
网页搜罗,数据科学 (Web Scraping, Data Science)

In this tutorial, I will show you how to perform web scraping using Anaconda Jupyter notebook and the BeautifulSoup library.

在本教程中,我将向您展示如何使用Anaconda Jupyter笔记本和BeautifulSoup库执行Web抓取。

We’ll be scraping Company reviews and ratings from Indeed platform, and then we will export them to Pandas library dataframe and then to a .CSV file.


Let us get straight down to business, however, if you’re looking on a guide to understanding Web Scraping in general, I advise you of reading this article from Dataquest.


Let us start by importing our 3 libraries


from bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport pandas as pdimport requests

Then, let’s go to indeed website and examine which information we want, we will be targeting Ernst & Young firm page, you can check it from the following link


Based on my location, the country is indicated as Italy but you can choose and control that if you want.


In the next picture, we can see the multiple information that we can tackle and scrape:


1- Review Title


2- Review Body


3- Rating


4- The role of the reviewer


5- The location of the reviewer


6- The review date


However, you can notice that Points 4,5&6 are all in one line and will be scraped together, this can cause a bit of confusion for some people, but my advice is to scrape first then solve problems later. So, let’s try to do this.

但是,您会注意到,点4,5&6都在同一行中,并且将被刮擦在一起,这可能会使某些人感到困惑,但是我的建议是先刮擦然后再解决问题。 因此,让我们尝试执行此操作。

After knowing what we want to scrape, we need to find out how much do we need to scrape, do we want only 1 review? 1 page of reviews or all pages of reviews? I guess the answer should be all pages!!

知道要抓取的内容后,我们需要找出需要抓取的数量,我们只需要进行1次审核吗? 1页评论或所有页面评论? 我想答案应该是所有页面!

If you scrolled down the page and went over to page 2 you will find that the link for that page became as following:


Then try to go to page 3, you will find the link became as following:


Looks like we have a pattern here, page 2=20 , page 3 = 40, then page 4 = 60, right? All untill page 8 = 140

看起来我们这里有一个模式,第2页= 20,第3页= 40,然后第4页= 60,对吗? 全部直到第8页= 140

Let’s get back to coding, start by defining your dataframe that you want.


df = pd.DataFrame({‘review_title’: [],’review’:[],’author’:[],’rating’:[]})

In the next code I will make a for loop that starts from 0, jumps 20 and stops at 140.


1- Inside that for loop we will make a GET request to the web server, which will download the HTML contents of a given web page for us.


2- Then, We will use the BeautifulSoup library to parse this page, and extract the text from it. We first have to create an instance of the BeautifulSoup class to parse our document

2-然后,我们将使用BeautifulSoup库解析此页面,并从中提取文本。 我们首先必须创建BeautifulSoup类的实例来解析我们的文档

3- Then by inspecting the html, we choose the classes from the web page, classes are used when scraping to specify specific elements we want to scrape.


4- And then we can conclude by adding the results to our DataFrame created before.


“I added a picture down for how the code should be in case you copied and some spaces were added wrong”


for i in range(10,140,20):     url = (f’{i}')     header = {“User-Agent”:”Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0 GoogleChrome/10.0"}     page = requests.get(url,headers = header)     soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, ‘lxml’)     results = soup.find(“div”, { “id” : ‘cmp-container’})     elems = results.find_all(class_=’cmp-Review-container’)     for elem in elems:         title = elem.find(attrs = {‘class’:’cmp-Review-title’})         review = elem.find(‘div’, {‘class’: ‘cmp-Review-text’})         author = elem.find(attrs = {‘class’:’cmp-Review-author’})         rating = elem.find(attrs = {‘class’:’cmp-ReviewRating-text’})         df = df.append({‘review_title’: title.text,          ‘review’: review.text,        ‘author’: author.text,          ‘rating’: rating.text            }, ignore_index=True)

DONE. Let’s check our dataframe

完成。 让我们检查一下数据框


Now, once scraped, let’s try solve the problem we have.


Notice the author coulmn had 3 differnt information seperated by (-)


So, let’s split them


author = df[‘author’].str.split(‘-’, expand=True)

Now, let’s rename the columns and delete the last one.


author = author.rename(columns={0: “job”, 1: “location”,2:’time’})del author[3]

Then let’s join those new columns to our original dataframe and delete the old author column


df1 = pd.concat([df,author],axis=1)del df1[‘author’]

let’s examine our new dataframe



Let’s re-organize the columns and remove any duplicates


df1 = df1[[‘job’, ‘review_title’, ‘review’, ‘rating’,’location’,’time’]]df1 = df1.drop_duplicates()

Then finally let’s save the dataframe to a CSV file



You should now have a good understanding of how to scrape and extract data from Indeed. A good next step for you if you are familiar a bit with web scraping it to pick a site and try some web scraping on your own.

您现在应该对如何从Indeed抓取和提取数据有很好的了解。 如果您对网络抓取有点熟悉,可以选择一个不错的下一步来选择一个站点,然后自己尝试一些网络抓取。

Happy Coding:)





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