
When you sign into Windows 8 or 10 using your Microsoft account (and other Microsoft devices, like an Xbox), those devices become associated with your account. If you want to remove an old device you’ve gotten rid of, you’ll have to pay a visit to Microsoft’s account web site.

当您使用Microsoft帐户(和其他Microsoft设备,例如Xbox)登录Windows 8或10时,这些设备将与您的帐户关联。 如果要删除已淘汰的旧设备,则必须访问Microsoft的帐户网站。

Windows 8 and 10 both allow you to sign into your computer using either a Microsoft account or a local account. The advantage of using a Microsoft account is that you can download apps from the Windows Store, sync most of your desktop settings between computers, and use fun features like Cortana. When you sign in with a Microsoft account, the computer you’re using becomes linked with your account. This won’t be a big deal for some, but it can cause a few issues.

Windows 8和10都允许您使用Microsoft帐户或本地帐户登录计算机。 使用Microsoft帐户的优势在于,您可以从Windows应用商店下载应用程序,在计算机之间同步大多数桌面设置,以及使用有趣的功能(例如Cortana) 。 使用Microsoft帐户登录时,您正在使用的计算机将与您的帐户关联。 对于某些人来说,这并不是什么大不了的事,但是它可能会引起一些问题。

  • Apps that you download from the Windows Store, for example, can be installed on up to 10 devices. That may seem like plenty, but it also includes old devices you may not use anymore. If you have a device you want to keep, but remove installed apps, you can also de-authorize that device in the Windows Store instead of removing the device entirely.

    例如,您从Windows应用商店下载的应用程序最多可以安装在10台设备上。 看起来似乎很多,但其中还包含您可能不再使用的旧设备。 如果您有要保留的设备,但要删除已安装的应用程序,则也可以在Windows应用商店中对该设备取消授权,而不必完全删除该设备。

  • If you want to sell, give away, or just trash an old computer, it’s a good idea to remove it from your Microsoft account first. And if you sell a Windows Phone, you’ll need to remove the device from your account before the new owner can set up features like Find My Phone.如果您想出售,赠送或只是丢弃旧计算机,最好先从您的Microsoft帐户中删除它。 而且,如果您出售Windows Phone,则需要从帐户中删除该设备,然后新所有者才能设置“查找我的手机”之类的功能。
  • Every Windows 10 device on which you’ve enabled sync stores its backups on your OneDrive account. These backups don’t use a lot of space, but if you’re using a free OneDrive account, every bit of space counts. Removing a device also removes its backups.启用了同步的每个Windows 10设备都将其备份存储在OneDrive帐户中。 这些备份不会占用很多空间,但是,如果您使用的是免费的OneDrive帐户,那么每一位空间都非常重要。 删除设备也会删除其备份。

To remove a device from your account, hit your web browser and sign in to your Microsoft account.


Click the Devices menu and then choose “Your devices.”


The “Your devices” page shows all devices registered to your account. You can also view just devices that have apps & games, music, or movies & TV shows. But unless you have a lot of devices to weed through, the “Your devices” page is just fine. Find the device you’d like to remove on the list. If you’ve got your devices named well (and here’s a good reason to do that if you haven’t), it should be easy to find. If not, each entry also shows you the model of the devices on which it’s installed, what version of Windows is installed, and (if you have location services turned on) when and where the computer was last seen.

“您的设备”页面显示了注册到您帐户的所有设备。 您还可以仅查看具有应用程序和游戏,音乐或电影和电视节目的设备。 但是除非您有很多设备要清除,否则“您的设备”页面就很好。 在列表中找到要删除的设备。 如果您的设备命名正确(如果您没有正确命名的话,这是一个很好的理由),那么应该很容易找到它。 如果没有显示,则每个条目还会显示安装设备的型号,安装的Windows版本以及上次查看计算机的时间和位置(如果已打开位置服务)。

When you’ve located the device you want to remove, just click the “Remove” link to the right.


On the warning page, select the “I’m ready to remove this device” check box and then click Remove.


A confirmation page shows you what device you removed and the exact time and date. Click Back to Devices.

确认页面会显示删除的设备以及确切的时间和日期。 单击返回设备。

And you’re done. Removing a device from your Microsoft account is pretty straightforward, but it’s good to check in once in a while to keep your device list up to date. Removing devices helps ensure that that old devices you no longer use are not capable of accessing your account and that you don’t run into the ten-device limit for installed apps and games.

这样就完成了。 从您的Microsoft帐户中删除设备非常简单,但是最好不时检查一下以使设备列表保持最新。 删除设备有助于确保您不再使用的旧设备无法访问您的帐户,并且不会遇到已安装的应用和游戏的十台设备限制。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/250631/how-to-remove-a-device-from-your-microsoft-account/



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