情态 语态

In this article, we will see how verbal functional categories used in customer dialogue text and how these categories contribute to the semantics, especially the text sentiment.


Verb phrase in a sentence sometimes can carry huge semantics, sometimes hint the sentiment only by itself even though if one does not see the rest of the context words, hence contribute to sentiment analysis models as important features. For example, cross all the not-included-in-any-VP words from the following customer reviews:

句子中的动词短语有时可能具有巨大的语义,有时即使它看不到上下文中的其余单词,有时也只能通过自身来暗示情感,因此有助于情感分析模型作为重要特征。 例如,将以下客户评论中所有未包含在VP中的单词划掉:

The product isn't working properly. I didn't like this product.I'm not satisfied with the product quality at all.

In order to charge meaning to the sentence, many languages like the verb to admit different inflections such as tense and person. Moreover most of the time we want to express our feeling and opinions about how the proposed action by the verb happened: are we sure, did we see the action by our own eyes, do we think it’s likely or unlikely?

为了使句子具有意义,许多语言都喜欢动词来接受时态和人称等不同的变化。 此外,在大多数时候,我们想表达对动词提议的动作是如何发生的感觉和看法:我们确定吗,我们是否亲眼看到了该动作,我们认为这是可能的还是不太可能的?

This is more of a semantic capability, thus one usually needs more than inflecting the verb, more than grammatical constructions. Function of the verb is a broad topic, but I will explain some basic concepts before the statistical parts. You can skip to the next section if you have this background.

这更多的是一种语义能力,因此通常需要的不仅仅是动词的变位, 还有语法的构造。 动词的功能是一个广泛的话题,但是我将在统计部分之前解释一些基本概念。 如果您有此背景,则可以跳到下一部分。

Tense is a grammatical realization of time by means of verbal inflection. English has 2 tenses: past and present. Future is not a tense not having an inflectional marker, but it is rather a time . Future time is formed either by will or with adverbs such as tomorrow , 8 o'clock or next week/month etc. As you see tense is a grammatical concept and time is rather a semantic concept.

Tense是通过言语变化实现的时间语法化。 英语有2个时态: pastpresent 。 没有变化的标志, Future不是时态,而是timeFuture time是由will或副词(如tomorrow8 o'clocknext week/month等)形成的。正如您所看到的, tense是一个语法概念,而time则是一个语义概念。

Another concept is aspect, a grammatical category which reflects the action given by the verb happened with respect to time. English has two aspects:

另一个概念是aspect ,它是一个语法类别,反映了动词相对于时间发生的动作。 英语有两个方面:

action complete:    perfective      has moved, had movedaction in progress: progressive     is moving, was moving

One can summarize tense and aspect as follows:


Voice in English is either passive or active, as we learnt in high school. Passive voice has further semantic subcategories, but in this article, we will stay at high school level grammar

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