
各个*input feature maps分别经过一个kernel的卷积结果相加,得到一个* output feature map:

Output feature map’s shape

Convolution layer

Convolution layer的output feature map的shape与下列变量有关:
- input feature map shape iii
- kernel size k" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">kkk (usually odd)
- zero padding ppp
- stride s" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">sss

Name kkk p" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">ppp sss o" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">ooo
no zero padding & unit stride 000 1" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">111 (i−k)+1(i−k)+1(i − k) + 1
unit strides 111 (i−k)+2p+1" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">(i−k)+2p+1(i−k)+2p+1(i − k) + 2p + 1
Half (or same) paddings 2n+12n+12n+1 ⌊k/2⌋=n⌊k/2⌋=n\lfloor k/2\rfloor = n 111 i" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">ii i
Full padding k−1k−1k-1 111 (i+k)−1" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">(i+k)−1(i+k)−1(i + k) - 1

举例来说,下图表现了Half padding:

Fully-connected layers

Output shape与input shape独立。

:更多详细的数学运算上的关系可以看这篇paper:A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning.

Blocks & Deep neural network

Deep eural Netword由于其deep的特性具有很强的特征提取能力。整个Network的主要部分可以由多个相同的blocks依次串联而成。

以下图中的MemNet为例,red dashed box中的部分就是由基本的Memory Blocks串联成的:

下面提到的各种blocks有一个很关键的特征: they create paths (skip connections) from early layers to later layers.

Residual block & skip connection

Residual block中使用一个skip conncetion,将一个conv layer的input连接到output,即增加了一个identical mapping

- easier to learn the expected mapping
- alleviate the gradient vanishing problem

Dense Block

在一个dense block的内部,每一对*layers之间都有从前向后*的连接。
也就是说,若一个block内有mmm个layers,则连接总数为m(m−1)2" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">m(m−1)2m(m−1)2\frac{m(m-1)}{2}。

growth rate: 每个layer产生的feature map数量叫做growth rate。
设这个数字为kkk,则一个block的内部的第l" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">lll个layer的输入feature map数量为k0+k×(l−1)k0+k×(l−1)k_0 + k \times (l-1),其中k0k0k_0为整个block接受的输入数量。

- alleviate the gradient vanishing problem
- strengthen feature propagation and encourage feature reuse: as info about the input or gradient passes through many layers, it can vanish and “wash out” by the time it reaches the end (or beginning) of the network
- reduce the number of parameters: because there is no need to relearn redundant feature-maps, DenseNet layers are very narrow
- regularing effect: it reduces overfitting on tasks with smaller training set sizes

Resiudual Dense Block

Review of Residual Block and Dense Block

Resiudual Dense Block

ResDenseBlock←ResBLock+Dense BlockResDenseBlock←ResBLock+Dense Block\text{ResDenseBlock} \leftarrow \text{ResBLock} + \text{Dense Block}

之后加了1×11×11 \times 1的Conv,用于feature fusion。

Residual Dense Network

网络architecture如下,该网络实现SISR (single image super resolution)任务。

- LR为输入的low resolution图像
- 前两层conv为shallow feature extraction net (SEFNEt),用于提取浅层信息
- 中间为residuaal dense blocks和dense feature fusion (DFF)
- 最后是用于放大的up-sampling net (UPNet)

从卷积到residual dense network: Convolution, ResNet, DenseNet and ResDenseNet解读相关推荐

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