关于fasboot锁定/解锁引导加载程序 ,请参考google source中的说明

Flash all partitions from an update.zip package.

fastboot update ZIP

Flash all partitions from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT. On A/B devices, flashed slot is set as active. Secondary images may be flashed to inactive slot.

fastboot flashall

Flash given partition, using the image from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT if no filename is given.

fastboot flash PARTITION [FILENAME]

List devices in bootloader (-l: with device paths).

fastboot devices [-l]

Display given bootloader variable.

fastboot getvar [NAME]
fastboot getvar version
fastboot getvar version-bootloader
fastboot getvar version-baseband
fastboot getvar version-cpld
fastboot getvar version-microp
fastboot getvar version-main
fastboot getvar version-misc
fastboot getvar serialno
fastboot getvar imei
fastboot getvar meid
fastboot getvar product
fastboot getvar platform
fastboot getvar modelid
fastboot getvar cidnum
fastboot getvar battery-status
fastboot getvar battery-voltage
fastboot getvar partition-layout
fastboot getvar security
fastboot getvar build-mode
fastboot getvar boot-mode
fastboot getvar gencheckpt

Reboot device.

fastboot reboot [bootloader]

Lock/unlock partitions for flashing

fastboot flashing lock|unlock

Lock/unlock ‘critical’ bootloader partitions.

fastboot flashing lock_critical|unlock_critical

Check whether unlocking is allowed (1) or not(0).

fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability

Erase a flash partition.

fastboot erase PARTITION

Format a flash partition.

fastboot format[:FS_TYPE[:SIZE]] PARTITION

Set the active slot.

fastboot set_active SLOT

Execute OEM-specific command.

fastboot oem [COMMAND...]
fastboot oem get-bootinfo
fastboot oem writecid
fastboot oem writeimei
fastboot oem get_identifier_token
fastboot oem unlock-go
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot oem lock
fastboot oem device-info preflash
fastboot oem enable-charger-screen
fastboot oem disable-charger-screen
fastboot oem off-mode-charge
fastboot oem select-display-panel
fastboot oem bootlog
fastboot oem getvar
fastboot oem mmcinfo
fastboot oem info
fastboot oem securewipe

Wipe or disable a GSI installation (fastbootd only).

fastboot gsi wipe|disable

Wipe the super partition. This will reset it to contain an empty set of default dynamic partitions.

fastboot wipe-super [SUPER_EMPTY]

On devices that support snapshot-based updates, cancel an in-progress update. This may make the device unbootable until it is reflashed.

fastboot snapshot-update cancel

On devices that support snapshot-based updates, finish an in-progress update if it is in the “merging” phase.

fastboot snapshot-update merge

Boot image
Download and boot kernel from RAM.

fastboot boot KERNEL [RAMDISK [SECOND]]

Create boot image and flash it.


Specify path to DTB for boot image header version 2.

fastboot --dtb DTB

Override kernel command line.

fastboot --cmdline CMDLINE

Set kernel base address (default: 0x10000000).

fastboot --base ADDRESS

Set kernel offset (default: 0x00008000).

fastboot --kernel-offset

Set ramdisk offset (default: 0x01000000).

fastboot --ramdisk-offset

Set tags offset (default: 0x00000100).

fastboot --tags-offset

Set dtb offset (default: 0x01100000).

fastboot --dtb-offset

Set flash page size (default: 2048).

fastboot --page-size BYTES

Set boot image header version.

fastboot --header-version VERSION

Set boot image OS version (default: 0.0.0).

fastboot --os-version MAJOR[.MINOR[.PATCH]]

Set boot image OS security patch level.

fastboot --os-patch-level YYYY-MM-DD

Android Things
Sends given file to stage for the next command.

fastboot stage IN_FILE

Writes data staged by the last command to a file.

fastboot get_staged OUT_FILE

Wipe userdata.

fastboot -w

Specify a USB device.

fastboot -s SERIAL

Specify a network device.

fastboot -s tcp|udp:HOST[:PORT]

Break into sparse files no larger than SIZE.

fastboot -S SIZE[K|M|G]

Force a flash operation that may be unsafe.

fastboot --force

Use SLOT; ‘all’ for both slots, ‘other’ for non-current slot (default: current active slot).
fastboot --slot SLOT

Sets the active slot before rebooting.

fastboot --set-active[=SLOT]

Don’t flash secondary slots in flashall/update.

fastboot --skip-secondary

Don’t reboot device after flashing.

fastboot --skip-reboot

Sets disable-verity when flashing vbmeta.

fastboot --disable-verity

Sets disable-verification when flashing vbmeta.

fastboot --disable-verification

Enable file-based encryption, wiping userdata.

fastboot --wipe-and-use-fbe

Don’t buffer input or output.

fastboot --unbuffered

Verbose output.

fastboot --verbose, -v

Display version.

fastboot --version

Show this message.

fastboot --help, -h

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