0. 功能实现




1. 准备


sudo raspi-config
#选择 interface ... camera ... enable ... yes#测试
raspistill -o image.jpg

2. 代码

#!/usr/bin/pythonimport StringIO
import subprocess
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image# Motion detection settings:
# Threshold          - how much a pixel has to change by to be marked as "changed"
# Sensitivity        - how many changed pixels before capturing an image, needs to be higher if noisy view
# ForceCapture       - whether to force an image to be captured every forceCaptureTime seconds, values True or False
# filepath           - location of folder to save photos
# filenamePrefix     - string that prefixes the file name for easier identification of files.
# diskSpaceToReserve - Delete oldest images to avoid filling disk. How much byte to keep free on disk.
# cameraSettings     - "" = no extra settings; "-hf" = Set horizontal flip of image; "-vf" = Set vertical flip; "-hf -vf" = both horizontal and vertical flip
threshold = 10
sensitivity = 20
forceCapture = True
forceCaptureTime = 60 * 60 # Once an hour
filepath = "/home/pi/picam"
filenamePrefix = "capture"
diskSpaceToReserve = 256 * 1024 * 1024 # Keep 40 mb free on disk
cameraSettings = ""# settings of the photos to save
saveWidth   = 1600
saveHeight  = 1200
saveQuality = 75 # Set jpeg quality (0 to 100)# Test-Image settings
testWidth = 100
testHeight = 75# this is the default setting, if the whole image should be scanned for changed pixel
testAreaCount = 1
testBorders = [ [[1,testWidth],[1,testHeight]] ]  # [ [[start pixel on left side,end pixel on right side],[start pixel on top side,stop pixel on bottom side]] ]
# testBorders are NOT zero-based, the first pixel is 1 and the last pixel is testWith or testHeight# with "testBorders", you can define areas, where the script should scan for changed pixel
# for example, if your picture looks like this:
#     ....XXXX
#     ........
#     ........
# "." is a street or a house, "X" are trees which move arround like crazy when the wind is blowing
# because of the wind in the trees, there will be taken photos all the time. to prevent this, your setting might look like this:# testAreaCount = 2
# testBorders = [ [[1,50],[1,75]], [[51,100],[26,75]] ] # area y=1 to 25 not scanned in x=51 to 100# even more complex example
# testAreaCount = 4
# testBorders = [ [[1,39],[1,75]], [[40,67],[43,75]], [[68,85],[48,75]], [[86,100],[41,75]] ]# in debug mode, a file debug.bmp is written to disk with marked changed pixel an with marked border of scan-area
# debug mode should only be turned on while testing the parameters above
debugMode = False # False or True# Capture a small test image (for motion detection)
def captureTestImage(settings, width, height):command = "raspistill %s -w %s -h %s -t 500 -e bmp -n -o -" % (settings, width, height)imageData = StringIO.StringIO()imageData.write(subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True))imageData.seek(0)im = Image.open(imageData)buffer = im.load()imageData.close()return im, buffer# Save a full size image to disk
def saveImage(settings, width, height, quality, diskSpaceToReserve):keepDiskSpaceFree(diskSpaceToReserve)time = datetime.now()filename = filepath + "/" + filenamePrefix + "-%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.jpg" % (time.year, time.month, time.day, time.hour, time.minute, time.second)subprocess.call("raspistill %s -w %s -h %s -t 1000 -e jpg -q %s -n -o %s" % (settings, width, height, quality, filename), shell=True)print "Captured %s" % filename# Keep free space above given level
def keepDiskSpaceFree(bytesToReserve):if (getFreeSpace() < bytesToReserve):for filename in sorted(os.listdir(filepath + "/")):if filename.startswith(filenamePrefix) and filename.endswith(".jpg"):os.remove(filepath + "/" + filename)print "Deleted %s/%s to avoid filling disk" % (filepath,filename)if (getFreeSpace() > bytesToReserve):return# Get available disk space
def getFreeSpace():st = os.statvfs(filepath + "/")du = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsizereturn du# Get first image
image1, buffer1 = captureTestImage(cameraSettings, testWidth, testHeight)# Reset last capture time
lastCapture = time.time()while (True):# Get comparison imageimage2, buffer2 = captureTestImage(cameraSettings, testWidth, testHeight)# Count changed pixelschangedPixels = 0takePicture = Falseif (debugMode): # in debug mode, save a bitmap-file with marked changed pixels and with visible testarea-bordersdebugimage = Image.new("RGB",(testWidth, testHeight))debugim = debugimage.load()for z in xrange(0, testAreaCount): # = xrange(0,1) with default-values = z will only have the value of 0 = only one scan-area = whole picturefor x in xrange(testBorders[z][0][0]-1, testBorders[z][0][1]): # = xrange(0,100) with default-valuesfor y in xrange(testBorders[z][1][0]-1, testBorders[z][1][1]):   # = xrange(0,75) with default-values; testBorders are NOT zero-based, buffer1[x,y] are zero-based (0,0 is top left of image, testWidth-1,testHeight-1 is botton right)if (debugMode):debugim[x,y] = buffer2[x,y]if ((x == testBorders[z][0][0]-1) or (x == testBorders[z][0][1]-1) or (y == testBorders[z][1][0]-1) or (y == testBorders[z][1][1]-1)):# print "Border %s %s" % (x,y)debugim[x,y] = (0, 0, 255) # in debug mode, mark all border pixel to blue# Just check green channel as it's the highest quality channelpixdiff = abs(buffer1[x,y][1] - buffer2[x,y][1])if pixdiff > threshold:changedPixels += 1if (debugMode):debugim[x,y] = (0, 255, 0) # in debug mode, mark all changed pixel to green# Save an image if pixels changedif (changedPixels > sensitivity):takePicture = True # will shoot the photo laterif ((debugMode == False) and (changedPixels > sensitivity)):break  # break the y loopif ((debugMode == False) and (changedPixels > sensitivity)):break  # break the x loopif ((debugMode == False) and (changedPixels > sensitivity)):break  # break the z loopif (debugMode):debugimage.save(filepath + "/debug.bmp") # save debug image as bmpprint "debug.bmp saved, %s changed pixel" % changedPixels# else:#     print "%s changed pixel" % changedPixels# Check force captureif forceCapture:if time.time() - lastCapture > forceCaptureTime:takePicture = Trueif takePicture:lastCapture = time.time()saveImage(cameraSettings, saveWidth, saveHeight, saveQuality, diskSpaceToReserve)# Swap comparison buffersimage1 = image2buffer1 = buffer2

3. 实物


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