There are different ways of describing quantum mechanics, such as Schrodinger’s equations, Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics. In the textbook Advanced quantum mechanics by Sakurai, the known method of canonical quantization is used, which mainly uses operators, quantum states, wave functions, etc. The other equivalent method is the path integral. But what does it mean?

The path integral is a generalization and formulation method of quantum physics that extends from the principle of action in classical mechanics. It replaces the single path in classical mechanics with the quantum amplitude obtained by including the sum of all paths between two points or the functional integration.

If we divide the whole finite time period into many, many pieces, and the same approach can be applied to each period. Then let these time segments tend to zero, and the number of segments tends to infinity, add them up to find the limit. Finally, it is possible to derive the Schrodinger equation. Feynman's path integral is the generalization of "the principle of least action" in quantum mechanics.

Path integral bridges the gap between classical physics and quantum physics. On the macro scale, the interaction quantum ℏ is a very small quantity. Therefore, for each route, S is much larger than ℏ. Here S is the action. For the adjacent paths of the route, the phase change is very large, which makes these paths contribute The odds and widths overlap each other and cancel each other out.

However, there is a path near the probability range that will not completely cancel out. That is the path when the phase change between this path and its neighboring path is not substantially the same, in other words, the path where the phase variation is 0. Having said that, we already know that it is the path of the classical particle! As a result, quantum problems have transitioned to the classical, which is a deeper relationship between the principle of least action and the path integral of quantum mechanics.

The meaning of path integral formulation相关推荐

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