
by Rachael Ray

瑞秋·雷(Rachael Ray)

为什么AngularJS是我首选的软件开发框架 (Why AngularJS is my preferred framework for software development)

AgularJS is one of the most versatile and popular frameworks available today. Google introduced it in 2012. It provides a scalable infrastructure that supports Google’s largest applications.

AgularJS是当今最通用,最受欢迎的框架之一。 Google在2012年推出了它。它提供了可扩展的基础架构,可支持Google最大的应用程序。

AngularJS, a structured JavaScript framework, builds dynamic single page applications. It is a client-side framework that supports multiple platforms. All the functions and commands of this framework use code templates written in HTML script.

AngularJS是一个结构化JavaScript框架,可构建动态单页应用程序。 它是一个支持多个平台的客户端框架。 该框架的所有功能和命令都使用以HTML脚本编写的代码模板。

Moreover, the AngularJS framework has many powerful features. These features allow decoupling any application logic from DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation. It also provides a host of amazing and useful features. This is why AngularJS development is often the preferred option for businesses.

此外,AngularJS框架具有许多强大的功能。 这些功能允许将任何应用程序逻辑与DOM(文档对象模型)操作解耦。 它还提供了许多令人惊奇和有用的功能。 这就是为什么AngularJS开发通常是企业首选的原因。

这是AngularJS提供的功能列表 (Here is a list of features that AngularJS offers)

1.模型视图控制器(MVC)框架 (1. Model View Controller (MVC) Framework)

MVC is a software design pattern for developing web applications. It is made up of:

MVC是用于开发Web应用程序的软件设计模式。 它由以下组成:

Model: the first level of the pattern which is responsible for maintaining data. It is similar to primitive data types like booleans, numbers, strings or objects. It is the simplest script without any getter and sorter methods.

模型:模式的第一级,负责维护数据。 它类似于原始数据类型,例如布尔,数字,字符串或对象。 这是最简单的脚本,没有任何getter和sorter方法。

View: responsible for showing portions of data to the user. They present the data in a particular format triggered by the controller’s action.

视图:负责向用户显示部分数据。 它们以控制器动作触发的特定格式显示数据。

Controller: controls the interaction between the Model and the View. It responds to user input and interacts with the data model objects. The controller receives the input, validates it, and then conducts the operations.

控制器:控制模型和视图之间的交互。 它响应用户输入并与数据模型对象进行交互。 控制器接收输入,对其进行验证,然后进行操作。

As AngularJS is an open-source script, the working model is based on MVC patterns and the newest client-side JavaScript. The Model View Framework Control Architecture in AngularJS is easy, versatile, and dynamic.

由于AngularJS是开放源代码脚本,因此工作模型基于MVC模式和最新的客户端JavaScript。 AngularJS中的模型视图框架控件体系结构简单,通用且动态。

MVC makes it easier to build a separate client-side application. With AngularJS, even if the MVC elements were developed separately, you can combine them. There is no need to write extra code to combine all the attributes together.

MVC使构建单独的客户端应用程序变得更加容易。 使用AngularJS,即使MVC元素是单独开发的,也可以将它们组合在一起。 无需编写额外的代码即可将所有属性组合在一起。

2.带有HTML的用户界面 (2. User interface with HTML)

User interfaces in AngularJS are built on HTML. It is a declarative language which has shorter tags and is extremely easy to comprehend. Even the interface it provides is organized, smooth, and structured.

AngularJS中的用户界面基于HTML构建。 这是一种声明性语言,具有较短的标签,并且非常容易理解。 即使它提供的界面也是有组织的,平滑的和结构化的。

Many times, it becomes complex to develop, organize, and reorganize the JavaScript Interfaces. So, the HTML interface can also regulate the implementation of the application. So, rather than understanding program flow and loading, you can define what you want and AngularJS will carve out the dependencies.

很多时候,开发,组织和重新组织JavaScript接口变得很复杂。 因此,HTML界面也可以规范应用程序的实现。 因此,您可以定义所需的内容,而不必了解程序的流程和加载方式,AngularJS可以得出依赖关系。

3. POJO模型 (3. POJO Model)

As compared to other frameworks, AngularJS uses POJO (Plain Old JavaScript) objects. Now, that means you do not need to add additional getter and setter elements to bind AngularJS along with additional data sources.

与其他框架相比,AngularJS使用POJO(普通旧式JavaScript)对象。 现在,这意味着您无需添加其他getter和setter元素即可将AngularJS与其他数据源绑定在一起。

A POJO model also provides spontaneous and well-planned objects. Developers have to create loops of objects and loops of arrays with the required properties. Then they need to adjust and reframe it.

POJO模型还提供了自发且经过精心计划的对象。 开发人员必须创建具有所需属性的对象循环和数组循环。 然后他们需要调整并重新构架。

This makes AngularJS self-sufficient and easy to use. The well planned and quick application of the POJO model is one of the reasons to use AngularJS in your next development project.

这使得AngularJS自给自足,易于使用。 计划周密,快速应用的POJO模型是在下一个开发项目中使用AngularJS的原因之一 。

4. Google上的活跃社区 (4. Active community on Google)

Whenever you want to adopt a framework for development, you always look for good community support. AngularJS doesn’t disappoint here either.

每当您希望采用开发框架时,总是会寻求良好的社区支持。 AngularJS在这里也不会令人失望。

Why? Because Google maintains AngularJS. In addition to that, it is released under the MIT license and is available for download on GitHub.

为什么? 因为Google维护AngularJS。 除此之外,它是根据MIT许可发布的,可以在GitHub上下载。

So, if you have any maintenance issues or get stuck somewhere, there are many forums where you can get your queries solved. Also, if you have any suggestions or any can improve something, the source is easily available for download.

因此,如果您遇到任何维护问题或卡在某个地方,可以在许多论坛中解决问题。 另外,如果您有任何建议或可以改善的地方,也可以轻松下载源。

5.路由 (5. Routing)

Routing is basically the transition from one view to another. Now, this is the key aspect of single page applications.

路由基本上是从一个视图到另一个视图的过渡。 现在,这是单页应用程序的关键方面。

In single page applications, everything comes in one single page. Developers don’t want to redirect the users to a new page every time they click on a menu or a sub-menu. The developers want the content to load asynchronously on the same page with just the URL changing.

在单页应用程序中,所有内容都在一个页面中。 开发人员不想每次用户单击菜单或子菜单时将其重定向到新页面。 开发人员希望仅通过更改URL即可将内容异步加载到同一页面上。

Almost all websites work on this method. Some of the popular platforms like the Chrome app store and Twitter are the best examples of Single Page Applications. This method helps the user feel as if they are interacting with a desktop app.

几乎所有网站都采用这种方法。 Chrome应用商店和Twitter等一些流行平台是“单页应用”的最佳示例。 此方法可帮助用户感觉好像他们正在与桌面应用程序进行交互。

Now, with AngularJS, this becomes an easy task and you can make various views for various URLs. AngularJS also enables you to load the appropriate view in the main page for a specific URL request. This is another reason why developers love AngularJS.

现在,使用AngularJS,这变得很容易,您可以为各种URL创建各种视图。 AngularJS还使您可以在主页中为特定的URL请求加载适当的视图。 这是开发人员喜欢AngularJS的另一个原因。

6.双向装订 (6. Two-way binding)

Data binding is the automatic synchronization of data between the view and the model. The view indicates the HTML and the model indicates the JavaScript variables.

数据绑定是视图和模型之间的数据自动同步。 该视图指示HTML,模型指示JavaScript变量。

In AngularJS, you can easily build a template which can bind different components with different models. In this way, whenever the value of any HTML or view component differs, the bound model value also gets updated.

在AngularJS中,您可以轻松构建一个模板,该模板可以将不同的组件绑定到不同的模型。 这样,只要任何HTML或视图组件的值不同,绑定的模型值也会被更新。

Let’s say if the input text value changes, the bound model is also changed and updated accordingly. To control the changing data, there is no need to program a separate set of callback functions.

假设输入文本值发生更改,则绑定模型也会随之更改和更新。 为了控制变化的数据,无需编写单独的回调函数集。

With two-way data binding, the application's presentation layer becomes very simple. As a result, the UI is clean and has an improved appeal. Also, complex data manipulations and calculations can be done with ease.

通过双向数据绑定,应用程序的表示层变得非常简单。 结果,UI干净并且具有改进的吸引力。 而且,可以轻松完成复杂的数据操作和计算。

总结一下 (To sum up)

Cross-browser web applications built using AngularJS are user-friendly and interactive. One more benefit of AngularJS is that it analyzes the page DOM and then builds bindings which are based on AngularJS-specific elements.

使用AngularJS构建的跨浏览器Web应用程序是用户友好型和交互式的。 AngularJS的另一个好处是,它分析页面DOM,然后建立基于AngularJS特定元素的绑定。

As a result, it significantly reduces the coding part as compared to other frameworks. A single code set for one application and your task is done. Also, less coding means reduced chances of error.

结果,与其他框架相比,它大大减少了编码部分。 只需为一个应用程序设置一个代码即可完成您的任务。 同样,更少的编码意味着减少了出错的机会。

AngularJS is a great multi-functional framework which speeds up your development process. It offers dependency injection and deep linking, and is a robust platform for software development.

AngularJS是一个很棒的多功能框架,可以加快您的开发过程。 它提供依赖项注入和深层链接,是用于软件开发的强大平台。




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