Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

If you’re using Google Meet for a team meeting or presentation, you might need to share your screen or browser window. We’ll show you how to share both!

如果您使用Google Meet进行团队会议或演示,则可能需要共享屏幕或浏览器窗口。 我们将向您展示如何共享两者!

In some apps, like Skype, it’s pretty clear how to use this feature. In Google Meet, though, it’s hidden behind a button with a confusing name. Instead of “Share Screen” or something similar, you’ll see the “Present Now.” Present what, exactly? Does it start a presentation from a linked Google Slides document, perhaps? No, this is just Google Meet’s version of Share Screen.

在某些应用程序中,例如Skype ,很清楚如何使用此功能。 不过,在Google Meet中,它隐藏在名称令人困惑的按钮后面。 代替“共享屏幕”或类似内容,您将看到“立即呈现”。 现在到底是什么? 是否可以从链接的Google幻灯片文档开始演示? 不,这只是Google Meet的共享屏幕版本。

If you’re using Google Chrome, you can use the “Present Now” feature to share your entire screen, any app window, or a Chrome tab. If you’re using Firefox, you can mirror your entire screen or a window. In Safari on a Mac, however, you can only share your entire screen.

如果您使用的是Google Chrome浏览器,则可以使用“立即呈现”功能共享整个屏幕,任何应用程序窗口或Chrome浏览器标签。 如果您使用的是Firefox,则可以镜像整个屏幕或窗口。 但是,在Mac上的Safari中,您只能共享整个屏幕。

We’ll be using Google Chrome, as it has all three options, but the process in the other browsers is similar.

我们将使用Google Chrome,因为它具有所有三个选项,但是其他浏览器中的过程类似。

You can share your screen at any point when you’re in a meeting. Just click “Present Now” in the bottom toolbar.

在会议中,您可以随时共享屏幕。 只需单击底部工具栏中的“立即呈现”。

Select what you want to share from the pop-up menu. If you want to share your entire screen, click “Your Entire Screen.”

从弹出菜单中选择要共享的内容。 如果要共享整个屏幕,请单击“您的整个屏幕”。

In the next popup, select the screen you want to share. If you’re using multiple monitors, you’ll see all of them here. Click “Share.”

在下一个弹出窗口中,选择要共享的屏幕。 如果您使用多个监视器 ,则将在此处看到所有监视器 。 点击“共享”。

Google Meet will start sharing your entire screen. You’ll also see it in the chat window.

Google Meet将开始共享您的整个屏幕。 您还将在聊天窗口中看到它。

If you want to share a particular window of any app, choose the “A Window” option in the “Present Now” menu.


You’ll then see all the available windows on the current desktop. Select the one you want to share, and then click “Share.”

然后,您将在当前桌面上看到所有可用的窗口。 选择您要共享的一个,然后单击“共享”。

If you want to share a particular website with someone, such as a YouTube video or an online PDF, choose “A Chrome Tab” from the “Present Now” menu. Again, this is only available in Google Chrome.

如果您想与某人共享某个网站,例如YouTube视频或在线PDF,请从“立即呈现”菜单中选择“ Chrome选项卡”。 同样,此功能仅在Google Chrome中可用。

The popup lists all open tabs in all Chrome windows. Choose the tab you want to share, and then click “Share.” If you don’t want to share the audio from a tab, be sure to uncheck the “Share Audio” option.

弹出窗口列出了所有Chrome窗口中的所有打开的标签页。 选择您要共享的选项卡,然后单击“共享”。 如果您不想从选项卡共享音频,请确保取消选中“共享音频”选项。

You’ll now see the content of that Chrome tab mirrored in the meeting.


You’ll see a new “Presentation” box in the top toolbar. You can click it to switch between the presentation and participants views.

您会在顶部工具栏中看到一个新的“演示文稿”框。 您可以单击它在演示文稿视图和参与者视图之间切换。

When you’re done sharing your screen, click “You Are Presenting,” and then select “Stop Presenting.”


Screen mirroring will end, and you’ll be returned to the previous view.



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