I think you can accomplish this by changing the css for the #document fragments, these are DOM1 specs and supported by all browsers, but about the styling, I'm not sure.

我认为您可以通过更改#document fragment的css来实现这一点,这些是DOM1规范并得到所有浏览器的支持,但是关于样式,我不确定。

Simple webkit browser (chrome on windows) specific solution

The following solution is webkit specific


video::-webkit-media-controls-fullscreen-button {

display: none;


video::-webkit-media-controls-play-button {}

video::-webkit-media-controls-timeline {}


video::-webkit-media-controls-time-remaining-display {}

video::-webkit-media-controls-mute-button {}

video::-webkit-media-controls-toggle-closed-captions-button {}

video::-webkit-media-controls-volume-slider {}




This will not work on browsers who have a rendering engine other than webkit e.g. Firefox or Internet Explorer, or obsolete versions of Opera that had Blink/Presto.

这将不适用于除了webkit之外有渲染引擎的浏览器,如Firefox或Internet Explorer,或有Blink/Presto的过时Opera版本。

This may not work with implementations of webkit browsers in Operating systems other than windows e.g. Safari on macOS.




After getting frustrated over pointing multiple inattentive readers to the first comment on this post, who complained that the aforementioned solution doesn't work for blah-blah browser, I'm updating the answer.


Taking care of Vendor specific implementations:

The above solution is -webkit- browser specific and was tested in Chrome on Windows.


The implementation of shadow DOM hasn't been standardized, and therefore, may vary from one browser vendor to another.


Almost all browsers today have great developer tools, but some features are intentionally locked, but can be opened with a little effort, for instance, in Firefox most such configurations can be accessed in the about:config page.


Developers are advised to unlock the shadow DOM features in their browser.


Then, they can inspect the component



How to enable shadow DOM selection in Chrome

Go to Chrome > Developer Tools > Settings (gear icon)

转到Chrome >开发工具>设置(齿轮图标)

Under Elements look for Show user agent shadow DOM option

在元素下面寻找Show user agent影子DOM选项

Check (select) the box


You'll be able to inspect the underlying shadow DOM


Observe their respective styling


You will notice that they're similar to pseudo class selectors


Some unsolicited free advise for Hiding the full screen button of the video tag in HTML5

Finding the solution can be as easy as writing CSS with pseudo class selectors


But like every other CSS, it might require a lot of trial-n-error


And you might undergo a lot of frustration to make it work


But always remember, it's worth it.


Additionally, as @paulitto suggests, DOM methods can be implemented after removing controls attribute from element. Refer this tutorial for more.



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