The iPhone 7 is available in two sizes: the regular 4.7” screen iPhone 7, and the 5.5” screen iPhone 7 Plus. Both phones are available with 32GB, 128GB or 256GB of storage in Jet Black, Black, Gold, Silver, Rose Gold, and Red. Let’s take a look at how each phone differs and consider which one is the right fit for you.

iPhone 7有两种尺寸:常规的4.7英寸屏幕iPhone 7和5.5英寸屏幕iPhone 7 Plus。 这两款手机均可提供32GB,128GB或256GB的存储容量,包括黑色,黑色,金色,银色,玫瑰金和红色。 让我们看一下每部手机的不同之处,并考虑哪种手机最适合您。

iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus (iPhone 7 vs iPhone 7 Plus)

Physical size is the most obvious difference between the two phones. The iPhone 7 is 2.64 inches wide, 5.44 inches tall by 0.28 inches deep and weighs in at 4.87 ounces. The iPhone 7 Plus is 3.07 inches wide, 6.23 inches tall by 0.29 inches deep and weighs a little more at 6.63 ounces. Neither is exactly a small phone, but the Plus is noticeably bigger.

实际尺寸是两部手机之间最明显的区别。 iPhone 7宽2.64英寸,高5.44英寸,深0.28英寸,重4.87盎司。 iPhone 7 Plus宽3.07英寸,高6.23英寸,深0.29英寸,重6.63盎司,重一点。 两者都不是小型手机,但Plus明显更大。

The screens are similarly different in size. The iPhone 7 has a 4.7 inch, 1334×750 display with a resolution of 326 ppi. The iPhone 7 Plus has a 5.5 inch, 1920×1080 display with a resolution of 401 ppi. The screen ratios are practically identical, so everything looks the same on both phones; it’s just that it’s all a little bigger on the Plus.

屏幕尺寸类似地不同。 iPhone 7具有4.7英寸,1334×750的显示屏,分辨率为326 ppi。 iPhone 7 Plus具有5.5英寸1920×1080显示屏,分辨率为401 ppi。 屏幕比例实际上是相同的,因此两款手机的外观都相同。 只是Plus的功能更大了。

To keep speed up while running the extra screen real estate, the Plus has 3GB of RAM to the regular iPhone’s 2GB.


Other than the size, the biggest difference between the two phones is the camera. The iPhone 7 has an upgraded version of the same camera that has been in iPhones for years. It’s got a 12MP sensor and an f/1.8 lens that approximates a full frame focal length of 28 mm. The Plus has the exact same camera, as well as a second one with a 12MP sensor and an f/2.8 lens that approximates a full frame focal length of 56 mm. You can read more about it here.

除了尺寸之外,这两款手机之间最大的区别在于相机。 iPhone 7具有与iPhone多年相同的相机的升级版本。 它具有一个12MP传感器和一个f / 1.8镜头,其全帧焦距约为28毫米。 Plus拥有完全相同的相机,还有第二个带有12MP传感器和f / 2.8镜头的相机,其全画幅焦距约为56毫米。 您可以在此处了解更多信息 。

Finally, the extra physical space in the Plus allows for more battery capacity. Apple claims the iPhone 7 gets up to 14 hours of talk time and 10 days on standby, while the iPhone 7 Plus gets up to 21 hour of talk time and 16 days on standby.

最后,Plus中额外的物理空间可提供更多的电池容量。 苹果声称iPhone 7的通话时间长达14小时,待机时间为10天,而iPhone 7 Plus的通话时间长达21小时,待机时间为16天。

哪个电话适合您? (Which Phone Is Right for You?)

Both iPhones are awesome, but one will probably be a better fit for you. Let’s try work it out.

这两款iPhone都很棒,但可能会更适合您。 让我们尝试解决。

尺寸重要吗? (Does Size Matter?)

The iPhone 7 Plus is big. Like, among the biggest phones you can buy big. And since it’s your phone, you’re going to need to carry it everywhere. If you tend to wear clothes with small pockets, or don’t carry a handbag, this could be a problem.

iPhone 7 Plus很大。 一样,最大的手机中,你可以买 。 而且由于它是您的手机,因此您需要随身携带它。 如果您倾向于穿带小口袋的衣服,或者不带手提袋,那么这可能是个问题。

It also might be an issue if you have small hands. Even the regular iPhone 7 isn’t that small, so your best bet is to go down to a local Apple Store and see how each one feels in your hand.

如果您的手很小,这也可能是一个问题。 即使是普通的iPhone 7也不是那么小,所以最好的选择是去一家当地的Apple Store,看看每个人的感觉如何。

If the Plus is too big, and it will be for some people, then the iPhone 7 is the only option.

如果Plus太大,并且对某些人来说太大了,那么iPhone 7是唯一的选择。

您要为相机购买吗? (Are You Buying it for the Camera?)

If you use your iPhone’s camera a lot, the Plus is by far the better buy. The telephoto lens adds a lot of flexibility to your shooting. Portrait mode, which simulates the look of a DSLR with a wide aperture lens, is also a really great addition.

如果您经常使用iPhone的相机,那么Plus绝对是最好的选择。 远摄镜头为您的拍摄增加了很多灵活性。 纵向模式可以模拟具有大光圈镜头的数码单反相机的外观,也是一项非常不错的功能。

This isn’t the say that the camera on the iPhone 7 is bad, just that besides physical dimensions, the camera is where the Plus really stands out.

这并不是说iPhone 7上的摄像头很差,而不仅仅是外形尺寸,摄像头是Plus真正脱颖而出的地方。

您多久离开一次充电器? (How Often Are You Away from a Charger?)

The Plus has noticeably longer battery life. If you regularly run out of charge throughout the day, this might be the deciding factor for you. If, however, you spend most of your time at home or in the office, where you’ve got a charger handy, then you probably won’t notice the extra talk time.

Plus具有明显更长的电池寿命。 如果您全天经常没电,这可能是决定您的因素。 但是,如果您将大部分时间都花在家里或办公室里,而这时您可以方便地使用充电器,那么您可能不会注意到额外的通话时间。

您在手机上做很多工作吗? (Do You Do Much Work on Your Phone?)

On a few occasions, I’ve written significant chunks of articles on my iPhone. It’s not the best experience, but it’s possible. If you have to read documents, respond to a lot of email, or otherwise do anything that starts to approach real work on your phone, then the Plus’s extra screen real estate offers a definite advantage.

有几次,我在iPhone上写了很多文章。 这不是最好的体验,但是有可能。 如果您必须阅读文档,回复大量电子邮件或以其他方式开始处理手机上的实际工作,则Plus的额外屏幕空间无疑具有优势。

您准备花多少钱? (How Much Are You Prepared to Spend?)

All the iPhone 7 Plus’s extra features don’t come for nothing: the Plus costs $120 more than the regular iPhone 7 for every storage size. You can get a regular 32GB iPhone 7 for $649, but the 32GB iPhone 7 Plus costs $769. The top end, 256GB Plus will set you back $969.

iPhone 7 Plus的所有额外功能并非一无是处:每种存储空间的价格都比普通iPhone 7高出120美元。 普通的32GB iPhone 7售价649美元,而32GB iPhone 7 Plus售价769美元。 高端的256GB Plus售价为969美元。

If you’re on a budget and the Plus’s extra features won’t really make a difference to you, then the regular iPhone 7 is by far the better buy.

如果您的预算有限,那么Plus的额外功能对您并没有真正的改变,那么普通的iPhone 7绝对是最好的选择。

The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are both great phones. The Plus has a larger screen, longer battery life, and more camera options, but that comes with a massive physical footprint and a steep price increase. Pick the one that best fits your needs.

iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus都是出色的手机。 Plus拥有更大的屏幕,更长的电池寿命和更多的摄像头选项,但是这会占用大量的物理空间并大幅提高价格。 选择最适合您的需求。


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