我有种强烈的直觉,认为您先前由keygen v1.2生成的密钥仍然有效。 当发生这种情况时,我将其卸载并删除了配置文件。 然后,我安装并应用了先前的密钥。 有效。 然后恢复为先前的配置文件,将其再次弄乱。 必须卸载,然后重新安装,使用密钥,这一次需要手动应用所有配置。

因此,并且由于最新版本的接受方式,我相信keygen算法没有实质性的变化,因此您以前的密钥可能仍然有效。 不过,我希望您在升级之前已经备份了配置文件。 :p
我自己尝试过此操作,但是如果我更改所有设置,则会再次将其复制为盗版副本。 修补的DLL就像一个魅力一样:)

keyser soze said: ↑
I have this strong gut feeling that your previous key generated by keygen v1.2 is still valid. When this happened to me, I uninstalled it and deleted the configuration file. Then I installed and applied the previous key. It worked. Then reverting to the previous configuration file messes it all up again. Had to uninstall, install again, use key, and this time apply all configurations by hand.

Because of that, and because of how this latest version got accepted, I believe there was no essential change in the keygen algorithm, such that your previous key is likely valid still. I hope you had backed up your configuration file before upgrading, though. :p
I tried this myself but if I change back all settings it's pirated copy again. The patched DLL works like a charm :)

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