
毕 业 设 计 论 文


学生姓名: 指导教师:


系别名称: 信息工程系


学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师:


As the e-business and network technology to the rapid development,the modern logistics technology has been steadily progressing. Logistics is the logistics’s elements and related to the activities of all professional and technical customers, including various methods of operation, Management skills, such as flow-processing technology, packaging technology goods, goods identification technology, real-time tracking technology items, Logistics Storage Technology; Logistics Technology also include logistics planning, logistics evaluation, logistics design, logistics strategies; When Computer Network Technology Application widespread, integrated logistics technology many modern technologies such as GIS (geographic information systems), GPS (global positioning satellite), EDI (electronic data interchange), BAR CODE (bar code). In the logistics industry to adopt certain aspects of modern information technology and the successful experience of normative integration, for the promotion of e-commerce has paved the way. World retail giants such as Wal-Mart has used American GPS tracking and logistics to ensure the monitoring of goods in a timely manner, reliable, safe arrival of all sales.

Although GPS in commercial applications in China at present is not really reality, the cost is relatively high. But the Internet in China and the spread of development has been very mature and solid, We utilize the existing network technology can achieve the value of logistics tracking control!

Three-tier architecture using java technology development Warehouse Management System for goods inventory information, Information providers, the volume of information storage and commodity information, commodity information from the convenience of management. Implementation of storage management information, and reduce the manpower, financial savings, improve the e


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