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You are going to implement the most powerful editor for integer sequences.
The sequence is empty when the editor is initialized.
There are 5 types of instructions.

I x Insert x after the cursor.
D Delete the element before the cursor.
L Move the cursor left unless it has already been at the begin.
R Move the cursor right unless it has already been at the end.
Q k Suppose that the current sequence BEFORE the cursor is {a1,a2,...,an}.Find max1≤i≤k Si where Si=a1+a2+...+ai.


The input file consists of multiple test cases.For eache test case:
The first line contains an integer Q,which is the number of instructions.The next Q lines contain an instruction as described above。
(1≤Q≤106,|x|≤103 for I instruction,1≤k≤n for Q instruction)


For eache Q instruction,output the desired value.


I 2
I -1
I 1
Q 3
Q 2




The following diagram shows the status of sequence after each instruction:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e6 + 10;
stack<int> before, after;
int sum = 0, f[maxn], n, x, pn;
char op[2];int main() {scanf("%d", &n);f[0]=-0x3f3f3f3f,sum=0;while (n--) {scanf("%s", op);if (op[0] == 'I') {scanf("%d", &x);before.push(x);sum += x;pn=before.size();f[pn] = max(f[pn - 1], sum);
//            printf("%d %d %d\n",pn,sum[pn],f[pn]);} else if (op[0] == 'D') {if (before.size() < 1) continue;x = before.top();before.pop();sum -= x;} else if (op[0] == 'L') {if (before.size() < 1) continue;x = before.top();before.pop();after.push(x);sum -= x;} else if (op[0] == 'R') {if (after.size() < 1) continue;x = after.top();after.pop();before.push(x);sum += x;pn=before.size();f[pn] = max(f[pn - 1], sum);} else {scanf("%d", &x);printf("%d\n", f[x]);}}return 0;

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