


在介绍3D变形的之前,读者首先要掌握的是3D的固定流水线, 现在做游戏的开发者对于什么是3D固定流水线一无所知,市面上使用的大部分引擎都封装的非常好,开发者也沦为了只会使用工具,对于一些常识一概不知。在游戏公司做的主要事情就是写写逻辑,调用调用接口,如果需求超出接口的范畴基本上就是一筹莫展,或者说引擎的功能满足不了。面对这种情况,作为开发者必须把3D的基本知识掌握了,这样遇到3D的任何问题都不会感觉难下手,至少知道解决问题的思路。如果读者对于3D固定流水线不清楚可以自己去查阅,我也写过关于3D固定流水线的博客,在这里就不做介绍了,简单的一句话表示3D固定流水线就是将3D模型在2D屏幕上显示的过程,这个过程就是对于矩阵的换算,对应3D固定流水线是3D可编程流水线,不清楚的读者自行查阅一下,这个都必须要掌握的。





#ifndef halfedge_h
#define halfedge_h#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;// Halfedge structures
struct HE_edge;
struct HE_vert;
struct HE_face;
struct HE_line;struct HE_edge
{int edgeID;HE_vert* vertS; // Vertex at the start of halfedgeHE_vert* vertE;   // Vertex at the end of halfedgeHE_edge* pair;  // Oppositely oriented halfedgeHE_face* face;   // Incident faceHE_edge* next;  // Next halfedge around the face
};struct HE_vert
{int vertID;            // Vertex IDfloat x, y, z;      // Vertex coordinatesfloat nx, ny, nz;  // Vertex normalsbool selected;     // Selected for FFDHE_edge* edge;       // Halfedge emanating from vertex
};struct HE_face
{int faceID;            // Face IDint v1, v2, v3;       // Vertex IDsfloat nx, ny, nz;  // Face normalsHE_edge* edge;       // Halfedge bordering the face
};struct HE_line
{unsigned int startVert, endVert;bool operator < (const HE_line &other) const{if(startVert < other.startVert)return true;else if(startVert == other.startVert)return endVert < other.endVert;elsereturn false;}HE_line(){};HE_line(const HE_line &vert) {startVert = vert.startVert;endVert = vert.endVert;}HE_line(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2) {startVert = v1;endVert = v2;}


#ifndef mesh_h
#define mesh_h#include <cstdlib>
#include <GL\glui.h>
//#include <GL\freeglut.h>
#include <map>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <WTypes.h>using namespace std;

// Mesh functions
void loadMesh(std::string path);
void findMinMax(float tempX, float tempY, float tempZ);
void calcFaceNorm(void);
void calcVertNorm(void);
void setToOrigin(void);
void scaleToOrigin(void);// Draw functions
double editLineWidth(int width);
void drawMeshWire(void);
void drawMeshSolid(void);
void drawMeshPoint(void);
void drawBbox(void);
void drawGrid(void);
void drawAxes(void);// Dialog functions
void createFileDialog(void);
int createMsgbox(int msgboxID);
{ERR_no_mesh = 0,ERR_no_pt




void deformMesh()
{copyVertices = new Vertex[numOfVert]();for(int count = 0; count < numOfVert; count++) {/* Create copy of vertex position */copyVertices[count].x = v0[count].x;copyVertices[count].y = v0[count].y;copyVertices[count].z = v0[count].z;/* Recalculate new minimum/maximum vertices */if(vertices[count].selected) {findSelectedMinMax(vertices[count].x, vertices[count].y, vertices[count].z);}}for(int count = 0; count < numOfVert; count++) {/* Only calculate new position of vertex if selected */if(vertices[count].selected) {/* Highlights selected vertex */glColor3f(0.5, 0.5, 1);glPushMatrix();glTranslatef(copyVertices[count].x, copyVertices[count].y, copyVertices[count].z);glutSolidSphere(0.1, 20, 20);glPopMatrix();glColor3f(1, 1, 1);vertices[count].x = 0;vertices[count].y = 0;//vertices[count].z = 0;/* Calculate the FFD position and update vertex position */Vertex tempResult = trivariateBernstein(copyVertices[count]);vertices[count].x = tempResult.x;vertices[count].y = tempResult.y;vertices[count].z = tempResult.z;//cout << "Vertex (old): " << vertices[count].x << ", " << vertices[count].y << ", " << vertices[count].z << "\n";//cout << "Vertex (new): " << vertices[count].x << ", " << vertices[count].y << ", " << vertices[count].z << "\n";}}


         glPushMatrix();glTranslatef(copyVertices[count].x, copyVertices[count].y, copyVertices[count].z);glutSolidSphere(0.1, 20, 20);glPopMatrix();




Vertex trivariateBernstein(Vertex vert)
{Vertex stuVert;stuVert.x = 0;stuVert.y = 0;stuVert.z = 0;stuVert = convertToSTU(vert);/*cout << "Vertex (XYZ): " << vert.x << ", " << vert.y << ", " << vert.z << "\n";cout << "Vertex (STU): " << stuVert.x << ", " << stuVert.y << ", " << stuVert.z << "\n";*/double weight = 0.0;Vertex convertedVert;convertedVert.x = 0;convertedVert.y = 0;convertedVert.z = 0;/* Performing summations using for loops */for(int i = 0; i <= l; i++) {for(int j = 0; j <= m; j++) {for(int k = 0; k <= n; k++) {weight = 0;weight = bernsteinPoly(n, k, stuVert.z) * bernsteinPoly(m, j, stuVert.y) * bernsteinPoly(l, i, stuVert.x);convertedVert.x += weight * lattice[i][j][k].x;convertedVert.y += weight * lattice[i][j][k].y;convertedVert.z += weight * lattice[i][j][k].z;}}}return convertedVert;



void moveSelectedCP(int endX, int endY)
{/* Initialise movement variables */float moveX = 0;float moveY = 0;moveX = (endX-startX);moveY = (endY-startY);/* Set end point to start point to find next round of moved distance */startX = endX;startY = endY;if(!(moveX == 0) || !(moveY == 0)) {//lattice2d[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].x = endX;//lattice2d[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].y = endY;lattice2d[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].x += moveX;lattice2d[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].y += moveY;/* Convert to 3D to change position of 3D CP */gluUnProject(lattice2d[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].x, lattice2d[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].y, lattice2d[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].z,modelView, projection, viewport,&lattice[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].x, &lattice[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].y, &lattice[sel_i][sel_j][sel_k].z);cout << "Move CP: [" << sel_i << "][" << sel_j << "][" << sel_k << "]\n";//drawLattice();//deformMesh();}


代码下载地址:链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i5klXXV 密码:m1f5


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