
‘Attention Is All You Need’


New deep learning models are introduced at an increasing rate and sometimes it’s hard to keep track of all the novelties .


in this Article we will talk about Transformers with attached notebook(text classification example) are a type of neural network architecture that have been gaining popularity .

在本文中,我们将讨论带有笔记本的变压器 (文本分类示例)是一种已经越来越流行的神经网络体系结构。

In this post, we will address the following questions related to Transformers :


目录 : (Table Of Contents :)

  • Why do we need the Transformer ?


  • Transformer and its architecture in detail .


  • Text Classification with Transformer .


  • useful papers to well dealing with Transformer.


我-为什么需要变压器? (I -Why do we need the transformer ?)

Transformers were developed to solve the problem of sequence transduction, or neural machine translation. That means any task that transforms an input sequence to an output sequence. This includes speech recognition, text-to-speech transformation, etc..

开发了变压器来解决序列转导或神经机器翻译的问题。 这意味着任何将输入序列转换为输出序列的任务。 这包括语音识别,文本到语音转换等。

For models to perform sequence transduction, it is necessary to have some sort of memory.


The limitations of Long-term dependencies :


Transformer is an architecture for transforming one sequence into another one with the help of two parts (Encoder and Decoder), but it differs from the previously described/existing sequence-to-sequence models because it does not imply any Recurrent Networks (GRU, LSTM, etc.).


In the paper “Attention is All You Need” , the transformer architecture is well introduced , and like the title indicates transformer architecture uses the attention mechanism (we will make a detailed article about it later)


let’s consider a language model that will predict the next word based on the previous ones !


sentence : “bitcoin the best cryptocurrency”

句子: “比特币是最好的加密货币”

here we don’t need an additional context , so obvious that the next word will be “cryptocurrency” .

这里我们不需要额外的上下文,很明显,下一个单词将是“ cryptocurrency”。

In this case RNN’s can sove the issue and predict the answer using the past information .


But in other cases we need more context . For example, let’s say that you are trying to predict the last word of the text: I grew up in Tunisia … I speak fluent ... Recent information suggests that the next word is probably a language, but if we want to narrow down which language, we need context of Tunisia, that is further back in the text.

但是在其他情况下,我们需要更多的上下文。 例如,假设您要预测文本的最后一句话: 我在突尼斯长大……我的语言说得很流利..... 最近的信息表明,下一个词可能是一种语言,但是如果我们想缩小哪种语言的范围,我们需要突尼斯的语境,这在文本中会更进一步。

RNNs become very ineffective when the gap between the relevant information and the point where it is needed become very large. That is due to the fact that the information is passed at each step and the longer the chain is, the more probable the information is lost along the chain.

当相关信息和需要的信息之间的差距变得很大时,RNN变得非常无效。 这是由于以下事实:信息在每个步骤中传递,并且链条越长,信息沿着链条丢失的可能性就越大。

i recommend a nice article that talk in depth about the difference between seq2seq and transformer .

我推荐一篇不错的文章 ,深入探讨seq2seq和Transformer之间的区别。

II-变压器及其架构的详细信息: (II -Transformer and its architecture in detail :)

An image is worth thousand words, so we will start with that!


The first thing that we can see is that it has a sequence-to-sequence encoder-decoder architecture.


Much of the literature on Transformers present on the Internet use this very architecture to explain Transformers.


But this is not the one used in Open AI’s GPT model (or the GPT-2 model, which was just a larger version of its predecessor).

但这不是Open AI的GPT模型(或GPT-2模型,只是其前身的较大版本)中使用的模型。

The GPT is a 12-layer decoder only transformer with 117M parameters.


The Transformer has a stack of 6 Encoder and 6 Decoder, unlike Seq2Seq;


the Encoder contains two sub-layers: multi-head self-attention layer and a fully connected feed-forward network.


The Decoder contains three sub-layers, a multi-head self-attention layer, an additional layer that performs multi-head self-attention over encoder outputs, and a fully connected feed-forward network.


Each sub-layer in Encoder and Decoder has a Residual connection followed by a layer normalization.


All input and output tokens to Encoder/Decoder are converted to vectors using learned embeddings.


These input embeddings are then passed to Positional Encoding.


The Transformers architecture does not contain any recurrence or convolution and hence has no notion of word order.


All the words of the input sequence are fed to the network


with no special order or position as they all flow simultaneously through the Encoder and decoder stack.


To understand the meaning of a sentence,


it is essential to understand the position and the order of words.


III —使用Transformer(Pytorch实现)进行文本分类: (III — Text Classification using Transformer(Pytorch implementation) :)

It is too simple to use the ClassificationModel from simpletransformes :ClassificationModel(‘Architecture’, ‘model shortcut name’, use_cuda=True,num_labels=4)Architecture : Bert , Roberta , Xlnet , Xlm…shortcut name models for Roberta : roberta-base , roberta-large ….more details here

使用来自simpletransformes的分类模型太简单了:ClassificationModel('Architecture','模型快捷方式名称',use_cuda = True,num_labels = 4)体系结构:Bert,Roberta,Xlnet,Xlm…Roberta的快捷名称模型:roberta-base ,roberta-large…。更多详细信息在这里

we create a model that classify text for 4 classes [‘art’, ‘politics’, ‘health’, ‘tourism’]


we apply this model in our previous project


and we integrate it in our flask application here . (you can buy it for helping us to create better content and help community)

并将其集成到此处的烧瓶应用程序中。 (您可以购买它来帮助我们创建更好的内容并帮助社区)

here you will find a commented notebook :


  • setup environment & configuration
!pip install --upgrade transformers!pip install simpletransformers# memory footprint support libraries/code!ln -sf /opt/bin/nvidia-smi /usr/bin/nvidia-smi!pip install gputil!pip install psutil!pip install humanize importing libraries
  • Importing Libraries
import psutilimport humanizeimport osimport GPUtil as GPUimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdfrom google.colab import filesfrom tqdm import tqdmimport warningswarnings.simplefilter('ignore')import gcfrom scipy.special import softmaxfrom simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModelfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, StratifiedKFold, KFold import sklearnfrom sklearn.metrics import log_lossfrom sklearn.metrics import *from sklearn.model_selection import *import reimport randomimport torchpd.options.display.max_colwidth = 200#choose the same seed to assure that our model will be roproducibledef seed_all(seed_value):    random.seed(seed_value) # Python    np.random.seed(seed_value) # cpu vars    torch.manual_seed(seed_value) # cpu  vars

    if torch.cuda.is_available():         torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed_value)        torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed_value) # gpu vars        torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True  #needed        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = Falseseed_all(2)
  • Reading Data
import pandas as pd#We consider that our data is a csv file (2 columns : text and label)#using pandas function (read_csv) to read the filetrain=pd.read_csv()feat_cols = "text"
  • Verify the topic classes in the data
  • train the model
label_cols = ['art', 'politics', 'health', 'tourism']train.head()l=['art', 'politics', 'health', 'tourism']# Get the numerical ids of column labeltrain['label']=train.label.astype('category')Y =['label']=Y# Print initial shapeprint(Y.shape)from keras.utils import to_categorical# One-hot encode the indexesY = to_categorical(Y)# Check the new shape of the variableprint(Y.shape)# Print the first 5 rowsprint(Y[0:5])for i in range(len(l)) :          train[l[i]] = Y[:,i]#using KFOLD Cross Validation is important to test our model%%timeerr=[]y_pred_tot=[]fold=StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=1997)i=1for train_index, test_index in fold.split(train,train['label']):    train1_trn, train1_val = train.iloc[train_index], train.iloc[test_index]    model = ClassificationModel('roberta', 'roberta-base', use_cuda=True,num_labels=4, args={                                                                         'train_batch_size':16,                                                                         'reprocess_input_data': True,                                                                         'overwrite_output_dir': True,                                                                         'fp16': False,                                                                         'do_lower_case': False,                                                                         'num_train_epochs': 4,                                                                         'max_seq_length': 128,                                                                         'regression': False,                                                                         'manual_seed': 1997,                                                                         "learning_rate":2e-5,                                                                         'weight_decay':0,                                                                         "save_eval_checkpoints": True,                                                                         "save_model_every_epoch": False,                                                                         "silent": True})    model.train_model(train1_trn)    raw_outputs_val = model.eval_model(train1_val)[1]    raw_outputs_vals = softmax(raw_outputs_val,axis=1)    print(f"Log_Loss: {log_loss(train1_val['label'], raw_outputs_vals)}")    err.append(log_loss(train1_val['label'], raw_outputs_vals))

output :


Log_Loss: 0.35637871529928816


CPU times: user 11min 2s, sys: 4min 21s,


total: 15min 23s Wall time: 16min 7s


Log Loss :


print("Mean LogLoss: ",np.mean(err))

output :


Mean LogLoss: 0.34930175561484067



Output :


array([[9.9822301e-01, 3.4856689e-04, 3.8243082e-04, 1.0458552e-03], [9.9695909e-01, 1.1522240e-03, 5.9563853e-04, 1.2927916e-03], [9.9910539e-01, 2.3084633e-04, 2.5905663e-04, 4.0465154e-04], ..., [3.6545596e-04, 2.8826005e-04, 4.3145564e-04, 9.9891484e-01], [4.0789684e-03, 9.9224585e-01, 1.2752400e-03, 2.3997365e-03], [3.7382307e-04, 3.4797701e-04, 3.6257200e-04, 9.9891579e-01]], dtype=float32)

数组([[9.9822301e-01,3.4856689e-04,3.8243082e-04,1.0458552e-03],[9.9695909e-01,1.1522240e-03,5.9563853e-04,1.2927916e-03],[9.9910539e -01,2.3084633e-04,2.5905663e-04,4.0465154e-04],...,[3.6545596e-04,2.8826005e-04,4.3145564e-04,9.9891484e-01],[4.0789684e-03 ,9.9224585e-01,1.2752400e-03,2.3997365e-03],[3.7382307e-04、3.4797701e-04、3.6257200e-04、9.9891579e-01]],dtype = float32)

  • test our Model
pred = model.predict(['i want to travel to thailand'])[1]preds = softmax(pred,axis=1)preds

output :


array([[6.0461409e-04, 3.6119239e-04, 3.3729596e-04, 9.9869716e-01]], dtype=float32)

数组([[6.0461409e-04,3.6119239e-04,3.3729596e-04,9.9869716e-01]],dtype = float32)

we create a function which calculate the maximum probability and detect the topicfor example if we have 0.6 politics 0.1 art 0.15 health 0.15 tourism >>>> topic = politics

我们创建了一个计算最大概率并检测主题的函数, 例如,如果我们有0.6政治0.1艺术0.15健康0.15旅游业>>>> topic =政治

def estm(raw_outputs_vals): for i in range(len(raw_outputs_vals)):   for j in range(4):       if(max(raw_outputs_vals[i])==raw_outputs_vals[i][j]):         raw_outputs_vals[i][j]=1       else :         raw_outputs_vals[i][j]=0 return(raw_outputs_vals)estm(preds)

output :


array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]], dtype=float32)

数组([[0.,0.,0.,1.]],dtype = float32)

our labels are :['art', 'politics', 'health', 'tourism']so that's correct ;)

我们的标签是:['艺术','政治','健康','旅游'], 所以没错;)

i hope you find it useful & helpful !


Download source code from our github.

从我们的github下载源代码 。

III-与变压器很好地打交道的有用论文: (III -useful papers to well dealing with Transformer:)

here a list of recommended papers to get in depth with transformers (mainly Bert Model) :


* Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Evaluation of Word Prediction Models* Emerging Cross-lingual Structure in Pretrained Language Models* Finding Universal Grammatical Relations in Multilingual BERT* On the Cross-lingual Transferability of Monolingual Representations* How multilingual is Multilingual BERT?* Is Multilingual BERT Fluent in Language Generation?* Are All Languages Created Equal in Multilingual BERT?* What’s so special about BERT’s layers? A closer look at the NLP pipeline in monolingual and multilingual models* A Study of Cross-Lingual Ability and Language-specific Information in Multilingual BERT* Cross-Lingual Ability of Multilingual BERT: An Empirical Study* Multilingual is not enough: BERT for Finnish

*单词预测模型的跨语言语法评估*预先训练的语言模型中新出现的跨语言结构*在多语言BERT中找到通用语法关系*关于单语言表示形式的跨语言可传递性*多语言BERT的多语言能力*多语言BERT会流利语言生成?*在多语言BERT中所有语言都创建相同吗?* BERT的层有何特别之处? 仔细研究单语言和多语言模型中的NLP管道*多语言BERT中的跨语言能力和特定于语言的信息的研究*多语言BERT的跨语言能力:一项经验研究*多语言是不够的:芬兰语的BERT

Download all files from our github repo


III-摘要: (III -Summary :)

Transformers present the next front in NLP.


In less than a couple of years since its introduction,


this new architectural trend has surpassed the feats of RNN-based architectures.


This exciting pace of invention is perhaps the best part of being early to a new field like Deep Learning!


if you have any suggestions or a questions please contact NeuroData Team :










Authors :


Yassine Hamdaoui

Yassine Hamdaoui

code credits goes to Med Klai Helmi : Data Scientist and Zindi Mentor

代码信用归于Med Klai Helmi:数据科学家和Zindi Mentor




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