
There is an infinite beehive like the one given in the figure. We consider two cells to be adjacent if andonly if they share a side. A path of length k from cell c0 to cell ck is a sequence of cells c0, c1, . . . , cksuch that ci and ci+1 are adjacent for all 0 ≤ i < k. The distance between cells i and j is the length ofthe shortest path from cell i to cell j

The cells of the beehive are indexed using positive integers as shown. The cells with larger distancefrom cell 1 are given larger indices. The indices of cells with the same distance from cell 1 increasesfrom left to right. Each positive integer is the index of exactly one cell.We want to know the distance of two cells whose indices are given.


There are multiple test cases in the input. Each test case is a single line containing two space-separatedintegers i and j as the indices of two cells (1 ≤ i, j ≤ 104). The input terminates with a line containing‘0 0’ which should not be processed as a test case.


For each test case, output a single line containing the distance of the given cells.

Sample Input

8 4

11 12

365 365

0 0

Sample Output











#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;
struct node
{int lie;int hang;
} vis[211111];int d[211111];///记录每一列的当时高度(即hang )
int main()
{memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));memset(d,0,sizeof(d));///初始化前两圈int n,m;vis[1].lie=100000;vis[1].hang=1;d[10000]=1;vis[2].lie=99999;vis[2].hang=2;d[99999]=2;vis[3].lie=100000;vis[3].hang=3;d[100000]=3;vis[4].lie=100001;vis[4].hang=2;d[100001]=2;int cnt=5;int ans=2;int l=99998,r=100002;while(1){///求出每个数字的坐标if(cnt>111111)break;for(int j=1; j>=0; j--)///每两圈最左边的数字高度加1{if(j==1)d[l]=-1;///数字高度(从1开始)else d[l]=0;///(从0开始)for(int i=0; i<ans; i++)///数字高度为ans加在最左列{
//                if(cnt==14)
//                {
//                    cout<<"lie="<<i<<endl;
//                    cout<<ans<<endl;
//                }d[l]+=2;vis[cnt].hang=d[l];vis[cnt++].lie=l;}for(int i=l+1; i<r; i++){
//                if(cnt==14)
//                {
//                    cout<<"lie="<<i<<endl;
//                }d[i]+=2;vis[cnt].hang=d[i];vis[cnt++].lie=i;}int k;if(j)k=ans*2-1;///每次上升2else k=ans*2;for(int i=0; i<ans; i++)///数字高度为ans加在最右列{
//                if(cnt==66)
//                {
//                    cout<<ans*2-1<<endl;
//                    cout<<k<<endl;
//                    cout<<ans<<endl;
//                }vis[cnt].hang=k;vis[cnt++].lie=r;k=k-2;}if(j)d[r]=ans*2-1;else d[r]=ans*2;l--;r++;}ans++;}//for(int i=1; i<=100; i++)printf("%d %d %d\n",i,vis[i].hang,vis[i].lie);while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)){if(n==0&&m==0)break;int dx=abs(vis[n].lie-vis[m].lie);int dy=abs(vis[n].hang-vis[m].hang);if(dx==0)printf("%d\n",dy/2);else if(dy==0||dx==dy)printf("%d\n",max(dx,dy));else{if(dx>dy)printf("%d\n",dx);else printf("%d\n",dx+(dy-dx)/2);}}return 0;

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