
by Michael D. Johnson

迈克尔·约翰逊(Michael D.Johnson)

良性聚会:露营者如何构建开放源代码工具来解决时区 (Meeting for Good: How Campers Built an Open Source Tool to Solve Time Zones)

Today, I’m thrilled to announce a free tool that solves the two biggest problems with scheduling meetings: time zones and availability.

今天,我很高兴宣布一个免费工具,该工具可以解决安排会议的两个最大问题: 时区可用性

It’s called Meeting for Good, and here’s a quick demo of it in action:

这就是所谓的“ 为善而行”,下面是在实际操作中的快速演示:

A growing percentage of people are working remotely. Collaborating with people around the globe is becoming the norm, rather than the exception. But our tools for collaborating haven’t quite caught up.

越来越多的人在远程工作。 与世界各地的人们合作正在成为一种规范,而不是例外。 但是我们的协作工具尚未赶上。

I should know — as the nonprofit guy at freeCodeCamp and creator of Open Source for Good, I’ve spent the past two and a half years organizing hundreds of developers around the world to come together and code pro bono for nonprofits.

我应该知道–作为freeCodeCamp的非营利组织和Good Source的创建者,我花了两年半的时间来组织世界各地的数百名开发人员聚集在一起,为非营利组织编码。

Together, our teams build free and open source software. Separately, we all have our own obligations. Most of us work, raise families, go to school, serve in our country’s military, or some combination of the above.

我们的团队共同构建免费和开源的软件。 另外,我们每个人都有自己的义务。 我们大多数人工作,抚养家庭,上学,在我国的军队中服役,或以上各项相结合。

We’re busy in different ways, and at different times.


And because freeCodeCamp is a global community, we almost never live in the same time zone.


So scheduling a call with, say, five people in five different countries is easier said than done.


Although there are a few web-based tools that try to help people schedule meetings, we’ve yet to find one that’s easy to use, supports multiple timezones, and helps people find common availability.


Here’s a good example of a bad solution:


Yeah, not great.


We set out to build this tool with one simple goal: to help people effortlessly schedule calls across multiple timezones.

我们着手建立此工具的一个简单目标是: 帮助人们毫不费力地安排跨多个时区的通话。

And that’s exactly what we did. It’s called Meeting for Good. We’ve been using it for months and it’s getting more polished every day. You’re welcome to use it too.

这正是我们所做的。 这就是所谓的善意会议。 我们已经使用了几个月,并且每天都在不断完善。 也欢迎您使用它。

We’re hosting it for free, with no ads. And of course it’s also open source.

我们免费托管,没有广告 。 当然,它也是开源的 。

好的聚会如何工作? (How exactly does Meeting for Good work?)

  1. Create an event, with a range of possible dates and times:


2. Enter your availability, using simple click and drag:

2. 只需单击并拖动即可输入您的可用性

3. Invite others, using email, the event’s custom URL, or recent invitees:

3. 邀请他人,使用 电子邮件,活动的自定义URL或最近被邀请者:

That’s it! It’s ridiculously simple.

而已! 这很简单。

As participants join and add their own availabilities, you’ll see the event update itself with times that work for everyone in your timezone.


If you want more detail on the times where there’s overlap, you can click “View Details” and look over the heat map:


And your dashboard will let you see an overview of all of your upcoming events at a glance.


We’re really proud of the app so far, and we’re nowhere near finished.


We’d love to know what you think too, so please leave a comment with your feedback.


Special thanks go to JP (in Sao Paulo), Aniruddh (in Singapore), Bob (in California), and Akira (in New Caledonia) for their volunteer contributions in building Meeting for Good.

特别感谢JP(在圣保罗) , Aniruddh(在新加坡) , Bob(在加利福尼亚)和Akira(在新喀里多尼亚)为建立“好会议”所做的自愿贡献。

We’ve also got more new software projects to unveil this summer, and a new directory on the way to display all of our Open Source for Good projects in one place.

今年夏天,我们还将发布更多新的软件项目,并在一个新目录中将我们所有的Good Good Source项目都展示在一个地方。

Stay tuned and happy coding!


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如果您喜欢这个,请点击? 下面,以便其他人可以在Medium上看到。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-we-built-an-open-source-tool-that-helps-you-schedule-calls-across-time-zones-f8e6bce8455d/



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