
In continuation to the part 1, on how to setup a SQL Server Availability Groups, let’s now check how to create the Availability Group itself and put the databases in sync.

继续第1部分 (关于如何设置SQL Server可用性组)的内容,现在让我们检查如何创建可用性组本身并使数据库同步。

For this purpose, we will be using the “New Availability Group” wizard. To access this option, expand the “AlwaysOn High Availability” node and right click the “Availability Groups” folder.

为此,我们将使用“新可用性组”向导。 要访问此选项,请展开“ AlwaysOn High Availability”节点,然后右键单击“ Availability Groups”文件夹。

A new window will be presented, with a summary of in what the wizard will help us. You can see an example in the next image.

将显示一个新窗口,其中概述了向导将帮助我们的内容。 您可以在下一张图片中看到一个示例。

Click “Next” to proceed, and let’s start the actual configuration. In the first step we need to input an Availability Group name. This is just a name to help us identify a group, nothing related with the listener.

单击“下一步”继续,让我们开始实际配置。 在第一步中,我们需要输入一个可用性组名称。 这只是一个名称,可以帮助我们识别组,而与侦听器无关。

I will be using the name “AgHowTo” in order to demonstrate all the steps to follow. Fill the name, as desired, and click “Next”.

我将使用名称“ AgHowTo”来演示要执行的所有步骤。 根据需要填写名称,然后单击“下一步”。

On this second step, we will be asked to select all the databases that we want to include in our Availability Group.


Notice that there’s a column “Status” where the message “Met the prerequisites” is being shown. To meet the prerequisites, the wizard means that our database is in the FULL recovery mode, and that we have a FULL backup (at least one, to start the chain), and a subsequent transaction log backup or a differential backup.

请注意,有一列“状态”(Status)会显示消息“满足先决条件”。 为了满足先决条件,向导意味着我们的数据库处于FULL恢复模式,并且我们具有FULL备份(至少一个,以启动链),以及后续的事务日志备份或差异备份。

If the database is not meeting the basic requisites, just verify the referred points, and click in the “Refresh” button, in order to have an updated list of the available databases.


Select all the databases that you want to include on this Availability group, by picking the checkbox in the first column. Now click “Next”.

通过选中第一列中的复选框,选择要包含在此可用性组中的所有数据库。 现在单击“下一步”。

It’s time to add the replicas! Notice that a primary replica (the current instance) is already added. In order to add another replica, click the “Add Replica” button, perform the login, which can be by Integrated Security or SQL Server Login, and a new replica will be available in the “Replicas” list.

是时候添加副本了! 请注意,已经添加了主副本(当前实例)。 为了添加另一个副本,请单击“添加副本”按钮,执行登录(可以通过Integrated Security或SQL Server登录),然后在“副本”列表中将提供一个新的副本。

Notice that you can always include more than one replica. Currently, we have a limit of 8 replicas for SQL Server 2014 and a limit of 4 replicas for SQL Server 2012.

请注意,您始终可以包括多个副本。 当前,SQL Server 2014的副本数限制为8个,SQL Server 2012的副本数限制为4。

To proceed with this article, I added only one more replica, the standalone SQL Server. You need to take a decision of what will be the role of your replicas. You can choose to have readable, read-intent, or non-readable secondary. This option makes all the difference, when you are looking to have a load-balancing solution, a high availability solution or just a disaster recovery instance.

为了继续本文,我仅添加了一个副本,即独立SQL Server。 您需要决定副本的角色。 您可以选择具有可读性,可读性或不可读性。 当您希望拥有负载平衡解决方案,高可用性解决方案或仅是灾难恢复实例时,此选项将发挥所有作用。

Notice that the synchronization mode is also very important, where you need to choose to have a Synchronous commit – you need to receive an ack message from the secondary replica in order to successfully complete the transaction – or an Asynchronous one, where the acknowledge message is not required.


In that same step, you can also set if a certain replica will be available for automatic failover. In case of this need, remember that you need to have this replica marked as “Synchronous Commit” in order to assure that no data is lost in the case of an unplanned failover.

在同一步骤中,您还可以设置某个副本是否可用于自动故障转移。 在这种情况下,请记住,您需要将此副本标记为“同步提交”,以确保在计划外故障转移的情况下不会丢失任何数据。

To finalize this step, just as information, you can also add an Azure Replica, but this is something to talk on another occasion…


Click “next” to proceed.


Now it’s time to select the preference for the initial data synchronization. In our case we will pick the “Join only” option, because we already have a replica with the full and t-log backups restored and open to receive new data, as the database is “In Recovery” mode.

现在是时候为初始数据同步选择首选项了。 在本例中,我们将选择“仅加入”选项,因为数据库已经处于“处于恢复”模式,因此我们已经具有一个还原了完整备份和t-log备份的副本,并已打开以接收新数据。

You have two more options, the first is the “Full” option. Going to this way, you will need to refer some fileshare where SQL Server will perform and save the required backups of the selected databases and will use it to restore each one in the added secondary node.

您还有两个选项,第一个是“完全”选项。 为此,您将需要引用一些文件共享,SQL Server将在其中执行并保存所选数据库的所需备份,并将其用于还原添加的辅助节点中的每个备份。

The last option is “Skip initial data synchronization”. Use this option if for any reason you don’t want to synchronize the databases now.

最后一个选项是“跳过初始数据同步”。 如果出于任何原因您现在不想同步数据库,请使用此选项。

<quick note>

< 快速 说明>

In order to go ahead and add a new database in the Availability Group, you will need to perform all the steps already described in the part 1 of this article, and from the secondary node right-click the database under the folder “Availability Databases” and choose the first option “Join to Availability Group” .

为了继续在可用性组中添加新数据库,您将需要执行本文第1部分中已经描述的所有步骤,并在辅助节点中右键单击文件夹“ Availability Databases”下的数据库。并选择第一个选项“加入可用性组”。

A new window will be shown, in order to confirm your intention. You just need to click “Ok” and, if the database in the secondary instance is ready, this should work fine and start synchronizing the respective secondary replica with the primary replica immediately.

将显示一个新窗口,以确认您的意图。 您只需要单击“确定”,并且,如果辅助实例中的数据库已准备就绪,这应该可以正常工作,并立即开始将各自的辅助副本与主副本同步。

</quick note>

< / / 快速说明>

We are almost there! So now SQL Server will run some validation tests, and if we are ok we can click on “Next” and go to summary.

我们就快到了! 因此,现在SQL Server将运行一些验证测试,如果可以,我们可以单击“下一步”并进行总结。

On this step, we just need to review the options taken and advance, by clicking on “Finish”.


Now we have some action here


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