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Discuss the benefits of MYSQL and explain why it is gaining acceptance as the RDBMS of choice for many organizations worldwide.


Because it's free (or historically has been free) and gained critical mass on the on the open source platform stack earlier than its competitors (e.g., postgresql).

Due to classic network effects in software, and rdbms is valuable not just in itself but also its userbase, especially so for OSS where users can contribute back. This is why critical mass is so important.

Network effects in any product are classically observed to cause a "snowball effect" or self-fulfilling prophecy where popularity fuels further popularity. This can ensure the dominance of an early successful product despite any technical flaws it may or may not have. Additionally, rdbms customers are highly conservative (DBAs are loathe to putting anything in production that hasn't been out for very long) and switch costs between rdbms' are significant for any development team, due to innumerable subtleties of their use and operation.

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