
  • 方案一
public class SystemInit {@PostConstructpublic void init() {System.out.println("=========初始化环境==============");}



package javax.annotation;import java.lang.annotation.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;/*** The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed* after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization. This* method MUST be invoked before the class is put into service. This* annotation MUST be supported on all classes that support dependency* injection. The method annotated with PostConstruct MUST be invoked even* if the class does not request any resources to be injected. Only one* method can be annotated with this annotation. The method on which the* PostConstruct annotation is applied MUST fulfill all of the following* criteria:* <p>* <ul>* <li>The method MUST NOT have any parameters except in the case of* interceptors in which case it takes an InvocationContext object as* defined by the Interceptors specification.</li>* <li>The method defined on an interceptor class MUST HAVE one of the* following signatures:* <p>* void <METHOD>(InvocationContext)* <p>* Object <METHOD>(InvocationContext) throws Exception* <p>* <i>Note: A PostConstruct interceptor method must not throw application* exceptions, but it may be declared to throw checked exceptions including* the java.lang.Exception if the same interceptor method interposes on* business or timeout methods in addition to lifecycle events. If a* PostConstruct interceptor method returns a value, it is ignored by* the container.</i>* </li>* <li>The method defined on a non-interceptor class MUST HAVE the* following signature:* <p>* void <METHOD>()* </li>* <li>The method on which PostConstruct is applied MAY be public, protected,* package private or private.</li>* <li>The method MUST NOT be static except for the application client.</li>* <li>The method MAY be final.</li>* <li>If the method throws an unchecked exception the class MUST NOT be put into* service except in the case of EJBs where the EJB can handle exceptions and* even recover from them.</li></ul>* @since Common Annotations 1.0* @see javax.annotation.PreDestroy* @see javax.annotation.Resource*/
@Retention (RUNTIME)
public @interface PostConstruct {}


  • 方案二:
    通过实现ApplicationListener< ContextRefreshedEvent >接口,然后是实现onApplicationEvent()方法执行一下操作可以实现。
public class SvnUserServiceImpl implements SvnUserService, ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SvnUserServiceImpl.class);@Value("${svn.passwd-httpd.path}")private String passwdHttpd;@Autowiredprivate SvnUserMapper svnUserMapper;@Overridepublic void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {// 保证只执行一次if (event.getApplicationContext().getParent() == null) {this.querySvnUserInfoInit();}}



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