1. counter-propagating的意思

1. The key components in laser gyro is He-Ne ring laser, and the reciprocal action theory between light and medium is the base in studying the ring laser, use the Lamb half classical theory, and on the base of density matrix theory, the optical Brounch equation was established, which described the movement of amplifying medium atom in the ring syntonic cavity, and according to the medium polarize theory the self consistent equations was deduced, which describe the light intensity and phasic of the counter-propagating wave. On the basis of this equations, adopted the simulation software MATLAB and virtual instrument programming language LabWindows/CVI, we can do some simulated experiments in study the phenomenas such as amplify and dispersive characteristic of medium, mode pushing effection, burned hole effection and pattern competition, lock-in of frequency and the characteristic of light intensity and phasic of the counter-propagating wave in laser gyro.


2. In the resonator optic gyroscope, the angular rotation velocity is measured through the detection of the resonant frequency difference between the clockwise and the counter-clockwise lightwaves counter-propagating in the resonator.


3. We discuss the feasibility of realizing a cold atom space clock with counter-propagating cold atoms in microgravity.


4. A stable standing-wave field, which is formed by a pair of counter-propagating pump fields, periodically modulates the space distribution of the population of the thermal two-level rubidium atoms and constructs a PDG.


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