
  • 1、绘画
  • 2、压缩
  • 3、保存
  • 4、读取






class PictureHelper : public QLabel
{Q_OBJECTQ_PROPERTY(PictureType pictureType READ pictureType WRITE setpictureType DESIGNABLE true)
public:static PictureHelper* Instance();        //获取单实例static void            Release();        //释放单实例;void setpictureType(PictureType nType);PictureType pictureType() const;
protected:void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) override;
private:explicit PictureHelper(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR);~PictureHelper();void drawPoint(QPainter* pPainter);void drawText(QPainter* pPainter, QRect dRect);
private:static PictureHelper* m_pSelf;QImage m_Image;QPoint  m_hot;QColor m_pointColor;
void PictureHelper::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
{QPainter dPainter(this);QPen dCapture = QPen(m_pointColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap);dPainter.setPen(dCapture);dPainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_Image);    //画布drawPoint(&dPainter);  //画点}

​ 当实现整个工程之后发现,函数 paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) 根本没有调用,然后开始疯狂的各种找原因,找原因的过程中也了解到了很多知识。

​ 函数 paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) 调用的时机:

  • 在窗口部件第一次显示时,系统会自动产生一个绘图事件,从而强制绘制这个窗口部件;
  • 重新调整窗口部件的大小时,系统也会产生一个绘制事件;
  • 窗口部件隐藏部分重新显示时,隐藏的部分会被重新产生一个绘制事件;
  • 手动调用QWidget::update() 或QWidget::repaint()强制产生一个重绘事件;两者的区别是:repaint会产生一个即时的事件,而update是在Qt下一次处理事件时才产生事件,因此update可以防窗口抖动。

​ 函数 paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) 不调用的原因有两种:

  • update 是被禁用的
  • 绘画的widget被隐藏了
  • 设置了QWidget 的 setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground,true); 属性,会引起很多刷新问题

​ 逐一排除原因,可以保证update函数没有被禁用,也没有设置 Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground 属性,那么就只剩下第二条了,可是第二条与我们的目标是相冲的,这肯定是不现实的。

​ 到这时候,突然发现paintEvent函数不能调用,那么是不是可以试一下不用这个函数呢?

​ 然后修改了函数:

void PictureHelper::paint()
{QPainter dPainter(this);QPen dCapture = QPen(m_pointColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap);dPainter.setPen(dCapture);dPainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_Image);    //画布drawPoint(&dPainter);  //画点


QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 3
QPainter::save: Painter not activeqpainter setpen painter not active

报这个错的位置是 QPainter dPainter(this); 然后查找了下这个报错的原因:


​ 得,又回到原点了。


d->engine = pd->paintEngine();
​if (!d->engine) {qWarning("QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: %d", pd->devType());return false;


QPaintEngine *QPainter::paintEngine() constReturns the paint engine that the painter is currently operating on if the painter is active; otherwise 0.See also isActive().
bool QPainter::isActive() constReturns true if begin() has been called and end() has not yet been called; otherwise returns false.See also begin() and QPaintDevice::paintingActive().


int QImage::devType() const
{return QInternal::Image;
class Q_CORE_EXPORT QInternal {public:enum PaintDeviceFlags {UnknownDevice = 0x00,Widget        = 0x01,Pixmap        = 0x02,Image         = 0x03,Printer       = 0x04,Picture       = 0x05,Pbuffer       = 0x06,    // GL pbufferFramebufferObject = 0x07, // GL framebuffer objectCustomRaster  = 0x08,MacQuartz     = 0x09,PaintBuffer   = 0x0a,OpenGL        = 0x0b};};


QPainter::QPainter(QPaintDevice *device)
Constructs a painter that begins painting the paint device immediately.This constructor is convenient for short-lived painters, e.g. in a QWidget::paintEvent() and should be used only once. The constructor calls begin() for you and the QPainter destructor automatically calls end().Here's an example using begin() and end():


Header:#include <QPaintDevice> qmake:QT += guiInherited By:QImage, QOpenGLPaintDevice, QPagedPaintDevice, QPaintDeviceWindow, QPicture, and QPixmapList of all members, including inherited members

QPaintDevice继承了QImage,那么我们为什么需要多加一步QPainter dPainter(this);呢?

class PictureHelper
void PictureHelper::paint()
{QPainter dPainter(m_Image);QPen dCapture = QPen(m_pointColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap);dPainter.setPen(dCapture);drawPoint(&dPainter);  //画点





QImage QImage::scaled(int width, int height, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation) constThis is an overloaded function.
Returns a copy of the image scaled to a rectangle with the given width and height according to the given aspectRatioMode and transformMode.
If either the width or the height is zero or negative, this function returns a null image.

下面看下enum Qt::AspectRatioMode:
This enum type defines what happens to the aspect ratio when scaling an rectangle.

type value infomation infomation
Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio 0 The size is scaled freely. The aspect ratio is not preserved. 大小自由缩放,长宽比不保留
Qt::KeepAspectRatio 1 The size is scaled to a rectangle as large as possible inside a given rectangle, preserving the aspect ratio. 在给定的矩形内,大小被缩放到一个尽可能大的矩形,保持高宽比。
Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding 2 The size is scaled to a rectangle as small as possible outside a given rectangle, preserving the aspect ratio. 大小被缩放到一个矩形,在给定的矩形外尽可能小,保持高宽比。


下面看下enum Qt::TransformationMode:
This enum type defines whether image transformations (e.g., scaling) should be smooth or not.

type value infomation infomation
Qt::FastTransformation 0 The transformation is performed quickly, with no smoothing. 快速压缩,图片质量不高
Qt::SmoothTransformation 1 The resulting image is transformed using bilinear filtering. 平滑压缩,图片质量较高



bool QImage::save(const QString &fileName, const char *format = Q_NULLPTR, int quality = -1) const



下面再看下压缩之后图片的读取,以1280 * 1024的图片为例,压缩之后的大小640 * 512,文件大小114K。


QImage image(filepath);uchar* ba = image.bits();int size = image.byteCount();

得到的结果为:size = 640 * 512 = 327680,但其实图片的文件大小为:114 * 1024 = 116736,并且重新将ba中的数据保存为图片时,图片是损坏的。


QFile file(pic.path);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
char *pBuff = Q_NULLPTR;
{pBuff = new char[pic.size + 1];
} while (pBuff == Q_NULLPTR);QDataStream in(&file);
int buffSize = in.readRawData(pBuff, pic.size);... //to do somethingif(pBuff != Q_NULLPTR)
{delete[] pBuff;pBuff = Q_NULLPTR;


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