
005.Longest Palindromic [M]

  • Longest Palindromic M

    • 题目
    • 思路


Given a string S, find the longest palindromic substring in S. You may assume that the maximum length of S is 1000, and there exists one unique longest palindromic substring.


可以用的算法有改良KMP还有manacher(马拉车)算法,毫无疑问,manacher算法是专门用来解决最长子串问题的,也是最简便的。关于这个算法可以看: Manacher算法

class Solution { public: string longestPalindrome(string s) { //manacher int bound = 0; int id,max_pos=0; int new_len = 2*s.length()+2; vector<int> P(new_len,1); string new_str(new_len-1,'#'); //生成新串,把所有的字符串通过’#’扩展成奇数 for(int i = 0;i < s.length();i++) { new_str[2*i+1] = s[i]; } new_str = '$'+new_str +='\0'; //防止越界 //manacher算法 for(int i=1;i < new_len; i++) {if(i < bound) { P[i] = min(bound-i,P[2*id-i]); //如果在范围内,找对称面的P[id-(i-id)]和max_pos-i的最小值 } while(new_str[i-P[i]] == new_str[i+P[i]])//查找以这个字符为中心的回文串 { P[i]++; } //更新id和bound if(i+P[i] > bound) { bound = i+P[i]; id = i; } max_pos = P[i] > P[max_pos]?i:max_pos; } int len = P[max_pos]-1; int start = (max_pos-P[max_pos])/2;return s.substr(start,len);}


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