Word Preparation

  1. quite a range:种类很多,范围很广
    This market here sells quite a range of cheese. 

    With 14 rooms, there is quite a range to choose from.

  2. spend time outside. 花时间去户外
    We spend time outside a lot on weekends.

    I don't usually spend time outside unless it's really sunny.

  3. a half-an-hour drive from here:半小时的车程
    That castle is not that far. It's just half-an-hour drive from here. 

    It's just a half-an-hour drive from here to my office.

  4. This is not our area of expertise. 我们不擅长这个。
    I'm sorry I can't help you with this. This is not our area of expertise.

    This is not our area of expertise, so I will find someone else to answer your question.

  5. (A) and (B) are some of his favorites. (A)与(B)是他特别喜欢的。
    Apple juie and cheesecake are some of his favorites. 

    Swimming and jogging are some of his favorites.

  6. That's really his cpu of tea. 他就好这个。
    - Jonny suggests we go to a bar for watching the football game. Jonny建议我们去酒吧看球赛。
    - That's really his cpu of tea. 他就好这个。

    I think he'll love it. That's really his cpu of tea.


Expressing feelings about outdoor activities 表达对户外运动的感受

除了 "... and ... are some of someone's favorites",还可以说

  • (A) and (B) are two of sb's favorite sports.
  • someone likes many things, including (A) and (B)
  • (A) and (B) are some things that someone likes.
  • someone really likes sth. such as ...


  • Badminton and football are two of his favorite sports.
  • He likes many outdoor activities, including camping and skydiving.
  • Equestrianism and rock climbing are some outdoor activities he likes.
    注:equestrianism:/əˈkwestrēəˌnizəm/ 马术,来自于拉丁equester, equestr- (horseman), equus (horse)。
  • He really likes outdoor activities, such as fishing and canyoning. 
    注:canyon['kænjən] :峡谷;canyoning:峡谷漂流(一种冒险运动)

【英语学习】【Daily English】U03 Leisure Time L03 Hiking and camping are some of his favorites.相关推荐

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