ptr *ptr 关系

Blizzard’s team-based first-person shooter Overwatch has quickly become one of the most popular multiplayer games on the planet. There are a lot of reasons for this: fantastic character design, tight balancing, excellent gameplay variety. But one of the nicer perks of the game is that Blizzard periodically updates the game with new content for free, including brand new playable characters (known as “Heroes” in the Overwatch lexicon). If you want to try them out before everyone else, you can do so on what’s known at the PTR server.

暴雪基于团队的第一人称射击游戏《守望先锋》已经Swift成为地球上最受欢迎的多人游戏之一。 造成这种情况的原因很多:出色的角色设计,紧密的平衡性,出色的游戏多样性。 但是游戏更好的好处之一是暴雪会定期免费更新新内容,其中包括全新的可玩角色(在《守望先锋》词典中称为“英雄”)。 如果您想在其他所有人之前试用它们,则可以使用PTR服务器上已知的方法进行尝试。

PTR stands for “Public Test Region,” and that’s exactly what it is: a periodically activated fourth major play server for Overwatch, in addition to the always-on servers for the Americas, Europe, and Asia. At the moment, the PTR is limited to PC players and unavailable on consoles, and that seems unlikely to change…so Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners need not apply.

PTR代表“公共测试区域”,这就是它的确切含义:除了为美洲,欧洲和亚洲提供永远在线的服务器外,它还为Overwatch定期激活的第四台主要游戏服务器。 目前,PTR仅限于PC播放器,在控制台上不可用,并且似乎不太可能改变……因此Xbox One和PlayStation 4所有者无需申请。

安装PTR区域 (Installing the PTR Region)

On your Windows PC, Click the Start button, then type “” and click the first link to open Blizzard’s game manager application.

在Windows PC上,单击“开始”按钮,然后键入“”,然后单击第一个链接以打开暴雪的Battle.net游戏管理器应用程序。

If you’ve already installed Overwatch, it’s hanging out in the game list on the left-hand column of the window. Normally you’d just click “Play” to start the game in your default region—Americas, in my case. Instead, click the “Region/Account” drop-down menu just above the Play button, then select “Public Test Region.”

如果您已经安装了《守望先锋》,它将在窗口左侧列的游戏列表中显示。 通常,您只需单击“播放”即可在您的默认区域(就我而言,美国)开始游戏。 而是单击“播放”按钮上方的“区域/帐户”下拉菜单,然后选择“公共测试区域”。

The “Play” button has now shifted to “Install,” because you’ll have to download a second copy of the game—the beta version Blizzard has recently updated—in order to play it. Click “Install,” then “Start Install” on the next screen. You’ll need enough space on your storage drive to hold a second copy of the game, about 10.5 gigabytes at the time of writing. You can change the installation location if you need to manage the specific files.

现在,“播放”按钮已切换为“安装”,因为您必须下载游戏的第二个副本(暴雪最近更新的Beta版)才能玩它。 单击“安装”,然后在下一个屏幕上单击“开始安装”。 您需要在存储驱动器上有足够的空间来容纳游戏的第二个副本,在撰写本文时约为10.5 GB。 如果需要管理特定文件,则可以更改安装位置。

The game will begin the download and installation process. How long it takes depends on your Internet connection speed. It’s technically possible to start playing before the download is completely finished, but the difference between “playable” and “completed” tends to be so small that you might as well wait for it to finish up.

游戏将开始下载和安装过程。 需要多长时间取决于您的Internet连接速度。 从技术上讲,可以在完全完成下载之前开始播放,但是“可播放”和“已完成”之间的差异往往很小,以至于您不妨等待它完成。

When the download is done, just click “Play” to start up the PTR version of Overwatch. You may need to log in with your Blizzard account.

下载完成后,只需单击“播放”即可启动《守望先锋》的PTR版本。 您可能需要使用Blizzard帐户登录。

NOTE: unlike switching between the regional servers, switching to the PTR means your experience points, loot items, and player settings won’t transfer over in either direction. Don’t get too attached to anything you earn in Loot Boxes, and remember to adjust control bindings back on your regular server if you’ve become accustomed to them on the PTR.

注意:与在区域服务器之间切换不同,切换到PTR意味着您的经验值,战利品和玩家设置不会在任何方向上转移。 不要太依赖于在“战利品箱”中获得的任何东西,并且记住如果您习惯了PTR上的控件绑定,请在常规服务器上重新调整控件绑定。

尝试新角色的提示 (Tips for Trying Out New Characters)

The PTR server isn’t always available, but it’s the first place to play with a new Overwatch hero when they’re introduced, along with tweaks to existing heroes, gameplay balances, bug fixes, and other additions. Because everyone wants to check out the new stuff, the PTR tends to get swamped whenever a new hero is announced—you might have to wait in a digital queue for a few minutes to an hour before even entering the game, as players all over the world hop on.

PTR服务器并不总是可用,但它是引入新守望先锋英雄时的第一个玩游戏,以及对现有英雄的调整,游戏玩法平衡,错误修复及其他添加。 因为每个人都想签出新玩意,所以每当有新英雄宣布时,PTR都会被淹没-您可能不得不在数字队列中等待几分钟到一个小时,然后才能进入游戏,因为遍布各地的玩家世界跳。

“Come on, come on, come on! I hate waiting!”
“来吧,来吧,来吧! 我讨厌等待!”

Complicating things is the structure of Overwatch’s game modes themselves: in a standard team battle, only one player on each side can pick each hero. That means that roughly only one in six players can play as a new character like Doomfist during each game. The new heroes tend to be picked instantly by impatient players.

复杂的事情是《守望先锋》游戏模式本身的结构:在标准的团队战斗中,每边只有一个玩家可以选择每个英雄。 这意味着每场比赛中大约只有六分之一的玩家可以像毁灭战士那样扮演新角色。 不耐烦的玩家往往会立即选择新英雄。

However, there are still a few ways to make sure you can get some practice in. To wit:


  • Make sure to take advantage of the Practice Arena. This special map with robot dummies can be accessed by a solo player at any time, and it’s an ideal place to try out a new hero’s abilities and techniques. Be sure to use the various platforms and levels to test out movement skills, both vertically and horizontally.确保利用练习场。 带有虚拟人偶的特殊地图可以由独奏者随时访问,它是尝试新英雄的能力和技术的理想之地。 确保使用各种平台和级别来测试垂直和水平方向的移动技能。
  • Try the Arcade game modes. The PTR doesn’t always support the full hodgepodge of game types in the Overwatch Arcade, but when a new hero comes along, Blizzard will usually enable one or two of them that allow unrestricted access to the new character for all players, like No Limits. Ditto for the Game Browser: player-customized games won’t have the same restrictions as Quick Play.尝试Arcade游戏模式。 PTR并不总是支持《守望先锋》街机中的所有游戏类型,但是当出现新英雄时,暴雪通常会启用其中的一两个,从而允许所有玩家不受限制地使用新角色,例如无限制。 游戏浏览器的同上:玩家自定义游戏与快速游戏没有相同的限制。
  • Just because you’re not fast enough to play as the new character in a public game doesn’t mean that that game is a wash. New players will make mistakes with an unfamiliar hero, and it’s a great time to develop offensive and defensive strategies when playing as your “main” heroes as the game shifts to accommodate its new addition.仅仅因为您不够快而不能像公共游戏中的新角色一样玩,并不意味着该游戏会被洗掉。 新玩家会与一个陌生的英雄犯错,这是一个绝佳的时机,当您作为“主要”英雄出战时,随着游戏的转变以适应新的加入,制定进攻和防御策略。
  • If you have a regular group of friends who play Overwatch on the PC, ask them to install the PTR region as well. With six players in a team, you can take equal turns at the new hero, and it’s a great way to see how (or if) you can manage to use the new hero in a coordinated team.如果有固定的朋友在PC上玩《守望先锋》,请让他们也安装PTR区域。 一个团队中有六个玩家,您可以平等轮换使用新英雄,这是查看如何(或是否)可以成功地在协作团队中使用新英雄的好方法。

As long as you’re willing to try a few things and be patient, you should get a chance to play with that new exciting hero.


切换回标准服务器 (Switching Back to the Standard Server)

The PTR server isn’t always available, so it’s not a good idea to use it as your primary Overwatch destination. And remember that unlike the three standard servers, your accumulated experience points, loot items, and player settings on the PTR don’t travel back to the release version of the game.

PTR服务器并非总是可用,因此将其用作主要的“守望先锋”并不是一个好主意。 请记住,与三款标准服务器不同,您在PTR上积累的经验值,战利品和玩家设置不会回到游戏的发行版。

When you’re ready to head back to the deep end of Overwatch, just open the Region/Account drop-down menu in and set it back to your usual region. Click “Play” and you’re back in the release version of the game, complete with your usual Hero Gallery items, player level, and access to all game modes.

当您准备好回到《守望先锋》的尽头时,只需打开Battle.net中的“地区/帐户”下拉菜单,然后将其设置回您的通常区域即可。 单击“播放”,您将返回游戏的发行版本,其中包含您平时使用的英雄图库项目,玩家等级以及对所有游戏模式的访问权限。

If you’d like to remove the PTR version of the game to get some space back on your PC’s storage drive, here’s how: select the Player Test Region from the drop-down menu, click “Options” just underneath the Overwatch logo, then click “Uninstall Game.”

如果您想删除游戏的PTR版本以在PC的存储驱动器上腾出空间,请按照以下步骤操作:从下拉菜单中选择Player Test Region,然后单击“守望先锋”徽标正下方的“选项”,然后点击“卸载游戏”。


ptr *ptr 关系

ptr *ptr 关系_如何在PTR服务器上试用新的《守望先锋》英雄相关推荐

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