PHP串口扩展库 serial extension-试用版有限制,正版222.81元人民币

杨勇,思远,2013.1.9 买卖平台:

PHP Serial [#300063750]
RMB 222.81  优秀软件推广中介



2012, October 31st:
PHP serial extension verified OK with PHP 5.3.18 and 5.4.8.
2012, September 25th:
PHP serial extension verified with PHP 5.3.17 and 5.4.7. Safe to upgrade.
2012, August 21st:
The PHP serial extension works with the newest PHP 5.4.6 and 5.3.16
2012, August 12th:
With a bit delay (vacation time!) the PHP serial extension is checked and verified to work with 5.4.5 and 5.3.15.
2012, June 15th:
PHP serial extension verified to the yesterday released PHP 5.4.4 and 5.3.14.
2012, June 7th:
PHP version jump to 5.4.3 and 5.3.13, the PHP serial extension verfied and runs fine.
2012, March 5th:
On March 1st, the first day of the Spring, PHP 5.4.0 was released. The PHP serial extension needed re-compilation, runs OK on this new version. Is available as a separate package download.

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Custom software developing services

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Interested? Contact me for a talk!

PHP Serial Extension
PHP Serial Extension - Serial port communication extension for PHP

This is a loadable extension for PHP running on Windows implementingserial port handling and communications. Once installed in PHP environment you can programm PHP applications to control serial device hosted on server from remote location; these devices can be anything from video switcher, cameras pan/tilt, ham radios, media players, home automation boxes, GSM modems/terminals (send/receive SMS), only your imagination and needs are the limits.


rsterm - Serial terminal software for GSM & GPRS operations

rsterm is an easy to use serial terminal software built to speed up development or activities involving GSM modems, using standardized and custom AT commands. Special serial port handling controls are provided, and a big number of buttons to send individual AT commands to the modem, without the need to type them. Of course a terminal window is provided to see and inspect modem answers or type commands manually.


Easy Control
Easy Control - build Windows applications for serial and TCP/IP communications
Version 2.0

Easy Control is a script engine intended to build small to medium Windows application targeted to serial communication (that talk with devices connected to PC serial ports ) and TCP/IP communications. Application examples can be human interfaces for serial devices like microcontroller boards, ham radios, alarms, sound systems. General purpose Windows application can be easyly built too.
The script language is Basic like, typeless, very easy to learn and use.
Features a built-in editor with coloring syntax hilighting, autocompletition and parameter hints.
Windows GUI interfaces for applications can be built the free Rack Designer application (see below) which include a nice set of controls from analog voltmeters buttons, sliders, LCDs to a scope like display, with input, output or just for design purpose.
Applications can be built to run standalone, royalty free !

Platform : Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP


EzCom2Web 3.0 - web server for serial communications

Ezcom2web is a lightweight HTTP server and a script engine (like PHP or ASP) in one application . It is a very good tool to control a device connected on a remote PC serial port . In your web browser !
You can build a complete web interface for your RS232 device, for example for a home automation box, a remote camera, a ham radio.
More power can be obtained with the integration of the PHP (cgi version) script engine.

Platform : Win95/98/Me,NT,2000,XP.


Quick Texts
Quick Texts - Fast Copy & Paste

Quick Texts is an utility to speed up your editing process when using a lot of Copy & Paste operations of same texts. If you have to copy & paste during a day same texts like email signatures or standard answers, links, quotes, source code ... any text, you'll save a lot of time using this handy utility.

Platform : Win95/98/Me,NT,2000,XP.


gpstrackBB Blackberry tracking client application.


GPSGate Py
GPSGate Py Python client application for Telit GSM/GPRS/GPS modules


Wallpaper Slideshow
Wallpaper Slideshow
Version 1.1

Small utility for displaying your photos on of your desktop wallpaper in a cycling manner.

Platform : Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP


Outlook Express SMTP server bulk changer
Outlook Express SMTP bulk changer

Small utility to quickly change SMTP server in all or a subset of Outlook Express e-mail accounts.

Platform : Win95/98/Me,NT,2000,XP.


Rack Designer
Rack Designer - free GUI designer for virtual instrumentation
Version 2.0

Easy to use tool for building Windows GUI (Graphic User Interfaces) for Easy Control script engine.
With many controls available, and with its ease of use, you can build fast nice looking virtual instruments in minutes.

Platform : Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP



Download PHP Serial Extension

PHP Serial Extension - Serial port communication extension for PHP

Download versions:
for PHP version 5.2.0 to 5.2.17 (Apache VC6)
for PHP version 5.3.0 to 5.3.5 (Apache VC6)
for PHP version 5.3.6 to 5.3.18 (Apache VC9)
for PHP version 5.4.0 to 5.4.8 (Apache VC9)
for PHP-GTK2 (PHP 5.2.16 VC6 non-thread safe)
Unzip and read php_ser_reference.html file.
This trial has an intentional delay of seconds at port opening and a maximum of 1024 bytes read and write.
Unrestricted (no delay and no limited data transfer volume) version can be obtainedbuying it.

For free upgrades please contact me (customers only).

Download rsterm

rsterm - Serial terminal software for GSM & GPRS operations

For a free download CLICK here. Unzip and run rsterm.exe.
This trial is fully functional with only one limitation: work session are limited to two minutes, after that serial port is automatically closed. A news session can be started immediately re-opening the port.

After you try it, if you like this software and you want to see it improved you canbuy it here.

For free upgrades please contact me (customers only).

Download Easy Control

Easy Control - build Windows applications for serial and TCP/IP communications

For a free download CLICK here. Unzip and run ezctrl20.exe for setup.
This trial is fully functional with only one limitation: your applications run only a limited time.

After you try it, if you like this software and you want to see it improved you maybuy it.

For free upgrades please contact me (customers only).

Download Rack Designer

Rack Designer - free GUI designer for virtual instrumentation

For a free copy please CLICK here. Unzip and run rdes20.exe for setup.
This software is specificaly designed for use with Easy Control software above.

Download EzCom2Web

EzCom2Web - Remote PC serial ports in your web browser.

For a free trial run please CLICK here. Unzip and run setup.
After you try it, if you like this software and you want to see it improved you maybuy it.

For free upgrades please contact me (customers only).

Download Wallpaper Slideshow

Wallpaper Slideshow

For a free download CLICK here. Unzip and run wps11.exe for setup.
This trial is fully functional with only one limitation: only first 10 images are cycled.

After you try it, if you like this software and you want to see it improved you maybuy it.

For free upgrades please contact me (customers only).

Download Quick Texts

Quick Texts - Fast Copy & Paste

For a free download CLICK here. Unzip and run setup.exe.
This trial is fully functional with only one limitation: only 2 main texts and 2 subfolder are allowed.

After you try it, if you like this software and you want to use it unlimited you maybuy it.

For free upgrades please contact me (customers only).

Download Outlook Express SMTP server changer

Outlook Express SMTP server bulk change

For a free download CLICK here. Unzip and run qsc10.exe for setup.
This trial is fully functional with only one limitation: you are able to aply only first 2 locations.

After you try it, if you like this software and you want to see it improved you maybuy it.

For free upgrades please contact me (customers only).

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