
While you can access Gmail attachments by opening the related message deep within Google’s client, it’s not very convenient. You need a central location to access saved documents and images. This guide shows you how to save Gmail attachments to Google Drive.

虽然您可以通过在Google客户端深处打开相关邮件来访问Gmail附件,但这不是很方便。 您需要一个中心位置来访问保存的文档和图像。 本指南介绍了如何将Gmail附件保存到Google云端硬盘。

An example use case for this is if you’re working with a construction company and email exchanges include multiple floor plans and contracts. Finding a specific file in those emails can be a pain. If they’re saved to Google Drive, however, you won’t need to filter through hundreds of messages to find the document(s) you need.

一个示例用例是,如果您正在与一家建筑公司合作,并且电子邮件交换包括多个楼层平面图和合同。 在这些电子邮件中查找特定文件可能很麻烦。 但是,如果将它们保存到Google云端硬盘,则无需筛选数百条消息即可找到所需的文档。

桌面浏览器中的Gmail (Gmail in Desktop Browsers)

Use this method while accessing Gmail in a desktop browser installed on Windows, macOS, Linux, or Chrome OS.


First, open Gmail in any browser and locate the email containing the attachment you want saved. Next, hover your mouse cursor over the attachment and click the “Save to Drive” icon. In this example, we’re saving emailed images to Google Drive.

首先,在任何浏览器中打开Gmail ,然后找到包含您要保存的附件的电子邮件。 接下来,将鼠标光标悬停在附件上,然后单击“保存到驱动器”图标。 在此示例中,我们将通过电子邮件发送的图像保存到Google云端硬盘。

If the email has more than one attachment you want stored in Google Drive, click the “Save All to Drive” icon located to the far right of the items.


If you’re currently viewing an attachment and want to save it to Google Drive, click the “Add to My Drive” icon located in the top-right corner.


To verify the attachments now reside in Google Drive, open the site in your browser. Your saved files should appear under the “Quick Access” and “Files” categories. Be sure to read our guide on how to organize your Google Drive.

要验证附件现在位于Google云端硬盘中,请在浏览器中打开该网站。 您保存的文件应显示在“快速访问”和“文件”类别下。 请务必阅读我们有关如何组织Google云端硬盘的指南。

Google的Gmail移动应用 (Google’s Gmail Mobile App)

Use this method if you’re accessing Gmail through Google’s app for Android, iPhone, or iPad. The screenshots provided below are from an Android 9 Pie tablet.

如果您要通过适用于Android,iPhone或iPad的Google应用访问Gmail,请使用此方法。 下面提供的屏幕截图来自Android 9 Pie平板电脑。

First, open the Gmail app on your mobile device and locate the email containing the attachment you want to save. Next, scroll down the email and tap the “Save to Drive” icon listed under the attachment’s thumbnail.

首先,在移动设备上打开Gmail应用,然后找到包含您要保存的附件的电子邮件。 接下来,向下滚动电子邮件,然后点击附件缩略图下方列出的“保存到云端硬盘”图标。

You’ll need to repeat this step for every attachment if there’s more than one you want to save.


If you’re currently viewing an attachment you want to save to Google Drive, tap the three-dot icon in the top-right corner. If it’s not visible, tap the screen and the icon will appear.

如果您当前正在查看要保存到Google云端硬盘的附件,请点击右上角的三点图标。 如果看不见,请点击屏幕,然后图标会出现。

Next, select the “Save to Drive” option in the pop-up menu.


For more information about Google Drive, we have a handy guide on how to quickly search for files. We also have a guide explaining how to sync your desktop PC with Google’s service.

有关Google云端硬盘的更多信息,我们提供了有关如何快速搜索文件的便捷指南。 我们还有一个指南,说明如何将台式机与Google的服务同步。




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