

  • 背景知识
    • Person re-identification (re-ID)
    • unsupervised domain adaptation(UDA)
      • Problem #1
      • Problem #2
    • person re-ID problem is actually an **open set problem**
      • Problem #3
  • 内容概要
    • 本文工作
    • 实验效果
    • 相关工作
    • 数据集
  • 方法提要
    • 方法框架
    • 实验结果
  • 方法详解
  • 参考文献


Person re-identification (re-ID)

Person re-identification (re-ID) aims at matching images of a person in one camera with the images of this person from other different cameras. Because

unsupervised domain adaptation(UDA)

Problem #1

However, the traditional UDA approaches [4, 5, 27] always have an assumption that the source and target domain share the same set of classes, which does not hold for the person re-ID problem.

Problem #2

The main reason is that most previous works focus on increasing the training samples or comparing the similarity or dissim- ilarity between the source dataset and the target dataset but ignoring the similar natural characteristics existing in the training samples from the target domain. //其主要原因是以往的工作多集中于增加训练样本,或者比较源数据集和目标数据集的相似度或不相似度,而忽略了目标域训练样本中存在的相似的自然特征。

person re-ID problem is actually an open set problem

Problem #3

person re-ID problem is actually an open set prob- lem. In other words, we cannot know in advance how many identities are included in a given unlabeled target dataset. Thus, the superior characteristics from traditional one shot setting cannot be directly applied to the re-ID case. //人再识别问题实际上是一个开集问题。换句话说,我们无法预先知道给定的未标记目标数据集中包含了多少身份。因此,传统的one-shot设置的优越特性不能直接应用到re-ID的情况下。



we explore how to harness the similar natural characteris- tics existing in the samples from the target domain for learning to conduct person re-ID in an unsupervised man- ner. //我们探讨了如何利用目标域样本中存在的相似的自然特征来学习在无监督的人中进行人的再识别。

  • we propose a Self-similarity Group- ing (SSG) approach, which exploits the potential simi- larity (from the global body to local parts) of unlabeled samples to build multiple clusters from different views automatically. //我们提出了一种自相似性分组(SSG)方法,该方法利用未标记样本的潜在相似性(从全局主体到局部部分),从不同的视图自动构建多个聚类。
  • We repeatedly and alternatively conduct such a grouping and training process until the model is stable. //我们反复交替地进行这样的分组和训练过程,直到模型稳定为止。
  • Upon our SSG, we further introduce a clustering-guided semi- supervised approach named SSG++ to conduct the one- shot domain adaption in an open set setting (i.e. the num- ber of independent identities from the target domain is unknown).


  • our SSG outperforms the state-of-the-arts by more than 4.6% (DukeMTMC→Market1501) and 4.4% (Market1501→DukeMTMC) in mAP, respectively.
  • our SSG++ can further promote the mAP upon SSG by 10.7% and 6.9%, respectively.


  • Unsupervised domain adaptation.
  • Unsupervised re-ID
  • Semi-supervised re-ID


  • Market1501 [45]
  • DukeMTMC-ReID [31, 46]
  • MSMT17 [40]


In order to address Problem #2 and discover the similarities among person images in target dataset, we pro- posed unsupervised Self-similarity Grouping (SSG) to mine the potential similarities from global to local manner.

  • we extract fea- tures of all persons in target dataset and group them by three different cues, whole bodies (A), upper parts (B) and lower parts © independently
  • By assigning a pseudo label to each group, we can pair every person with different pseudo labels.

Upon our SSG, we further present a semi-supervised so- lution based clustering-guided annotation to approach the performance of the fully-supervised counterpart and effi- ciently achieve the adaption from the source domain to the target one. //在此基础上,我们进一步提出了一种基于聚类引导的半监督注释,以接近完全监督对等体的性能,并有效地实现了从源域到目标域的自适应。

  • To tackle Problem #3, we innovatively provide a clustering-guided semi-supervised solution.
  • The proposed semi-supervised training strategy is based on the clustering- guided annotations, which samples a single image from each clustering.






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