
Having the right business website can help any business alter their fortunes. If you are a small or big business owner, CEO, or entrepreneur, looking to grow your business, then it is important that you focus on your website.

拥有合适的企业网站可以帮助任何企业改变命运。 如果您是小型或大型企业所有者,CEO或企业家,希望发展自己的业务,那么专注于网站非常重要。

Creating a website might sound easy enough, but it requires planning and research. This makes the prospect of setting up the website very intimidating for most business owners.

创建网站听起来可能很容易,但是需要进行计划和研究。 这对于大多数企业主来说,建立网站的前景非常令人生畏。

In this article, we look at how businesses can create the best website to help them in this regard. However, before we begin, let us first look at some of the key advantages of having a business website.

在本文中,我们研究了企业如何创建最佳网站来帮助他们。 但是,在开始之前,让我们先看看拥有商务网站的一些关键优势。

建立商务网站的好处 (Benefits of Having a Business Website)

With search and social registering record growth every year, businesses that are able to leverage their websites can increase sales and revenues. Businesses need to realize that their consumers or clients are looking for them via search engines like Google.

凭借搜索和社交注册的记录每年都在增长,能够利用其网站的企业可以增加销售和收入。 企业需要意识到其消费者或客户正在通过Google等搜索引擎来寻找他们。

Let us now list down some of the other common advantages of having a business website.


  • A good and well-performing business website improves branding and exposure for the business.良好且运作良好的企业网站可提高企业的品牌和知名度。
  • It helps in building trust and credibility for the business and make it appear legitimate in the eyes of consumers.它有助于建立对企业的信任和信誉,并使其在消费者眼中显得合法。
  • A business website is far more affordable to maintain than traditional marketing channels.与传统的营销渠道相比,商业网站的维护成本要低得多。
  • The website is live 24×7, meaning you are always open for business, unlike a showroom or an office.该网站是全天候24×7直播,这意味着您始终可以营业,与陈列室或办公室不同。
  • A business with great informative blogs can also establish itself as an authority voice in its niche.具有丰富信息博客的企业也可以在其利基市场确立自己的权威地位。

如何通过5个简单的步骤创建企业网站 (How To Create Website For Business In 5 Easy Steps)

1.选择正确的域,提供者和服务器 (1. Choose the Right Domain, the Provider and the Server)

Businesses should choose a domain name, which is simple and has the right recall value. Experts suggest that it should just be the name of the business, followed by a .com. It is also important to select the best domain provider as tech support matters a lot.

企业应选择一个简单易懂且具有适当召回价值的域名。 专家建议,它应该只是企业名称,后跟.com。 选择最佳的域名提供商也很重要,因为技术支持非常重要。

Finally, businesses should look to have a server, which suits their requirements. Things like considering the security, having a shared or dedicated server are issues, which need careful deliberations. You should also see the uptime and the backups being provided.

最后,企业应该寻求拥有适合其要求的服务器。 诸如考虑安全性,拥有共享或专用服务器之类的问题是需要仔细考虑的问题。 您还应该看到正常运行时间和提供的备份。

2.专注于设计(UI)和体验(UX) (2. Focus on the Design (UI) and the Experience (UX))

Once you are done with the domain name, registering the same and the server provider, you should start focussing on the design and the experience. This means understanding what design works best for your business niche and appeals to your clients.

在完成域名,注册域名和服务器提供商之后,您应该开始专注于设计和体验。 这意味着了解哪种设计最适合您的业务领域并吸引客户。

This process involves selecting the design, charting the user experience, designing the logo, and choosing the number of pages. If you are an eCommerce business, your design would be very different from that of a normal brand website.

此过程涉及选择设计,绘制用户体验图,设计徽标以及选择页数。 如果您是电子商务企业,则您的设计将与普通品牌网站的设计有很大不同。

3.注意您网站上的内容 (3. Pay Attention to the Content on Your Website)

You might have come across terms like SEO, meta tags, title descriptions, plagiarism and so on. These are elements, which determine the health and quality of your website in the eyes of search engines and users.

您可能遇到过诸如SEO,元标记,标题说明,窃等术语。 这些是在搜索引擎和用户眼中确定网站健康和质量的元素。

You should pay close attention to having SEO optimized content on your website, which is plagiarism-free. If you think this aspect is too complicated and that you should take help from a specialized digital marketing agency, you can know more.

您应该密切注意网站上的SEO优化内容,这是无窃的。 如果您认为这方面太复杂了,应该寻求专业的数字营销机构的帮助,您将了解更多信息 。

4.优化您的网站以获得最佳效果 (4. Optimize Your Website for the Best Performance)

With so much competition all around, creating a website is simply not enough. If you are really looking to ramp up your ROIs from digital and the website, you need to optimize your performance. Having an SEO optimized and informative blog can help you with Inbound Marketing.

面对如此多的竞争,仅仅建立一个网站是远远不够的。 如果您真的想从数字和网站上提高投资回报率,则需要优化性能。 拥有一个经过优化的SEO且内容丰富的博客可以帮助您进行入站营销。

If you want to rise up in the search rankings for your industry niche, you should focus on digital marketing strategies like Link Building through Guest Posting. This will help in improving reach, increasing metrics score and climbing the search rankings on Google.

如果您想在自己的行业细分中提高搜索排名,则应专注于数字营销策略,例如通过访客发帖建立链接。 这将有助于提高覆盖面,提高指标得分并提高Google的搜索排名。

5.避免可能使您付出高昂代价的常见错误 (5. Avoiding Common Mistakes Which Can Cost You Dearly)

The last step when it comes to creating a business website is probably the most important one. This step involves skimming on important details mentioned in the above sections of the article. It also includes using plagiarised content, not having a mobile-optimized website and being guilty of slow loading.

创建商务网站的最后一步可能是最重要的一步。 此步骤包括浏览本文以上各节中提到的重要细节。 它还包括使用窃的内容,没有针对移动设备进行优化的网站以及缓慢加载的行为。

All these issues are common and simple mistakes, which can add negative points to your website. It is important to do things right the first time. This is because a business website is going to be a one-time investment, which needs to be done right the first time itself.

所有这些问题都是常见和简单的错误,可能会给您的网站增加负面影响。 重要的是要在第一时间做好事情。 这是因为商业网站将是一次投资,这需要在第一次就完成。

The Final Word


While you might think that all the above steps are too complicated for you to start, it is not the case. If you do not want to work with an agency, you can also take help from the numerous credible literature available online or YouTube videos, which offer detailed information. Businesses need to understand that a well-performing website can do wonders for your revenue margins.

尽管您可能认为上述所有步骤对于您来说太复杂了,但事实并非如此。 如果您不想与代理商合作,还可以从在线或YouTube视频中获得的大量可靠文献中寻求帮助,这些文献提供了详细的信息。 企业需要了解,性能良好的网站可以为您的收入带来奇迹。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2020/08/how-to-create-website-for-business.html



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