
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

By default, your Mac automatically connects to the most-recently-used Wi-Fi network. But when you’re in a public place with many open networks, you might want to prioritize one in particular (like your own hotspot) on your Mac.

默认情况下,您的Mac自动连接到最近使用的Wi-Fi网络。 但是,当您在具有许多开放网络的公共场所时,您可能想要在Mac上优先设置一个优先级(例如您自己的热点)。

You can reorder the Wi-Fi network priority list from the Network section in System Preferences.


The easiest way to get to the Network Preferences is from the Wi-Fi section in the menu bar. Click on the Wi-Fi icon from the menu bar and then select the “Open Network Preferences” option.

进入“网络偏好设置 ”的最简单方法是从菜单栏中的“ Wi-Fi”部分。 单击菜单栏中的Wi-Fi图标,然后选择“打开网络偏好设置”选项。

This opens the Network section from within the System Preferences.


Here, from the sidebar, make sure that the “Wi-Fi” option is selected and then click on the “Advanced” button.

在这里,请从侧边栏中确保已选择“ Wi-Fi”选项,然后单击“高级”按钮。

You’ll see a “Preferred Networks” section in the “Wi-Fi” tab that contains a list of all the networks to which you’ve previously connected. Everything is sorted by preference, meaning that the network on the top of the list gets the first preference.

您将在“ Wi-Fi”标签中看到“首选网络”部分,其中包含您先前已连接的所有网络的列表。 所有内容均按首选项进行排序,这意味着列表顶部的网络将获得第一个首选项。

From this list, find the network that you want to be your preferred network (such as your hotspot). Click on the network to select it.

从此列表中,找到要成为首选网络的网络(例如,热点)。 单击网络以将其选中。

From there, drag the network name to the top of the list and then release it.


Once you see the network at the top of the list, it means that it has priority. You can now reorder the rest of the Wi-Fi networks for the second or third priority.

一旦您在列表顶部看到网络,就意味着它具有优先级。 现在,您可以为第二或第三优先级重新排列其余Wi-Fi网络的顺序。

If you’ve previously connected to an open Wi-Fi network and don’t want your Mac to connect to it, even when no other priority network is available, remove the Wi-Fi network from the list. Select the Wi-Fi network and then click on the Minus button.

如果您先前已连接到开放的Wi-Fi网络,并且即使没有其他优先级网络可用,也不想Mac连接到该网络,请从列表中删除Wi-Fi网络。 选择Wi-Fi网络,然后单击减号按钮。

Once you’ve prioritized the list of networks, click on the “OK” button from the bottom-right corner.


Then, from the Network screen, click on the “Apply” button to update the priority list.


If you don’t want to remove a network from the list, you can also stop your Mac from automatically connecting to a specific Wi-Fi network.

如果您不想从列表中删除网络,也可以阻止Mac 自动连接 到特定的Wi-Fi网络。




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