
Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to express my interest in applying for the summer positions with your company. Throughout my internship search and conversation with the recruiter, I have come to respect the professionalism that characterizes your firm and its employees. I am confident that the company team’s values and objectives would complement my own strengths and enthusiasm. I would like to be considered for an information technology, computer system, software, electrical, or similar position that requires refined analytical and problem solving skills.

As an Engineering student, competent leader and effective team builder with a lengthy experience; I possess a diverse background in assisting, planning, scheduling, developing, supporting, and management of various projects and activities, not limited to working with Verizon, Vgo, Samsung, Novatel, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson senior engineers. Recent accomplishments include designing a handover web user interface for JFW programmable attenuator in Verizon LTE Innovation Laboratory. Furthermore, I have had great deal of design experience in electronic, hardware, and software.

In the laboratory I have performed circuit analysis using function generators and oscilloscopes, designed and simulated analog integrated circuits, output/driver stages, feedback amplifiers, timing circuits and mixed use of analog/digital circuits.

Designed and tested an Infrared Audio Link with 3 meter distance requirement. For the microwave component, analyzed and tested Gunn diode, slotted line, vector network, directional coupler, impedance matching and tuning, cavity resonator in laboratory. For the computer system, designed and analyzed the digital system using CPLD hardware and ATmega32 microcontroller. Also implemented pipeline MIPS machine simulator in C and programmed Altera DE2 FPGA embedded system to interface with webcam, handshake networking, and data compression.

In addition, I have extensive experience with Java, Java Scrip, Flot, PHP, HTML, Android, C/C++, Excel, Microsoft Office, Mat Lab, Mathematica, Verilog, and PSpice. I believe that I would be an asset to your program. This internship would provide me with the ideal opportunity to expand my career skills.

Please review the enclosed resume and consider my application for your summer internship program. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and explore the internship environment. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my resume. For further information or references, I can be reached at zzheng@student.umass.edu or (646) 2XX-xxxx.



Basic CV

Name: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Huizhou is: 168 cm 50 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: sales / marketing categories: business financial statistics logistics business category

Work Experience: 4 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time Personal experience:

2003/1~2003/6 Guangzhou Ling Electric Co., Ltd. Industrial Health

2003/7~2005/6 Huizhou Huaxing Electronics Co., Ltd. sales

2005/6~2007/11 Qing Wang Trading Co., Ltd. Guangzhou statisticians

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Guangzhou, Hong Kong and technical schools

Highest level of education: secondary school - 2003-07-01

The Science I: Computer Application and Office Automation Professional II:

2000~2003 Guangzhou technical computer applications and office automation permits intermediate computer application, office equipment maintenance intermediate certificate

Language ability

Foreign Language: English General

Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excellent

The ability to work and other expertise

I am responsible, carefully, learning ability, and have strong interpersonal skills and team spirit, not愄difficulties, the courage to challenge themselves.

Detailed personal autobiography

With the struggle to find the cause of

There is open space for personal development to achieve self-worth

Success comes from your choices and my efforts! ! !

Personal Contact

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