
In this article we are going to explore how to configure an Availability Group between a clustered instance and a standalone instance, showing, step-by-step, how to setup a possible Disaster Recovery environment.


Introduced on SQL Server 2012, the Availability Groups brought the expectation to be an improved version of the database mirroring, which will be discontinued soon. The AlwaysOn Availability Groups was improved on SQL Server 2014, giving the capability of have more replicas, better troubleshooting possibilities and improving its availability. Comparing the Availability Groups with the database mirroring, in a very high level, we gained the possibility of have a listener to dynamically redirect the connection to the current active instance and also the capability of distribute the read workload between readable replicas. However, only the primary replica is able to write.

在SQL Server 2012上引入的可用性组带来了对数据库镜像的改进版本的期望,该版本将很快停用。 SQL Server 2014对AlwaysOn可用性组进行了改进,使其具有更多副本的功能,更好的故障排除可能性并提高了其可用性。 在较高层次上将可用性组与数据库镜像进行比较,我们获得了使监听器动态地将连接重定向到当前活动实例的可能性,并且还具有在可读副本之间分配读取工作负载的能力。 但是,只有主副本才可以写入。

If you search about “how to setup an AlwaysOn Availability Group” probably you are going to find some articles out there, but all of those talking about the typical setup, where the Availability Group is being done between two standalone instances. In this article I’m going to do something different, the idea here is configure the Availability Group between a clustered instance and a standalone one, this way we can explore the differences between the typical and the not so typical


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