
Recently, we showed you how to set the advanced, or built-in, properties and create custom properties in a Word document. These properties can be inserted into your documents using fields. This is useful if you have common words, phrases, or values you use often in your documents.

最近,我们向您展示了如何在Word文档中设置高级或内置属性以及创建自定义属性 。 这些属性可以使用字段插入到您的文档中。 如果您在文档中经常使用常见的单词,短语或值,这将很有用。

If the common word, phrases, and values you use often will change between the first and final drafts of your document, using a built-in or custom property is helpful. You can change the value of the property in one place, and it will change throughout your document.

如果您经常使用的常用单词,短语和值将在文档的初稿和最终稿之间变化,则使用内置或自定义属性会有所帮助。 您可以在一处更改属性的值,并且该属性的值将在整个文档中更改。

To insert the value of a built-in or a custom property into your document, place your cursor where you want to insert the value and click the “Insert” tab.


NOTE: When inserting a custom property into your document, only the value is inserted. If you want to refer to the value with the name of the property, type the text you want before inserting the value of the property.

注意:将自定义属性插入文档时,仅插入值。 如果要使用属性名称引用值,请在插入属性值之前键入所需的文本。

In the “Text” section of the “Insert” tab, click the “Quick Parts” button.


NOTE: The text on the buttons may not display, depending on the size of the Word window. If you don’t see text next to the button, look for the icon pointed out in the image below.

注意:根据Word窗口的大小,按钮上的文本可能不会显示。 如果您没有在按钮旁边看到文本,请查找下图中指出的图标。

Select “Field” from the drop-down menu.


Select “Document Information” from the “Categories” drop-down list.


In the list of “Field names”, select “DocProperty”. A list of all the custom properties (both built-in and ones you added) displays in the “Property” list in the “Field Properties” section in the middle of the dialog box. Select the custom property you want to insert into your document from the list and click “OK”.

在“字段名称”列表中,选择“ DocProperty”。 所有自定义属性(内置的和您添加的属性)的列表显示在对话框中间“字段属性”部分的“属性”列表中。 从列表中选择要插入文档中的自定义属性,然后单击“确定”。

The value is inserted where the cursor is located.


If you change the value of the custom property, you can update the fields in your document to reflect the change by selecting all the fields, which can be easily done by selecting all the content in the document, and pressing F9. You can also update one field at a time by selecting the field, or putting the cursor in the field, and pressing F9.

如果更改自定义属性的值,则可以通过选择所有字段来更新文档中的字段以反映更改,这可以通过选择文档中的所有内容并按F9轻松完成。 您也可以一次选择一个字段,或将光标放在该字段中,然后按F9一次更新一个字段。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/217440/how-to-insert-built-in-and-custom-advanced-properties-into-a-word-document/



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