







[root@localhost python]# cat new_account.py

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import os,time
import cPickle as p
def save_money(wallet, record, amount, comment):date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")with open(wallet) as fobj:balance = p.load(fobj) + amountwith open(wallet, 'wb') as fobj:p.dump(balance, fobj)with open(record, 'a') as fobj:fobj.write("%-12s%-8s%-8s%-10s%-20s\n" % (date,  'N/A', amount, balance, comment))def cost_money(wallet, record, amount, comment):date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")with open(wallet) as fobj:balance = p.load(fobj) - amountif balance < 0:print "余额不足,请先存钱或进行其他操作!"else:with open(wallet, 'wb') as fobj:p.dump(balance, fobj)with open(record, 'a') as fobj:fobj.write("%-12s%-8s%-8s%-10s%-20s\n" % (date, amount, 'N/A', balance, comment))def query_money(wallet, record):print "%-12s%-8s%-8s%-10s%-20s" % ('date', 'cost', 'save', 'balance', 'comment')with open(record) as fobj:for line in fobj:print line,with open(wallet) as fobj:print "New Balance:\n%s" % p.load(fobj)def show_menu():w_file = 'wallet.data'r_file = 'record.txt'cmds = {'0': save_money,'1': cost_money,'2': query_money}prompt = """(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): """if not os.path.isfile(w_file):with open(w_file, 'w') as fobj:p.dump(0, fobj)if not os.path.isfile(r_file):os.mknod(r_file)while True:args = (w_file, r_file)choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0]if choice not in '0123':print "Invalid input, Try again."continueif choice in '01':amount = int(raw_input("Amount: "))comment = raw_input("Comment: ")args = (w_file, r_file, amount, comment)if choice == '3':breakcmds[choice](*args)if __name__ == '__main__':print show_menu()


[root@localhost python]# python new_account.py
(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 2
date        cost    save    balance   comment
New Balance:
(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 1
Amount: 100
Comment: cost 100
(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 0
Amount: 100
Comment: save 100
(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 2
date        cost    save    balance   comment
2017-01-06  N/A     100     100       save 100
New Balance:
(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 1
Amount: 101
Comment: cost 101
(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 1
Amount: 100
Comment: cost 100
(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): 2
date        cost    save    balance   comment
2017-01-06  N/A     100     100       save 100
2017-01-06  100     N/A     0         cost 100
New Balance:
(0) save money
(1) spend money
(2) query detail
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3):



#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding:utf8import os,sys
import time
'''def save():date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")cost = 0while 1:try:save = int(raw_input("请输入存款金额: ").strip())except ValueError:print "\033[31m请输入数值类型,重新输入!\033[0m"continueexcept (KeyboardInterrupt,EOFError):sys.exit("\n\033[31m程序退出\033[0m")if save <= 0:print "\033[31m请输入一个大于0的存款金额:\033[0m"continuewhile 1:try:comment = str(raw_input("请输入存款信息: "))except (KeyboardInterrupt,EOFError):sys.exit("\n\033[31m程序退出\033[0m")if not comment:continuebreakbreakbalance = rekcon_balance(save,cost)a.write('%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s\n' %(date, cost, save, balance, comment))a.flush()with open('balance.txt', 'w') as b:balance = str(balance)b.write(balance)def cost():save = 0date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")while 1:try:cost = int(raw_input("请输入消费金额: ").strip())except ValueError:print "\033[31m请输入数值类型,重新输入!!!\033[0m"continueexcept (KeyboardInterrupt,EOFError):sys.exit("\n\033[31m程序退出\033[0m")if cost <= 0:print "\033[31m请输入一个大于0的消费金额:\033[0m"continuebreakbalance = rekcon_balance(save,cost)while balance == -1:print "\033[31m余额不足,请充值或进行其他操作!!!\033[0m"breakelse:while 1:try:comment = str(raw_input("请输入消费信息: "))except (KeyboardInterrupt,EOFError):sys.exit("\n\033[31m程序退出\033[0m")if not comment:continuebreaka.write('%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s\n' %(date, cost, save, balance, comment))with open('balance.txt', 'w') as b:balance = str(balance)b.write(balance)a.flush()def rekcon_balance(save,cost):try:with open('balance.txt', 'r') as b:balance = b.readline()balance = int(balance)except IOError:balance = 10000balance += saveif cost > balance:balance = -1return balancebalance -= cost# with open('balance.txt', 'w') as f:#     balance = str(balance)#     f.write(balance)return balancedef balance():try:with open('balance.txt', 'r') as b:balance = b.readline()except IOError,e:balance = 10000print "\033[31m初始账户余额:\033[0m¥%s" % balanceelse:print "\033[31m当前账户余额:\033[0m¥%s" % balancedef view():print '账户金额详细信息'.center(78,'*')print "%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s\n" %('Date', 'Cost', 'Save', 'Balance', 'Comment'),with open('account.txt','r') as b:for line in b.readlines():print line,print '*'.center(70,'*')
def show_menu():cmds = {'0': save, '1': cost, '2': balance, '3': view, '4': quit}prompt = """\033[32m-----------------------------
(0): save money
(1): cost money
(2): balance
(3): view detail
(4): quit
Please Input Your Choice: """while 1:try:choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0]except (KeyboardInterrupt,EOFError):sys.exit("\n\033[31m程序退出\033[0m")except IndexError:print "\033[31m无效输入,请重新输入!!!\033[0m"continueif choice not in '01234':print "\033[31m无效输入,请重新输入!!!\033[0m"continueif choice == 4:breakcmds[choice]()if __name__ == '__main__':a = open('account.txt','a')print show_menu()a.close()



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