mac 恢复模式获取密码

Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Now that macOS Mojave has a dark mode, wouldn’t it be neat if all websites automatically switched to dark mode along with the system interface? It’s possible using the Dark Reader extension for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.

既然macOS Mojave拥有暗模式 ,如果所有网站和系统界面一起自动切换到暗模式,那岂不是整洁吗? 可以使用适用于Safari,Chrome和Firefox的Dark Reader扩展程序。

While we’re talking about the same extension, the implementations are different between Safari and Chrome (along with Firefox). We’ll cover both versions below.

当我们谈论相同的扩展时,Safari和Chrome(以及Firefox)的实现方式有所不同。 我们将在下面介绍这两个版本。

如何在Chrome和Firefox中使用Dark Reader (How to Use Dark Reader in Chrome and Firefox)

The Dark Reader extension for Chrome and Firefox is simple and straightforward to use. If you’ve ever used an extension in the browser before, you’ll feel right at home.

适用于Chrome和Firefox的Dark Reader扩展程序简单易用。 如果您曾经在浏览器中使用过扩展程序,那么您会感到宾至如归。

Once you’ve installed the Dark Reader Chrome or Firefox extension (links above), click on the “Dark Reader” extension icon.

一旦安装了Dark Reader Chrome或Firefox扩展程序(上面的链接),请单击“ Dark Reader”扩展程序图标。

Click on the “On” button to enable dark mode. All open websites will instantly switch to a dark theme.

单击“开”按钮以启用暗模式。 所有打开的网站都会立即切换为黑暗主题。

All black text and white backgrounds will be inverted. When it comes to colors and images, nothing will be touched.

所有黑色文本和白色背景将被反转。 当涉及到颜色和图像时,什么都不会触及。

To disable the dark mode on a given site, click on the extension and then select the “Toggle Current Site” button.


In the “Filter” tab, you’ll find the dark mode settings. From here, you can switch to light mode and change the contrast ratio. You can also add a sepia or a grayscale filter.

在“过滤器”标签中,您会找到暗模式设置。 从这里,您可以切换到灯光模式并更改对比度。 您也可以添加棕褐色或灰度滤镜。

To manage the blacklist, click on the “Sites” tab. From here, you can add or remove websites that will always be shown in the light mode.

要管理黑名单,请单击“站点”选项卡。 在这里,您可以添加或删除始终以浅色模式显示的网站。

Chrome’s interface supports Mac’s system appearance. So when you enable dark mode on your Mac, the Chrome UI will also switch to dark mode. But that doesn’t apply to the Dark Reader extension.

Chrome的界面支持Mac的系统外观。 因此,当您在Mac上启用暗模式时,Chrome用户界面也会切换到暗模式。 但这不适用于Dark Reader扩展程序。

Chrome also has a built-in brute-force dark mode. You can go to the Flags section and enable the “Force Dark Mode for Web Contents” flag to get dark mode on all websites. Read our guide for detailed instructions for enabling the flag.

Chrome浏览器还具有内置的蛮力暗模式。 您可以转到“标志”部分并启用“ Web内容强制暗模式”标志以在所有网站上获得暗模式。 阅读我们的指南以获取有关启用标志的详细说明。

如何在Safari中使用Dark Reader (How to Use Dark Reader in Safari)

Safari handles extensions differently than Chrome and Firefox. Safari extensions are now distributed as apps on the App Store. This is one of the reasons why Dark Reader costs $4.99 on the Mac App Store while it’s available for free on Chrome and Firefox.

Safari处理扩展程序的方式与Chrome和Firefox不同。 Safari扩展现已作为应用程序分发到App Store。 这就是为什么Dark Reader在Mac App Store上售价4.99美元,而在Chrome和Firefox上免费提供的原因之一。

The Safari version has one major advantage: It syncs with the global dark mode in macOS. So when you enable the dark mode in macOS (easily done using the NightOwl utility), all the websites will instantly shift to a dark theme as well.

Safari版本具有一个主要优点:它与macOS中的全局暗模式同步。 因此,当您在macOS中启用暗模式(使用NightOwl实用程序轻松完成)时,所有网站也会立即转换为暗主题。

Once you’ve purchased the Dark Reader extension, open the app. From the app window, click on the “Activate for Safari” button.

购买Dark Reader扩展程序后 ,打开应用程序。 在应用程序窗口中,单击“为Safari激活”按钮。

This will open the Extensions panel in Safari. Click on the checkmark next to “Dark Reader” to activate the extension.

这将在Safari中打开“扩展”面板。 单击“ Dark Reader”旁边的复选标记以激活扩展。

You’ll now see a Dark Reader icon in the Safari toolbar. Click on the “Dark Reader” button to see all options and settings.

现在,您将在Safari工具栏中看到一个Dark Reader图标。 单击“深色阅读器”按钮以查看所有选项和设置。

To enable the dark mode for all websites, click the “On” button. Switch to the “Auto” mode to automatically toggle dark mode based on your Mac’s system preferences.

要为所有网站启用暗模式,请单击“开”按钮。 切换到“自动”模式以根据Mac的系统偏好设置自动切换暗模式。

If the images and icon don’t look quite right to you, make sure the “Dynamic Mode” is enabled (it’s much better than the Filter mode).


If you want to disable dark mode for the current website, click on the “Enabled For Current Website” button. You can change the brightness and the contrast using the slider in the extension menu.

如果要为当前网站禁用暗模式,请单击“为当前网站启用”按钮。 您可以使用扩展菜单中的滑块更改亮度和对比度。

Click on the “Settings” button for more options. From here, you can disable the dark mode for all websites by default. The “Theme” option will let you set up a custom theme for every website.

单击“设置”按钮以获取更多选项。 从这里,您可以默认禁用所有网站的暗模式。 “主题”选项可让您为每个网站设置自定义主题。

Now that you have a system-wide dark mode on the Mac, learn how you can enable it on your iPhone or iPad running iOS 13, iPadOS 13, or higher.

现在,您在Mac上拥有系统级的黑暗模式,了解如何在运行iOS 13,iPadOS 13或更高版本的iPhone或iPad上启用它。


mac 恢复模式获取密码

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