些活动会占用大量CPU资源,例如,在渲染视频,运行Automator脚本,安装软件更新等时。 在终止进程之前,请先仔细检查它不是关键任务。

Some processes are persistent, like “kernel_task” which is essentially your operating system performing housekeeping duties. If this process ramps up, it’s likely that your computer is doing something important in the background. For especially stubborn processes, you can always try restarting your Mac.

有些进程是持久性的,例如“ kernel_task”,它实际上是您的操作系统执行家务劳动的过程。 如果此过程加速,则可能是计算机在后台执行了重要的操作 。 对于特别顽固的进程,您始终可以尝试重新启动Mac。

您的GPU也可能受到指责 (Your GPU Could Also Be to Blame)

While the CPU deals with the vast majority of computing tasks, the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) handles the more visual tasks. GPUs are designed with different workloads in mind, and can offer a huge boost in performance when it comes to 3D and 2D rendering.

当CPU处理绝大多数计算任务时,图形处理单元(GPU)处理更多可视任务。 GPU在设计时考虑到了不同的工作负载,并且在3D和2D渲染方面可以极大地提高性能。

This includes activities like playing 3D games, rendering video, manipulating 3D objects in apps like Photoshop or Blender, and using some web technologies like WebGL. Not all Macs have a dedicated graphics processor, particularly lower-end notebooks like the MacBook Air and 13″ MacBook Pro.

这包括诸如玩3D游戏,渲染视频,在诸如Photoshop或Blender之类的应用中操纵3D对象以及使用某些Web技术(如WebGL)之类的活动。 并非所有Mac都有专用的图形处理器,尤其是低端笔记本电脑,例如MacBook Air和13英寸MacBook Pro。

There’s not a lot you can do about a hot GPU beyond avoiding activities that use your GPU. Remember, it’s perfectly normal for your GPU to heat up under load, and for the fans to ramp up considerably to deal with it.

除了避免使用GPU的活动之外,热GPU上您无能为力。 请记住,GPU在负载下发热是非常正常的,而风扇要大幅提升以应对它是完全正常的。

The only thing you really need to worry about is whether your GPU is getting too hot. This will cause problems with your computer around 3D and other GPU-related tasks. You might get random restarts and freezes, or even see strange colors and glitchy graphics when trying to render 3D environments.

您真正需要担心的唯一事情是您的GPU是否变得过热。 这将导致计算机围绕3D和其他与GPU相关的任务出现问题。 尝试渲染3D环境时,您可能会随机重启并冻结,甚至看到奇怪的颜色和故障图形。

If you’re seeing issues like that, it might be a good idea to run some hardware diagnostics or book the machine in for repair.


球迷不断旋转? 重置SMC (Fans Spinning Constantly? Reset SMC)

The System Management Controller (SMC) is responsible for managing aspects of your Mac including power, battery and charging, sensors and indicator lights, and thermal management features like fans. Sometimes, the SMC needs to be reset, and one tell-tale sign is fans that just won’t shut up.

系统管理控制器(SMC)负责管理Mac的各个方面,包括电源,电池和充电,传感器和指示灯以及风扇等散热管理功能。 有时,需要重置SMC,并且其中一个明显的标志是风扇不会关闭。

This is different from a CPU or GPU under load. Fans exhibiting this issue spin loudly all the time, regardless of how hot or cold your machine is. On a MacBook, it should be obvious to the touch when a Mac isn’t hot enough to warrant loud fan noise. On an iMac or Mac Pro, you can download a free app like smcFanControl or premium app like iStatMenus to monitor the temperature.

这与负载下的CPU或GPU不同。 出现此问题的风扇始终无休止地旋转,无论您的机器有多冷。 在MacBook上,当Mac的温度不足以保证风扇发出巨大噪音时,触感应该显而易见。 在iMac或Mac Pro,您可以下载一个免费的应用程序像smcFanControl或者溢价的应用程式,例如iStatMenus监测温度。

Resetting the SMC certainly can’t hurt your Mac, so it’s worth a try if this is an issue you’re encountering. The instructions for doing that vary, depending on your specific model. Find out what you need to do to reset your Mac’s SMC here.

重置SMC当然不会伤害您的Mac,因此如果您遇到此问题,则值得尝试。 具体说明取决于您的特定型号。 在此处查找重置Mac SMC所需的操作 。

通过清洁Mac消除灰尘积聚 (Eliminate Dust Buildup by Cleaning Your Mac)

If your computer is getting a bit long in the tooth, there’s a good chance that dust is starting to build up inside the chassis. Dust gets stuck to fans, heatsinks, and other cooling components and stops them from working efficiently. Your machine will run hotter over time as the airflow lessens due to dust gathering.

如果您的计算机的牙齿有点长,则很有可能开始在机箱内部积聚灰尘。 灰尘会粘在风扇,散热器和其他冷却组件上,使它们无法有效工作。 随着时间的流逝,由于集尘导致气流减少,您的机器将运行得更热。

The answer for any older machine that’s running hot for no particular reason is to clean it. You can do this by opening up the machine, cleaning out the dust with compressed air, then sealing it back up again.

对于没有特定原因运行的任何较旧机器,答案是清理它。 为此,您可以打开机器,用压缩空气清除灰尘,然后再次将其密封起来。

Keep in mind that Apple’s computers have particular cooling systems and layouts. It’s not hard to locate the cooling fans inside a MacBook, and the cleaning process is just like any other laptop. You could follow a general computer dusting guide for your iMac, but you’re probably better off using something more specific instead.

请记住,Apple的计算机具有特定的冷却系统和布局。 在MacBook内部放置冷却风扇并不难,而且清洁过程与其他任何笔记本电脑一样 。 您可以按照iMac的一般计算机除尘指南进行操作,但最好使用更具体的方法。

iFixit is a great resource for these occasions. Many models of iMac, Mac Pro, and even Mac mini have guides on how to open the chassis, clean dust, replace parts, and put it all back together again.

在这些场合,iFixit是一个很好的资源。 iMac,Mac Pro甚至Mac mini的许多型号都有有关如何打开机箱,清洁灰尘,更换零件并将它们重新放在一起的指南。

Remember: Static electricity kills computers. Make sure you understand how to ground yourself if you’re going to be poking around under the hood.

切记:静电会杀死计算机。 如果您要在引擎盖下闲逛,请确保您了解如何使自己接地 。

重要事项:Mac机是否安静? (Important: Is Your Mac Hot and Quiet?)

If you have an issue where your Mac is hot but the fans aren’t spinning, we’d first recommend you reset your SMC as described in the “Fans Spinning Constantly? Reset SMC” section above. Failing that, it’s possible that your cooling system has died completely.

如果您遇到Mac过热但风扇无法旋转的问题,我们首先建议您按照“风扇持续旋转?”中的说明重置SMC。 重置SMC”部分。 否则,您的冷却系统可能已完全失效。

If this is the case, you should cease using your computer immediately and take it in for repair. Using a Mac without adequate cooling could result in permanent damage. At the very least, your computer will randomly restart as the various components reach temperatures they were never designed to operate at.

在这种情况下,您应该立即停止使用计算机并进行维修。 使用没有充分冷却的Mac可能会造成永久性损坏。 至少,由于各种组件达到其从未设计过的工作温度,您的计算机将随机重启。

了解导致Mac变热的原因 (Understand What Causes a Hot Mac)

By understanding why your Mac gets hot, you can take measures to prevent it from doing so. Most of the time this involves killing a few processes or relocating from the bed to the desk.

通过了解Mac为何变热,您可以采取措施防止Mac变热。 在大多数情况下,这涉及到取消一些进程或从床移到办公桌。

Software can cause your Mac to heat up, and it can also cause your Mac to slow down, too. Learn how to fix an unresponsive Mac to keep things running smoothly.

软件可能会导致Mac变热,也可能导致Mac变慢。 了解如何修复React迟钝的Mac,以确保一切正常运行。




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